Because the inner environment of greenhouse has a direct impact on crop production, many studies have been performed to develop technologies for controlling the environment in the greenhouse. However, it is difficult to apply the technology developed to all greenhouses because those studies were conducted through empirical experiments in specific greenhouses. It takes a lot of time and cost to develop the models that can be applicable to all greenhouse in real situation. Therefore studies are underway to solve this problem using computer-based simulation techniques. In this study, a model was developed to predict the inner environment of glass greenhouse using CFD simulation method. The developed model was validated using primary and secondary heating experiment and daytime greenhouse inner temperature data. As a result of comparing the measured and predicted value, the mean temperature and uniformity were 2.62°C and 2.92%p higher in the predicted value, respectively. R2 was 0.9628, confirming that the measured and the predicted values showed similar tendency. In the future, the model needs to improve by applying the shape of the greenhouse and the position of the inner heat exchanger for efficient thermal energy management of the greenhouse.
Korea's protected horticulture is rapidly increasing in scale due to various advantages such as year-round harvesting, labor savings through automation and shortened culture period, and greater income generation. This study was conducted to investigate the impact of protected horticulture on water quality. The results of this study are expected to provide basic data contributing to improvements towards sustainable agriculture and eco-friendly design of protected horticulture complex. The average T-N and T-P loads from vinyl greenhouses were 286.55± 143.98 mg/L and 59.14±13.77 mg/L, respectively and those from glass greenhouses 380.68 ± 150.41 mg/L and 61.85±20.72 mg/L. The annual discharge of wastewater derived from the monthly discharge from the horticulture greenhouses were estimated at 2597 ton/ha, with the annual phosphorus load amounting to 155.3 kg/ha. The average T-N and T-P loads in the tested greenhouse effluents were in excess of 8.3- and 13.5-fold the standards for the Korean wastewater plant effluent. The waste nutrient solution discharged from a protected horticulture complex can cause water contamination. Therefore, there is a need to conduct follow-up research using a water purification system or a trench method to develop a eco-friendly protected horticulture complex for sustainable agriculture.
Humans are provided with a wide range of public benefits from ecosystems and agricultural ecosystems. But the establishment of the horticulture complex is a space that hampers the public ecosystem. Therefore, we have evaluated the creating landscape function of the horticulture complex and found improvement. A total of 20 landscape slides were used for the study. Korea-paddy field, Korea-vinyl greenhouse, Korea-glass greenhouse, Japan-vinyl greenhouse and Netherlands-glass greenhouse were selected as 4 slides. The evaluation used the AHP method and 10 adjectives Likert which compares 20 landscape slides. Four Korea-paddy fields were rated highly positive images. All 10 adjectives can be selected as representative images of production scenes. In most adjectives, four scenes of KVG1, KVG2, KVG3 and KVG4, which are the Korea-greenhouse scenes, were evaluated as negative images. Netherlands and Korea-glass greenhouse scenes and Japan-vinyl greenhouse scenes were generally positive images. In conclusion, it is confirmed that glass greenhouse scenery is higher than vinyl greenhouse scenery. And Japan and Netherlands scenery are higher and better than Korea. Therefore, JVG1 in Japan and NGG3 in the Netherlands were proposed to be set as landscape improvement targets.