동양학 관련 학술용어가 로마자로 표기될 때는 음역법을, 영어로 표기될 때는 의역법을 사용하게 된다. 로마자 표기인가, 영어 표기인가에 따라 매우 다른 방법을 사용하게 된다. 그러나 이 두 외국 문자나 언어로의 치환은 우리의 동양학 고유의 학술용어를 온전히 외국인에게 전달하기에 부족하다. 한국에서만 사용되는 한국학 용어는 국내적 문제에 머물지만, 한국을 벗어나 동양 한자문화권이 공동으로 사용하는 한자로 이루어진 어휘라면 이 문제는 동아시아 한자문화권 국가 전체의 문제로 바뀐다. 본고는 이러한 현실 속에서 현재 사용되는 있는 로마자 표기법과 영어 번역법의 문제점을 찾아보고, 새로운 로마자 표기 방법 혹은 영문 표기 방법을 모색해 보았다.
Kim, Kyung Suk. 2004. The Portrayal of Korea in an English- English Dictionary. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea, 12(2). This paper examines the sentences relevant to Korea which were found in a search of an English-English dictionary to see how they portray Korea. One hundred nineteen sentences were obtained from the CD-ROM version of Collins-Cobuild English Dictionary for Advanced Learners (2001) and they were judged as to whether they present positive, neutral, or negative images. The majority of the sentences (73/119) have neutral portrayals. Among the remaining sentences, 12 are positive and 34 are negative. When the data are sub-categorized into three groups, it becomes obvious what the positive and negative sentences in the data reflect in general. Nine positive sentences out of the total 12 positive ones are relevant to the activities/people of the Republic of Korea. Twenty-four of the negative sentences include the generic expressions of Korea referring to both South and North Korea (e.g., Korean peninsula or Koreans) or phrases referring to North Korea more explicitly. When we look more closely at the negative sentences, it is found that they are mostly related to the political tension or military conflicts between South and North, which happened quite a while ago and which we have fully recovered from. In order to prevent those sentences from leaving a potentially bad imprint on the users of the dictionary, we need to give feedback to the publisher about the results of this line of research and ask them to replace the sentences with positive/neutral sentences when they update the dictionary.