금융 지식은 금융 역량을 구성하는 핵심 요소 가운데 하나로서, 금융교육의 궁극 목표인 금융 웰빙 달성에 긍정적으로 기여한다. 실제로 개인의 금융 지식은 그 사람의 다양한 금융 행위와 금융 태도에 영향을 미친다. 본 연구에서는 일상생활의 돈 관리에서의 위험 감수도 와 금융 지식 사이의 관계를 탐색하기 위해서 800명의 성인을 대상으로 수집한 자료를 분 석한다. 우리나라 성인의 금융 지식은 100점 만점에 평균 57.14점이며, 남자가 여자보다 평균 6.5점 높다. 학력, 직업, 투자 경험, 주택 소유, 경제기사 읽기, 소득이나 재산 상태에 따라 금융 지식 수준도 유의하게 다르다. 응답자들은 대체로 주가의 변동성이 크며 인플레 이션으로 인해 예금의 구매력이 하락한다는 사실을 알고 있는 반면에, 채권과 관련한 지식 이 미흡하다. 그리고 최대 수익을 위해 위험을 기꺼이 감수하기보다는 적당한 수익을 보장 하는 안전한 투자를 선호하는 경향이 있다. 추정 결과에 따르면 금융 지식과 위험 감수도 사이에 유의한 관계가 있어, 금융 지식 수준이 높은 사람일수록 높은 수익률을 위해 손실 위험을 기꺼이 감수하려는 성향이 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 객관식 문항으로 측정한 실제 금융 지식보다는 본인이 스스로 평가한 인지 금융 지식이 위험 감수도와 더 밀접한 관계를 지닌다. 여자보다는 남자의 위험 감수도가 높다. 마지막으로 금융 지식 수준이 높은 사람이 중요한 금융 의사결정을 할 때 가족이나 전문가로부터 조언을 구하는 경향이 있다.
본 연구에서는 금융교육 자료의 질적 향상을 위해 콘텐츠를 체계적으로 관리하고 개발 하기 위한 제도적 개선방안을 모색한다. 금융역량 지도와 관련된 선행 연구를 바탕으로 우리나라에 적합한 금융역량 지도를 개발하고, 현재 활용 중인 금융교육 콘텐츠의 내용 및 분포를 분석한 후 개발이 시급한 금융교육 콘텐츠 영역이 무엇인지 알아본다. 이와 같은 목적을 위해 생애주기별 단계를 아동기, 청소년기, 청년기, 중·장년기, 노년기의 5단계로 구분하며, 각 단계마다 내용 영역을 가계재무 관리, 자산 관리, 신용 관리, 위 험 관리, 금융 활용, 생애 재무설계의 6개로 구분한다. 콘텐츠 분포를 확인한 결과, 가 계재무 관리 주제에 대한 교육자료는 아동기, 청소년기 대상으로 다소 있을 뿐이며, 연 령대가 높아질수록 자료가 부족해진다. 수입과 지출에 대한 교육자료도 연령대가 높아 질수록 부족해짐을 발견할 수 있다. 예산 계획을 수립하고 이행하는 것과 관련된 콘텐 츠는 전 연령대에서 거의 개발되지 않은 상태이다. 디지털 금융과 관련된 자료는 노년 기를 대상으로 가장 많이 개발된 데 비해, 실제로 디지털 금융을 활발히 사용하는 청년 기, 중·장년기를 대상으로 하는 자료는 상대적으로 드물다.
Most Korean companies in the fashion industry are SMEs, and the role of the CEO and management ownership is important for enhancing the firm’s competence and developing strategies. The study aims to examine the effect of management ownership on company financial growth. In particular, the study focuses on the moderating effect of company age and size on Korean fashion SMEs’ financial outcomes. Financial data based on company financial statements from 2012 to 2014 was collected by the Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System of Korea’s Financial Supervisory Service. A total of 295 companies’ (domestic fashion businesses) data was analyzed by the bootstrap method. The median sales value in the financial year 2014 was 47,492,403,958 KRW, and the company size was divided by it. The companies were in business for an average of 20 years. According to the results, the management ownership had a negative effect on Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) for the three-years, and the relationship between the two variables was moderated by company age. Additionally, the interaction effect of management ownership and company age on 3-CAGR was also moderated by company size. When the companies had spent only a few years in business, a negative effect of management ownership for small firms and a positive effect of management ownership on financial growth for medium firms were found. These results suggest that small companies starting business need to manage their company governance structure to make flexible decisions, and after retaining financial growth, the companies can expand their businesses based on strong ownership.
2008년 제1차 해양쓰레기 관리기본계획이 수립된 이후, 해양쓰레기 발생을 억제하기 위한 정책은 어느 정도 성과를 나타냈으나, 해양쓰레기의 과학적 조사, 해양쓰레기 대응센터, 부처간 협력 등 관리기반 측면에서는 문제점을 나타냈다. 해양쓰레기가 하천을 통해 지속적으로 유입되고 있다는 점에서 부처간 협업적 거버넌스와 안정적 재원확보는 중요한 정책적 과제이다. 본 발표에서는 우리나라 해양쓰레기 관련 관리기반 현황을 살펴보고, 거버넌스 및 재원을 중심으로..
