정부는 시장실패 방지, 정보의 비대칭성 완화, 자원의 효율적 배분 등 다양한 목적을 가지고 시장에 개입하여 민간기업의 기술혁신을 지원해 왔다. 2000년대 들어 국가 연 구개발 예산이 급격히 증가하면서 기업에게 지원되는 정부재원도 비례하여 증가해왔으나 정 부의 재정지원이 효과적이고 바람직한 정책목표를 달성했는지에 대해서는 분명하지 않다. 본 연구는 이러한 문제인식 하에 국내․외 관련 논문과 정책연구 보고서, 리뷰 페이퍼 등을 종합적․체계적으로 분석하여 다양한 정부 재정지원에 대한 문제점을 살펴보고자 하였다. 국․내외 총 168편의 연구를 체계적 문헌분석과 컨텐츠 분석을 활용하여 정책 부가성, 지원 방식, 기업규모, 분석단위(unit of analysis), 분석대상, 연구방법론과 데이터 등 다양한 관점 에서 입체적으로 분석하였다. 문헌 간 교차 비교를 통해 다수의 중복 수혜, 재정지원과 정책효과 간의 구조적 시차, 재정지원 효과의 비선형성, 정책간의 간섭과 교호작용, 폐쇄형 혁신 과 제조업에 최적화된 조세제도 등이 현재 정부 재정지원의 문제점으로 분석되었으며, 이를 해결하기 위한 정책개선 방향으로 행동 부가성을 고려한 재정지원사업 성과지표 개발, 정부 부처 간 정책협력과 조율 강화, 다양한 상황을 고려할 수 있는 정책혼합(policy mix) 도입, 디지털 혁신․서비스 연구개발 등 새로운 형태의 기술혁신에 맞는 기업 재정지원 방식, 데이 터에 기반 한 증거기반 정책강화 등을 제시하였다.
The research is to evaluate the statistical difference between K-GAAP(Generally Accepted Account Principles) in 2008 year and K-IFRS(International Financial Reporting Standards) in 2012 year. H Motor Company, S Electronics and L Electronics are the three representative firms adopting K-GAAP and K-IFRS in Korea. The x2 homogeneous test are used to identify the reduction of the number of account items of four financial statements such as Statement of Financial Position(SFP), Statement of Comprehensive Income(SCI), Statement of Cash Flow(SCF), and Statement of Change in Equity(SCE) between K-GAAP and K-IFRS.
This study examines the relationship between gender diversity (women on the board and women on the audit committee) and a firm’s financial stability. The ordinary least square analysis was used to determine the relationship. To measure the financial stability of Malaysian suspect firms, i.e., firms with the lowest positive earnings, the Altman (1993) Z-Score measurement was utilized. The results indicate that women on the board are significantly and negatively associated with the firm’s financial stability. That is, they are related to low financial stability, which contradicts the agency and resource dependence theories. Regarding women directors on the audit committee, there is no significant relationship with financial stability, meaning that they cannot protect the company against financial distress. These results are robust and do not change when using different measurements of gender diversity, one-year lag of independent variables, and other methods of analysis, namely random effect panel data. This study is the first to alert policymakers, stakeholders, researchers, and society in general to the need to re-evaluate and strengthen the role of women directors in improving firms’ financial stability, particularly in emerging economies like Malaysia.
The purpose of the study is to find the factors that influence the financial leverage of Vietnam firms. The dependent variable is the financial leverage and the independent variables are firm size, asset structure, liquidity, growth opportunities, profitability, and firm age. The data are collected from Vietnam firms’ annual financial reports in the period from 2010 to 2019. The study uses a sample of 448 Vietnam listed firms in the period. We also employ a panel regression model with pooled OLS and fixed effect to analyze the firms’ financial data. The results of the model showed that financial leverage (FL) has a negative relationship with some factors such as asset structure (AS), liquidity (LQ), growth opportunities (GRW), profitability (ROA), and firm age (AGE) in the fixed effect regression. It means that when liquidity, profitability, and firm age increase, firms’ financial leverage will decrease. While firms’ financial leverage has still a positive relationship with the firm size (SIZE) in the model. As a result, when firm size increases, financial leverage will increase, too. The results showed that models are fit for the research and can be used to predict future findings. It is also useful for enterprises, financial advisors, investors, as well as the financial managers.
