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        검색결과 6

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the context of the rapid development of information technology and the continuous transformation of work patterns, the phenomenon of work-related electronic communication during non-working hours has become increasingly prevalent, and its impact on employees has become an important research topic. This study conducted in-depth interviews with 18 employees from different industries and job levels, and used open coding and axial coding to conduct an in-depth analysis of the interview results to construct the relevant main categories and content framework. Based on this, a questionnaire was designed and 526 valid questionnaires were obtained through the Questionnaire Star platform. Subsequently, through reliability analysis, exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, a systematic and comprehensive measurement dimension system was finally constructed. This system includes two first-level indicators of internal personal traits and external communication situations, and is further subdivided into six second-level indicators and eight third-level indicators. The scale system constructed in this study provides a scientific empirical basis for enterprises in managing work-related electronic communication during non-working hours, helps enterprises gain an in-depth understanding of the behavior patterns and ability characteristics of employees in this context, and thus optimize management strategies. At the same time, employees can also better understand their own situation based on this scale system, and then adjust their own behaviors and mindsets in a targeted manner to achieve a balance between work and life.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Electronic document communication based on a digital channel is becoming increasingly important with the advent of the paperless age. The electronic document based on PDF format does not provide a powerful customer experience for a mobile device user despite replacing a paper document by providing the content integrity and the independence of various devices and software. On the other hand, the electronic document based on HTML5 format has weakness in the content integrity as there is no HTML5 specification for the content integrity despite its enhanced customer experience such as a responsive web technology for a mobile device user. In this paper, we design the Document-HTML, which provides the content integrity and the powerful customer experience by declaring the HTML5 constraint rules and the extended tags to contain the digital signature based on PKI. We analyze the existing electronic document that has been used in the major financial enterprise to develop a sample. We also verify the Document-HTML by experimenting with the sample of HTML electronic communication documents and analyze the PKI equation. The Document-HTML document can be used as an authorized electronic document communication and provide a powerful customer experience in the mobile environment between an enterprise and a user in the future.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This paper aims to explain how storytelling becomes interlinked with social media and the conceptual consequences this development implies. In recent years the interest in storytelling has increased within the marketing discipline. Parallel to this development, the traditional media landscape has been subjected to change as a result of digitization and particularly the expansion of social media. Even though the social nature of these media and its associated electronic word of mouth seem to be well aligned with storytelling, extant literature exhibits few attempts to review the storytelling concept in relation to social media. Based on such a review, the contribution of this paper is condensed into six theoretical propositions that point out how storytelling is expected to become increasingly common and dynamic in social media. Therefore, storytelling is suggested to represent a managerial challenge with regard to professional organizations’ marketing approaches but simultaneously allow for increased customer intimacy for those actors who develop successful ways of attracting the interest and engagement of social media users.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In today’s digital world the role of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) communication has been recognized as an invaluable tool in the integrated marketing communications and promotion activities of a wide range of products and services. In particular eWOM has been identified as a critical component of tourism and entertainment marketing such as that used to promote theme park amusement services. This paper examines the effects of social media (SM) relationship variables (Social identity, information, interaction, structure) have on eWOM communication, with mediators of social networks (Perceived usefulness - PU, perceived ease of use - PEOU and actual use -AU) acting as transmitters of those effects. Although previous studies have strongly supported the importance of social identity and personal interaction in enhancing eWOM communication through social networks, they have not been tested as a specific model that is relevant to the theme park industry. This research therefore incorporates those three mediators to enhance the explanatory value of a proposed model. The findings confirm the mediating role of technology acceptance model (TAM) factors, i.e. PU, PEOU and AU, for predicting theme park visitors’ use of eWOM. It is shown that all four exogenous SM relationship variables exert a positive indirect effect on eWOM communication by operating through PU and AU, but not PEOU. Practically, the study features the role of a set of factors that support theme park visitors’ tendency to communicate their experiences to their online network and describes a model which could offer theme park and amusement venue operators a competitive edge over other direct competitors as well as other forms of entertainment.
        2014.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is a study on what kind of effect non-verbal communication in mobil electronic commerce has on purchase intention and visual attention. For this purpose, the screen of mobile shopping mall produced arbitrarily was exposed to the experimental group and the control group. The experimental group was exposed to the screen of mobile shopping mall that expressed non-verbal communication making use of cinemagraph images and the control group was exposed to the screen of mobile shopping mall based on still images. For the study, survey research and experimental research were conducted simultaneously. Data of survey research were analyzed by MANOVA and t-test, and by using eye-tracker experimental research recorded the duration of time that the subjects stared images. The results of experiment show that in non-verbal communication the experimental group that saw cinemagraph images recorded shorter average staring time than the control group that saw ordinary images, and the cinemagraph had statistically significant effect on visual attention as well. And it was analyzed that non-verbal communication had significant effect on the purchase intention of the experimental group, but had no effect on the purchase intention of the control group. The results can be interpreted that the people who saw cinemagraphs in mobile shopping environment had spent shorter time in seeing products than the people who saw ordinary images, but still the former came to have purchase intention on the products. The results of the present study can be useful for marketers who try to sell agrifood in mobile environment.