본 연구는 국역 유산기 분석을 통하여 전통사회의 지식인들의 산림휴양문화를 조명하였다. 국역 유산기에 실린 유산기 99편을 6하 원칙에 의거 분석하여 조선시대의 산림휴양문화의 주체, 시기, 장소, 동기 등을 밝혔으며, 유산기 내용분석을 통해 산림휴양 주체들의 행위를 인간의 오감 기준으로 분류하고, 그 결과를 감성적, 이성적 변화로 나누어 정리하였다. 조선시대 지식인들은 주로 20~30대의 젊은 시기와 나이든 50대 후반 이후 노년의 시기에 행한 유산활동이 많았으며, 계절적으로는 주로 봄과 가을에 산수자연에서 유산활동을 즐겼던 것으로 나타났다. 또한 조선 지식인들이 찾은 산수자연은 전국적으로 유명한 명산을 포함하여 자신이 거주하는 지역의 산 등이 골고루 분포하고 있었다. 그 이유로는 첫째, 평소의 산수 경관의 감상과 유람에 대한 욕구 둘째, 지인의 권유와 약속 셋째, 심신수양과 휴식과 위로를 얻기 위해 넷째, 관리로서의 부임지에서 근처 지역에 대한 산수유람에 대한 욕구 순으로 나타났다. 유산기를 통해서 본 조선 지식인들의 가장 많은 행동은 시각적 행동으로서 경관 감상이었다. 결론적으로 전통 사회인 조선시대에는 산림휴양문화, 즉 산수자연에 대한 유람이 학문의 연마와 심신수양의 보편적인 문화로 받아들여졌으며 조선시대 지식인들의 산림휴양 활동은 오늘날 휴양 프로그램에 반영할 수도 있는 고급 휴양문화 행위라는 것이다. 또, 산수자연에서 다양한 경험을 체득하여 감성적 이성적 깨달음으로 승화하는 지식인의 모습을 통해 오늘날 우리의 전통적 산림휴양문화의 원류와 현대적 계승의 요소를 발견할 수 있었다.
This research seeks ways to convert the landscape resources of rural village forest into a tourist resource. The study area was restricted to rural village forests in the city of Namwon; we selected 10 village forests using the evaluation indicators of size, landscape, accessibility, connectivity, historicity, and enhancement possibility. We selected five historic/cultural type groves among the preselected village groves as final target areas for planning and then carried out an analysis of their current status and conditions, which has been included in this research. For Naein village forests, themes concerning the winds of Inpoong-ri and the poongchinadae form of feng shui were used. For Haengjeong village forest, preferentially considered ecological of carpinus laxiflora but that introduced the Dokkaebi, which concerns village forest legends. In the Sagok village forest, the beauty of old pine trees and the champan (vice minister) forest were symbolized; in the Jeonchon village forest, the Battle of Hwangsan was symbolized by connecting it to a location in the neighboring village, the Hwangsan Battle Monument site. The themes of Walgil village forest included the historical culture of the village forest, such as Cheonikseong (a person’s name), a famed doctor who practiced good deeds, stonepiles (stacking of stones), and the pine resin delivery of the Japanese colonial era (the Japanese collected resin from the pines). The tourism resources of village forests is expected to provide residents with a amenity space for relaxation and leisure activities and visitors with a space to experience history and culture.
This study examines the forest recreation culture of Joseon intellectuals through the Yusangi (遊山記; literary works on sightseeing along the forest) translated by the Korea National Arboretum among Yusangi written in the 18th century. This study aimed to identify the forest recreation culture of the Joseon period and to explore success factors of the modern forest culture by understanding how the intellectuals saw, felt and responded to the nature by analyzing the content of Korean translation of Yusangi. The contents of the 18th century Yusangi was analyzed according to the 5W1H principle and its meanings were assumed. Specifically, this study analyzed time and reason of visit to nature, activities, their emotional feelings and changes in rational thinking of the people who recorded the Yusangi. Major findings were as follows. Most of the writers of Yusangi were intellectuals who were the ruling classes of the time. The places visited included not only the famous mountain of the whole country but also the local areas where they resided and the areas where they worked as officials. They were often looking for arithmetic to leave the excursion in order for studying mind-set and longevity during their 20s and 30s, or to spare time in their 50s and 60s. Findings from analysis of tourists' behavior as sensory behavior and general behavior included various visual behaviors, such as observing fish in the stream and stars in the night sky, as well as their appreciation of the scenery. In addition, auditory behaviors, such as paying attention to the sound of nature and appreciating musical instruments, and olfactory behaviors were also appeared. Typical activities were poetry writing, water activities, and nature activities. As a result of these behaviors, Yusangi exhibits various emotional feelings and expressions of rational thoughts. Despite moderation of emotional expressions, expressions of delicate emotional thoughts stimulated modern empathy. The tradition of forest recreation as a culture of Joseon intellectuals in the 18th century will be no less favorable to the modern forest recreation culture and will be a good traditional resource for enriching our forest recreation culture.
This study investigates the users’perception of the importance and performance of National Recreation Forest Service Programs quality, forest environmental education and cultural benefits, with the aim of improving the level of service quality within the programs.
An Important-Performance Analysis (IPA) was performed to determine significant patterns. The IPA results showed that most users’perceived as important how well the service programs performed to meet their expectations.
The enclosed study finds, for example, users’answered that three factors which were less important to them were entrance fee, size of program center or facilities and amount of information. These factors performed poorly, and the program of guidance indicates the need for improvement of these factors.
In addition, the finding also suggests how recreational service programs in the future can complement and improve what they offer. These are as follows. The process of preparation and content of the program order need to be effectively established. The Program Director needs to maintain a friendly attitude and must have ongoing training on how to provide effective programs. For programs to be enjoyable and satisfying for users, the location of the programs should provide a comfortable environment. Also, detailed program guidance is required for users’ convenience.
It is expected that the results of this study will be useful when ameliorating and establishing the marketing strategy of the National Recreation Forest Service Programs.