
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 가로수 식재환경 및 생육 상태를 조사하여 가로환경 생육공간의 합리적인 개선을 위한 기초 자료를 제공하기 위하여 그 목적으로 서울시 관악구 가로수의 지상부 및 지하부 생육환경 등을 조사하여 개선방안의 주요 결과를 요약하면다음과 같다. 토양 비옥도는 상업 및 업무가로와 일반생활 및 생태네트워크가로의 측정 결과 치환성 양이온 중 Mg의유의확률이 0.05보다 작은 0.01이므로 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있고 그 외 나머지 pH, 유기질, K, Ca, Mg, Na,양분 보존능, 염기 포화도는 구시가지와 도심에 따른 유의확률이 0.05보다 커 차이가 없어 일반적으로 가로유형에따라 비옥도 차이는 없는 것으로 사료된다. 토양경도는 상업 및 업무가로의 평균토양 경도지수는 보호판이 설치된지역이 21.5, 미설치된 지역은 35.5이었으며 일반생활 및 생태네트워크가로는 보호판의 설치지역이 24.5, 미설치지역은29.2로 나타났다. 또한 경도지수는 상업 및 업무가로와 일반생활 및 생태네트워크가로에 따른 유의확률이 0.05보다큰 0.741이므로 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없음을 알 수 있어 가로유형에 따른 차별성이 보이지 않고 있다.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study reduced and built Street Canyons created by skyscrapers in order to verify effect of Street Canyons by green wall within the city centre and analysed influence factors on temperature reduction according to applicative types of green wall in the lab. Applicative types were divided into three types such as non- greening type(Case A), one-side greening type(Case B), both side greening type(Case C). The result of analysis of each types showed that average temperature of Case B and Case C is respectively 1.0℃ and 1.7℃ lower than Case A. The result of analysis of WBGT was that the highest temperature was given by Case A(40.2℃) and second one was from Case B(39.8℃) and third one was from (39.1℃) and in UTCI Case A records the highest temperature of 34.7℃ and Case B provided the second highest temperature of 33.9℃ and Case B gave the lowest temperature of 32.7℃. In PMV the highest temperature of 2.65 was from Case B and second one of 2.61 was from Case A and third one of 2.54 was from Case C. Duncan analysis of each types based on solar radiation and thermal comfort generated that there was analytical significance between Case A and Case B and Case B in terms of each types of average temperature reduction. The significance of thermal comfort in WBGT, MRT, PMV showed non-significance but, In UTCI it was analysed that there was significance between Case C and Case A.
        2011.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, thermal environment improvements throughout public design improvement project on the urban street space were compared and evaluated. Thermo-Render 3.0, 3D-CAD based thermal environment simulation program, had been used for thermal environment improvement evaluations. Followings are the results. First, clayey blocks which have low heat transfer rate and cool island effect by trees and roof gardens brought cooling effects for buildings and surface of streets. Seconds, MRT values showed low levels because of low radiant mulching materials. Thirds, roof gardens contributed to reduce heat island effect since HIP levels were affected by decreasing heat storage effect of buildings from roof gardens. As a result, reducing heat storage effect throughout selecting and arranging proper materials which would not increase heat island potentials should be performed to improve heat island effects.