As consumers’ interest in social responsibility (SR) has greatly increased in the last two decades, a growing body of academic research has examined the influence of consumers’ environmental consciousness on their attitudes and purchase intentions toward environment-friendly apparel products. Use of environment-friendly shopping bags (EFSB; recycled and reusable bags) is an example of how apparel retailers engage in SR. However, little research has examined consumers’ perceptions and their responses to the use of EFSB. To fill this research gap, this study examined the impact of young consumers’ perceptions of EFSB and environmental consciousness on their attitudes and purchase intentions toward apparel retailers using EFSB. An online survey was conducted for data collection. A convenience sample of 212 college students was obtained from a large mid-Southern university in the U.S. A simple linear regression analysis was conducted to test all hypotheses. Results showed that young consumers’ perceptions of EFSB positively influenced their environmental consciousness and their attitudes toward apparel retailers that use EFSB, which led to purchase intentions toward the retailers. Findings confirmed that young consumers placed a great degree of importance on EFSB and, therefore, would purchase apparel from retailers that use recycled or reusable shopping bags. These findings imply that providing EFSB is important in enhancing positive attitudes and purchase intentions toward apparel retailers.
This study set out to investigate consumers' attitudes toward pro-environment, and their actual purchasing behavior. It aimed to empirically examine the effects of the consumers' attitudes toward pro-environmental products, the importance of the product attributes and the perceived value of the companies' environmental activities, on their purchasing behavior of eco-friendly fashion products, including their satisfaction, trust, and repurchase intention. The questionnaires were administered on 304 married women with previous experience of buying eco-friendly fashion products. The results were as follows. First, the consumers' behavioral patterns in terms of environmental concerns and the purchasing of eco-friendly household items were significantly positive in relation to the purchasing behaviors of eco-friendly fashion products. Second, the importance of eco-friendly attributes was significantly positive in relation to the purchasing behaviors of eco-friendly fashion products. Third, the perceived value of corporate environmental activity was not related to the purchasing behaviors of eco-friendly fashion products. Finally, the purchasing behavior of eco-friendly fashion products was significantly positive in relation to the satisfaction with eco-friendly fashion products as well as the trust and repurchase intention, and satisfaction and trust positively affected the repurchase intention. The implication of the research and direction for future study were discussed.
The purpose of this study is to observe the influence mother's pro-environmental consumption behavior have on the adolescents' environment-friendly attitudes and adolescents' pro-environmental consumption behavior. Also by examining the variable relation, the study scopes out the effectiveness of environmental experience. For the analysis, high school students in Korea were gathered from online and multiple regression analysis, and Baron and Kenny mediation analysis were conducted among a total of 521 surveys. The main findings are as follows:
First, mother's pro-environmental consumption behavior were proven to be essential factors that have influence on the adolescents’ environment-friendly attitudes. Second, mother's pro-environmental consumption behavior were proven to be essential factors that have influence on the adolescents’ pro-environmental consumption behavior. Third, mediating effect of adolescents' environment-friendly attitudes was verified in the relationship between mother's and adolescent's pro-environmental consumption behavior. The findings suggest the importance of adolescents' environment-friendly attitudes and improve adolescent's pro-environmental consumption behavior by having practice mother's pro-environmental consumption behavior.
The purpose of this study is to make a Result analysis on the free inquiry Method of elementary school student. also, this study investigates how free inquiry activities effect the science Process skills and environment-friendly attitudes of elementary school student For this study 150, sixth year, elementary school students from Busan city were selected.
The inquiry examined the effectiveness of each of the following free inquiry methods: the PBL inquiry, the Project inquiry, the IIM inquiry, the small group inquiry and the science notebooks inquiry. The students were divided into groups in which they incorporated the respective methods into their practice.
Test showed the following results.
The environmental class which applies a free inquiry method(PBL inquiry, Project inquiry, IIM inquiry, small group inquiry and science notebooks) was effective in science process skills improvement.
Second, The environmental class which applies a free inquiry method((PBL inquiry, Project inquiry, IIM inquiry, small group inquiry and science notebooks) was effective in environment-friendly attitude improvement.