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        검색결과 10

        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 연구는 집단 간 양극화가 정책 갈등이 지속되는 요인임을 밝혀 사 회적 갈등을 어떤 방식으로 해결해 나가야 하는지를 알아보고자 하였다. 정책 갈등 지속에 영향을 미치는 원인을 규명하기 위해 퍼지셋 질적 비 교분석을 통해 우리나라의 대표적인 갈등 사례를 분석하여 정책 갈등을 지속시키는 요인과 지속시키지 않는 요인을 분석하였고, 정책 갈등과 거 래비용 이론 및 행위자들의 전략적인 행위를 우리나라 대표적인 갈등 사 례를 바탕으로 갈등이 지속되는 인과조건에 대한 분석을 시도하였다. 분 석 결과 집단의 양극화가 심화됨에 따라 갈등 지속 기간이 길어졌음을 확인했고, 집단 내 동질화가 집단 간 이질화를 심화시킨다는 것을 밝혀 냈다. 우리나라의 대표적인 갈등 사례를 분석하여 갈등이 지속되는 주요 원인을 규명해냈으며, 현실 문제에 적용할 수 있는 시사점을 제시하였다.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 의료분야 사용자 혁신을 아이디어 도출-연구개발-상용화 및 창업의세 단계로 분류하고, 각 단계별로 혁신의 성공에 미치는 핵심요인의 조합을 30개 국내 사례에 대한 퍼지집합 질적 비교분석을 통해 파악했다. 아이디어 단계에서는 사용자 인적 네트워크상에서 그 가치를 평가하고, 연구개발 단계로의 이행을 위한 자원을 제공해 주는 것이 중요했다. 연구개발 단계에서는 급진적 혁신은 기술역량, 자원 접근성, 정부지원이 모두 갖추어져 있거나 우수한 혁신 네트워크에 아이디어가 도입된 경우 발생했다. 상용화/창업의 경우급진적 혁신은 연구개발과 같이 세 조건이 모두 갖춰진 경우 발생했으며, 점진적 혁신은 기술역량이 탁월한 개인이 소규모 정부지원 또는 주변 자원을 활용해 이루어졌다. 민간기업의사용자 혁신 전략과, 정부 지원 정책의 효과, 효율성을 모두 제고할 수 있는 사용자 혁신의틀을 제공했다는 점에 현실적 의미가 있다. 학술적으로는 사용자 혁신 단계별 핵심요인 조합을 규명하고, 퍼지집합 질적 비교분석방법을 적용한 첫 연구라는 의의가 있다.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The present study focuses on the construct of entrepreneurial alertness, investigating the external antecedents of the construct, responding to the call for more research pledged by Tang, Kacmar, and Busenitz (2012). Namely, we examine how receiving feedback, awards and collaboration offers in relation to an individual’s hobby activity influences the development of entrepreneurial alertness dimensions. Additionally, we make a contribution by testing the effect of these external factors in a non-entrepreneurial context of homebrewing communities, that is individuals producing beer at home as a hobby. In line with other form of craft activities, this context has demonstrated a high potential for business start-up development due to the increasing number of new small brewing businesses in North America run by entrepreneurs that were previously homebrewers (Carroll & Swaminathan, 2000). We test our tenets within the complexity theory, where configurations of antecedents are examined in order to gain deeper understanding of the possible outcome (Woodside, 2014), using 213 completed questionnaires. We apply fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA, Ragin 2000; 2008) to achieve a holistic overview of the examined interrelationships (Ordanini, Parasuraman & Rubera, 2015). We find that high feedback is a sufficient condition for high scanning and search, association and connection, as well as evaluation and judgement activities of entrepreneurial alertness. Without feedback, people at the hobby stage engage in their leisure activities solely because they like it. However, receiving feedback in relation to their hobby outcomes provides an opportunity for individuals to develop and experience additional motivations beyond enjoyment, where they understand that the hobby could be commercialized and bring monetary rewards. Moreover, we find that an individual receiving low amount of awards but high amount of collaboration offers may also have high entrepreneurial alertness. Since individuals receive rewards related to the excellent performance in their leisure activity, it may not provide any cue for a potential transformation into a business. However, the more collaboration offers people receive, the more likely they get involved in scanning and search, association and connection, and evaluation and judgement activities of entrepreneurial alertness. Therefore, they are likely to conduct additional search, connect bits of available information and evaluate this business opportunity (Gaglio & Winter, 2009). The findings of this study could help entrepreneurs reflect on their decisions and behaviours during the business start-up planning process, and measure their entrepreneurial alertness and the extent of readiness to engage in business venturing.