Priority rules or sequencing heuristics conventionally used to determine resource allocation is to maximize the earned value on time and cost. This study provides a effective strategy-oriented approach for the program resource management problem with limi
Since the beginning of 2020, Corona-19 has broke out and spread around the world. In order to control the epidemic, China has adopted a series of measures such as delaying the resumption of work and production of enterprises, compulsory closure of restaurant and entertainment business, which have effectively contained the spread of the epidemic to a large extent. However, a series of policies in response to the epidemic have also traumatized the economy. In particular, it has caused great difficulties to the operation of small and medium-sized enterprises. This article conducted a questionnaire survey on the status of SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) affected by the epidemic. The results of the survey show that 85% of SMEs have a cash balance that is able to support operation for less than 3 months, indicating that SMEs have a high risk of financial vulnerability, and most SMEs face the risk of capital disruption and crisis. The central and local governments have successively issued hundreds of policies to help small and medium-sized enterprises overcome the difficulties. In addition to the well utilization of supporting policies of the government, small and medium-sized enterprises should seek self-help and development based on their own particularly on the working capital management. In this process, small and medium-sized enterprises need to be more conservative, pay attention to reducing expenditure, try to save cash by negotiation and signing agreements etc. and set scientifically credit conditions, use the Internet to strengthen cooperation, expand sales channels and smoothly survive this difficult epidemic period.
The study aims to investigate the implementation of the internal quality assurance system (IQAS) on HEIs performance, mediated by financial management accountability. The commitment from foundation leadership on financial management accountability and their implications for HEIs’ performance is also carefully examined. This study employs samples of 108 respondents from the leadership of private HEIs under Region IV Service Institutions. The purposive sampling, as a part of non-probability sampling was chosen as the sampling technique. Statistical data analysis conducted by use the structural equation model to test the hypothesis. The results reveal that the implementation of IQAS does not influence the financial management accountability, but it has an essential role on HEIs’ performance. Moreover, foundation leadership’s commitment has a significant positive effect on financial management accountability and HEIs’ performance. Financial management accountability also has a significant positive effect on HEIs’ performance. Financial management becomes important because the entire activities of HEIs should end with financial reporting. Therefore, financial and non-financial aspects are two interrelated and complementary aspects in the accreditation process. The findings of this study suggest that that performance measurement is very crucial as a part of the efforts to meet the general accountability requirement for organizations, particularly in HEIs.
The purposes of this research were: 1) to investigate the effect of participatory management on financial information asymmetry, 2) to investigate the effect of corporate governance on financial information asymmetry, 3) to examine the influences of benefits incentives on financial information asymmetry, and 4) to test the mediating effects of benefits incentive that influences the relationship between participatory management, corporate governance, and financial information asymmetry. The research sample consisted of 388 Thai-listed firms. Data were collected through a survey questionnaire. Descriptive analysis, Multiple Regression Analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling were used for the data analysis. The results revealed: 1) participatory management and participation in evaluation had a negative influence on financial information asymmetry. 2) Corporate governance and the rights of shareholders had a negative influence on financial information asymmetry. 3) Benefits incentive was negatively associated with financial information asymmetry. 4) The model’s influences of participatory management, corporate governance on the reduction of financial information asymmetry through benefits incentive as mediator fit the empirical data (Chi-square = 104.459, df = 84, p = 0.065, GFI = 0.967, RMSEA = 0.025). The variables in the model explained 78.00% and 4.70 % of the variance of benefits incentive and financial information asymmetry, respectively.
This study investigates the application of management information systems to the quality of local government financial reports, especially the principle of transparency and the law of accountability, which have been measures of financial statement performance evaluation. The study was conducted in Enrekang Regency, Indonesia, which, based on the results of the examination, the Supreme Audit Board reported the status of Disclaimer, Fair with Exceptions, and Fair without Exceptions for three years each. This study used a sample of 35 respondents, finance department employees who worked on local government financial reports. Descriptive quantitative data were collected using a questionnaire instrument, then with the assistance of the Program Solution and Product Statistics (SPSS) Program, data were processed to test hypotheses. The results showed that the use of management information systems based on information and communication technology (ICT) had a significant influence on the quality of local government financial reports. The findings of this study indicate that the application of ICT-based management information systems affects the accountability and transparency of local government financial reports. This finding is reinforced by the use of the principles of government agility in the form of government apparatuses that apply responsive dexterity, flexibility agility, and competency agility.
