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        검색결과 5

        2019.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present work is aimed at evaluating the kinetics and dynamic adsorption of methylene blue by CO2- activated carbon gels. The carbon gels were characterized by textural properties, thermal degradation and surface chemistry. The result shows that the carbon gels are highly microporous with surface area of 514 m2/g and 745 m2/g for resorcinol-to-catalyst ratios of 1000 (AC1) and 2000 (AC2), respectively. The kinetics data could be described by pseudo-first-order model, with a longer duration to attain equilibrium due to restricted pore diffusion as concentration increases. Also, AC1 exhibits insignificant kinetics with fluctuating adsorption with time at concentrations of 20 and 25 mg/L. However, AC1 reveals a better performance than AC2 in dynamic adsorption due to concentration gradient for molecules diffusion to active sites. The applicability of Yoon–Nelson and Thomas models indicates that the dynamic adsorption is controlled by external and internal diffusion.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The equilibrium and dynamic adsorption of methylene blue from aqueous solutions by activated carbons have been studied. The equilibrium studies have been carried out on two samples of activated carbon fibres and two samples of granulated activated carbons. These activated carbons have different BET surface areas and are associated with varying amounts of carbon oxygen surface groups. The amounts of these surface groups was enhanced by oxidation with HNO3 and O2 gas at 350℃ and decreased by degassing at increasing temperatures of 400˚, 650˚ and 950℃. The adsorption increases on oxidation of the carbon surface and decreases on degassing. The increase in adsorption has been attributed to the formation of acidic carbon-oxygen surface groups and the decrease in adsorption on degassing to their elimination. The dynamic adsorption studies have been carried out on the two granulated activated carbons using two 50 mm diameter glass columns at a feed concentration of 300 mg/L and at different hydraulic loading rates (HLR) and bed heights. The minimum achievable concentrations are comparatively lower while the adsorption capacities are higher for GAC-S under the same operating conditions. The adsorption capacity of a carbon increases with increase in HLR but the rate of increase decreases at higher HLR values.
        2003.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        폐기물 용액의 pH 변화에 따른 고정층에서 우라늄 및 코발트 이온의 흡착거동을 다성분 흡착시스템으로 가정하여 이론적으로 예측하였다. 즉 pH 변화에 따라 존재 분율이 달라지는 각 이온 성분들이 상호 경쟁적으로 흡착한다는 가정 하에서, 평형실험에서 얻어진 결과와 우라늄 및 코발트 이온의 용액특성 (Solution chemistry)을 상호 결합하여 각 이온 성분들의 Langmuir 평형상수 값을 Ideal Adsorbed Solution Theory를 도입하여 구하였으며, 이상의 결과를 이용하여 고정층 파과곡선을 이론적으로 계산한 결과 pH 변화에 따른 흡착거동을 비교적 잘 예측할 수 있었다 따라서 본 연구에서 시도한 방법은 이온 농도와 pH가 높은 경우를 제외하고 pH 변화에 따라 용액 내에 이온의 형태가 다양하게 존재하는 흡착 시스템을 이론적으로 예측하는 데 비교적 유용하게 사용할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.
        2003.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Based on the previous results of the equilibrium and batch adsorptions, the removal efficiency of the two-step surface-modified activated carbon (2ndAC) for heavy metal ions such as Pb, Cd, and Cr in fixed column was evaluated by comparing with that of the as-received activated carbon (AC) and the first surface-modified activated carbon (1stAC). The order of metal removal efficiency was found as 2ndAC 〉 1stAC 》 AC, and the efficiency of the 2ndAC maintained over 98% from the each metal solution. Increase of the removal efficiency by the second surface modification was contributed to maintain favorable pH condition of bulk solution during adsorption process. The removal of the heavy metals on the 2ndAC was selective with Pb being removed in preference to Cr and Cd in multicomponent solutions and slightly influenced by phenol as the organic material.