2008년 9월 미국의 서브프라임 모기지 부실에 의한 리먼브러더스 사태로 시작된 글로벌 금융위기가 세계 건화물해운시장에도 영향을 끼쳐 건화물 물동량 감소와 선박의 공급과잉으로 세계 건화물해운산업과 조선산업에 심각한 불황을 유발하였다. 이러한 상황에서, 국제 경제의 동향에 민감한 한국경제의 구조 여건상 한국의 건화물선해운기업(또는 건화물선사)도 2008년 이후 현재까지 어렵게 경영을 헤쳐가고 있다. 이와 같은 심각한 불황과 그 여파로 건화물선사의 수익이 급감 할 수밖에 없게 되었으며 열악한 재무구조로 인해 경영이 부실해지고 급기야 도산과 파산하는 해운기업이 속출하게 되었다.이러한 점을 고려하여 동 연구는 2008년 글로벌 금융위기를 기점으로 2005년부터 2007 년까지와 그 후 2010년부터 2012년까지로 기간을 선정한 다음 한국의 외항 건화물 해운기업을 건전기업과 부실기업으로 구분하여 두 기업집 단 간의 주요 재무비율에 어떠한 변화와 차이가 있었는지 t 검정을 통해 분석하였다. 실증분석에서 두 집단 간에 차이를 보인 주요 재무비율 로는 수익성비율과 성장성비율이다. 본 연구의 의의는 첫째, 해운기업 경영에도 역시 재무건전성에 대한 체계적인 관리가 중요하며 이를 위해 수익성이 높은 화물을 계약하는 영업전략이 중요하다. 둘째, 선박의 효율적인 운항 및 관리로 성장성이 지속되는 기업으로 경영해야 한다는 것이다.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to find out the impact of financial leverage on firm’s profitability in the listed textile sector of Bangladesh. Research design, data and methodology: A sample of 22 DSE listed textile firms has been used to conduct the study. In this study, firm profitability is measured by Return on Equity (ROE) and both short term debt and long term debt are used as the as proxies of financial leverage. Pooled Ordinary Least Squares (OLS), Fixed Effect (FE), and Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) models have been used to test the relationship between financial leverage and profitability of firms. Result: This study finds a significant negative relationship between leverage and firm’s profitability using the Pooled OLS method. The result is also consistent with the fixed effect and GMM method. This result implies that firm’s profitability is negatively affected by the firm’s capital structure. Conclusion: The study concludes that maximum textile firms use external debt as a source of finance as they don’t have sufficient internally generated funds. This study recommends that firm should give more emphasize on generating fund internally to meet up their financing needs.
The research aims to investigate the impact levels of determinants on the conversion of financial statements from Vietnamese accounting standards (VAS) to International financial reporting standards (IFRS) in the multinational firms in Vietnam. The method of data collection was done through the survey and subjects are accountants in Multinational Firms doing business in Hanoi and ten neighboring provinces. After checking the information on the votes, there are 170 questionnaires with full information for data entry and analysis. We use Cronbach’s Alpha, EFA analysis and run regression model to investigate the impact levels of each independent variable on dependent variable of the conversion of VAS financial statements to IFRS. The results show that five determinants including Economic, Politics, Law, Culture, and Conditions for implementation have positive relationships with the conversion of VAS financial statements to IFRS. In particular, Economic determinant is the most strongest. Based on the findings, some recommendations are given for improving the conversion of VAS financial statements to IFRS of multinational firms doing business in the context of Vietnam. The results are considered a useful reference for firms when making financial statements to transparently change the financial statement information and improve the quality of financial statement information.
The paper aims to evaluate the combination of strategies that influence the success of New Technology Based Firms (NTBFs) located in isolated areas with resource constraints. We utilize the Kauffman Firm Survey to construct a subset of 224 firms operating in primary metal manufacturing industries and who are located in non-thriving areas. We focus on the impact of technological strategy, in the form of Inward Technology Licensing (ITL), combined with financial strategy, in the form of increased financial slack. Using a negative binomial-specification technique to model these relations, we find that ITL positively impacts internal innovation in the firm and this relation is strengthened by the presence of greater financial slack. This positive impact of financial slack supports the behavioral theory of the firm rather than agency theory in that financial slack enables further innovation rather than stifling it. This research confirms the importance of resource acquisition, suggesting that entrepreneurs may utilize external sources of knowledge in an effort to build a favorable situation when facing the challenges of location. Finally, by presenting evidence showing the compatibility of a financial strategy with a knowledge strategy (ITL), this study emphasizes the importance to entrepreneurs of choosing the proper combination of varying strategies.
Global rating agencies, such as Moody’s and S&P, have assigned credit ratings to corporate bonds issued by Japanese firms since 1980s. Local Japanese rating agencies, such as R&I and JCR, have more market share than the global raters. We examine the yield spreads of 1,050 yen-denominated corporate bonds issued by financial firms in Japan from 1998 to 2014 and find no evidence that bonds rated by at least one global agency are associated with a significant reduction in the cost of debt as compared to those rated by only local rating agencies. Unlike non-financial firms, the reputation effect of global rating agencies does not exist for Japanese financial firms. We also observe that firms with less information asymmetry are more likely to acquire ratings from Moody’s or S&P. Additionally, the firm’s financial profile does not affect its choice to seek out ratings from global raters. Our findings are contradictory to those by Han, Pagano, and Shin (2012), who employ bonds issued by non-financial firms in Japan. Our conjecture is that the asymmetric nature of financial firms makes investors less likely to depend on a credit risk assessment by rating agencies in determining the yields of new bonds.
Purpose – This paper explores the determinants of bank lending to firms during and after the global financial crisis using firm- and bank-level data to answer the questions what caused the contraction of lending to firms despite the loosening monetary policy during this crisis period.
Research design, data, and methodology – We investigate the effects of the monetary policy that followed the global financial crisis on firms borrowing. We use a dynamic panel model to address how firms lending respond to monetary policy. The data are obtained from CRETOP and we consider the manufacturing sector for the analysis to control for unobserved heterogeneity such as industry-specific shocks.
Results – The findings from the empirical analysis suggest that both bank- and firm-level characteristics are significant determinants of bank lending. Especially, we find that corporate risk, measured by default risk, is one of the key factors that led to a decline in lending during the crisis.
Conclusions – This paper shows that companies borrow more from liquid banks, and high bank capital can also contribute to an increase in a firm’s borrowing from banks. Especially, the results confirm that the default rate measured at the firm level has increased during and after the global financial crisis, which implies that default risk interplays with other firm and bank-level characteristics.