The purpose of this study is to explore and empirically analyze the factors affecting the financial performance of Korean small- and medium-sized manufacturing companies, which are relatively insufficiently researched, in terms of human resource management (HRM). In particular, this study intends to examine the human resource management activities focusing on the individual influences of workers’ attitudes on systems and policies as well as jobs and organizations. This study reviews previous research and discussions on the human resource management system, as well as the organization and job-related attitudes and financial performance of workers, for the formulation of two hypotheses. Among the HCCP data, the hypothesis was verified through reliability and correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression analysis for small- and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises. The results show, firstly, that human resource systems and systems have the same effect, but there were differences in the degree of impact. Secondly, job satisfaction has a statistically significant influence on financial performance. Lastly, all worker/employee attitude determinants are statistically significant for both job satisfaction and organizational commitment. HRM, previously relatively overlooked, provided theoretical and practical implications by demonstrating the direct impact on financial performance and the impact of individual human resource management systems and policies.
The study aims to investigate the roles of financial education (FE) as a moderator to financial attitude (FA), parental financial socialisation (PFS), and financial literacy (FL) to ensure the success of prudent financial management practices (PFMP) among Malaysian youth. The study was designed quantitatively and employed self-administered questionnaires, which were adopted from previous studies and distributed to 480 youths in Malaysia. The data were analyzed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to test hypotheses of the study. The results showed FA, PFS and FL have significant and positive relationship with PFMP. However, as regards moderating interaction of FE, results showed that FE does not significantly moderate the relationship between FA, PFS and FL with PFMP. The results further highlighted serious concerns on the effectiveness of FE towards improving youth capability in managing their financial affairs prudently. This proved that mandated FE prior to graduation has less effect and does not lead to behavior changes among Malaysian youth. It shows the challenges faced by the country stakeholders to strengthen FE, enhance the effectiveness and encompass the right FE elements to ensure today’s young Malaysians are able to apply what they learned in the classroom to their real life.
A model is presented in this paper to provide understanding of the supply chain integration and supply chain information practices’ impact on the manufacturing industries. The supply chain information practices play a crucial role in sharing information between the members of SC network. Thus, it is important to develop a comprehensive understanding of the differences and similarities among ISI and information management. It will allow firms to systematically evaluate and carefully choose the information strategy. The empirical findings of this research offer essential and interesting insights about what role SCI, supply chain information and Supply chain ISI play in determining Malaysia’s financial performance. The theoretical gaps addressed in this study are of significant importance, since a little empirical evidence is available regarding system infrastructure and supply chain information management’s effectiveness. This research provides further paths of exploring system infrastructure and information management, thereby defining the manufacturing industries’ next step in SCM struggle i.e. modifying total integrated SC principle in other manufacturing firms. The Resource-based theory discovered organizational resources as an essential organizational success ingredient. Therefore, in order to recognize its potential value, internal resources, for instance, information system and management must be fully utilized.
The paper aims to investigate the linkage among prior financial performance, organizational reputation and earnings quality. Firstly, it examines the influence of prior financial performance on organizational reputation and on earnings quality. Secondly, this research explores the moderating role that prior financial performance plays in the causal relationship from organizational reputation to earnings quality. Thirdly, the mediating role of organizational reputation in the effect of prior financial performance on earnings quality is analyzed. The empirical findings show that, prior financial performance positively affects both earnings quality and organizational reputation that in turn partly mediates the causal connection from prior financial performance to earnings quality; whereas prior financial performance imposes a positive moderation in the influence of organizational reputation on earnings quality. This research is expected to provide scholars and practitioners with a thorough understanding of the complex link among prior financial performance, organizational reputation and earnings quality. That helps them to deliver good decisions on the investment of suitable resources in maintaining and enhancing their organizational reputation, which assures a higher quality of reported earnings that in turn improves involved stakeholders’ confidence in their firm. This likely leads the firms to gain better performance in the future.
Purpose To mislead shareholders – about a firm’s actual economic performance, managers frequently manage dividends. Earnings management also affects performance reviews. Managers attempt to manage reported earnings caused by current economic events to accurately reflect their current performance.
Research design, data, and methodology – The sample consisted of 312 company-years from companies in the pharmaceutical distribution industry listed on the Tehran Stock Exchange. A study period from 2004 to 2014 was selected. In this study, a model for measuring the performance of the net profits to total assets of a division of Jones was used to measure earnings management.
Results – This study found a negative correlation between corporate performance and earnings management.
Conclusions – The results for the earnings management company indicated a significant inverse relationship. Therefore, the company’s performance weakened as its earnings management activity increased. In other words, the results showed that the company’s performance-based accruals earnings management, the actual management of profits, and the general level of earnings management had significant inverse relationships. Thus, as the company’s profits declined, earnings management activity increased.
본 연구의 핵심은 유역별 통합관리에 필요한 재원을 중앙과 지방정부 그리고 유역내의 지자체간에 어떠한 기준으로 분담하느냐를 다루는 것이다. 이를 위하여 본 연구에서는 재원의 배분을 유역 내의 이수, 치수, 수질개선에 따른 분담원칙과 이를 현실적으로 적용할 공통기준과 개별기준을 설정하고, 설정된 기준에 대한 가중치를 계층적 의사결정기법을 통하여 산정하였다. 재원분담 방안을 유역별로 적용한 결과, 합리적인 재원의 조달 방법이 유역별로 매우 상이함을 발견하였다