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The paper investigates the Brain Drain in Chinese family business based on a sample of 319 family businesses in China. Using a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to uncover different combinations of conditions (pay and welfare, work environment, management style of the leaders, and career planning) that are sufficient to achieve high and low brain drain. The results show that pay and welfare is a necessary but not a sufficient condition by itself to achieve high brain drain. The findings show that three causal recipes are equifinal in achieving high brain drain. The first causal recipe combines high work environment with low level of career planning and with high pay and welfare. The second combines low work environment with high level of career planning and with high pay and welfare. Finally, the third combines high work environment with high level of management style of the leaders and with high pay and welfare. The study also found two causal configurations that are equifinal to achieve low brain drain. Moreover, these combinations are not a mirror of the combinations founded for high brain drain. This study offers several implications to both researchers and business practitioners: It is acquired that in order to prevent brain drain, the pay and welfare of employees should be raised while the management philosophy should pay attention to humans in the first place. Secondly, the leaders need to improve their own quality so as to strengthen the management of family businesses. Finally, a refined human resource system needs to be established. After brain drain, enterprises should perfect their contract constraining mechanism and, bring in suitable talents promptly so that the loss is minimised.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study addresses the influence of corruption on firm innovation in Chinese market. Using both the logit model and a fuzzy-set analytical approaches based on a new official sample of 2700 privately-owned and 148 state-owned firms over the period of 2011 to 2013, the study add further evidence to growing methodological consideration regarding complexity theory. The results show a significant negative effect of corruption on firm innovation, additional, firm sale and education and market have a positive bearing on innovation activity. However, the government ownership firms have a negative and significant effect on innovation. The findings have important implication for theory, practitioners and policy-making and shed light on a new perspective to focus on the long run effect of corruption.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The management of the New Service Development (NSD) process remains a key research priority for service organizations. As a diverse mix of team members with different skills, perspectives and backgrounds participate in development teams and close collaboration is required among them, conflicts are likely to arise among team members. Different team members perceive conflict episodes in a different way and often embrace different conflict management behaviours and orientations (e.g. competing, avoiding) to deal with them. This study recognises NSD team as a complex system, through which individual members’ conflict management style choices enable team developmental dynamics, which sequentially lead to intragroup conflict resolution. Although a lot of work exists around the role of individual members’ conflict management styles, little research scrutiny is attracted on how teams solve intragroup conflicts and even limited empirical evidence is available regarding the linkages between individual and team factors can contribute to resolve intragroup conflicts. The present study taking under consideration the causal complexity, asymmetry and idiosyncratic nature of NSD conflict resolution, utilizes Complexity theory and leverages the advantages of fs/QCA in order to shed light on the NSD intragroup conflict resolution. Data was collected from employees in several service industries such as advertising, financial, insurance, consulting, IT services and telecommunications providers. The results confirm the major tenets of Complexity theory highlighting that any attempt to examine complex phenomena, such as NSD conflict resolution, as simple ones, based on symmetrical methodological approaches, may lead to simplistic and distorted explanations. In fact, the results demonstrate that there is not a ‘one fits all’ solution in order to solve NSD conflicts. Different facets for both the conflict-management styles and team dynamics act in various combinations in order to predict high scores in NSD conflict resolution.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: Nighttime driving is very different from daytime driving because drivers must obtain nighttime sight-distances based on road lights and headlights. Unfortunately, nighttime driving conditions in Korea are far from ideal due to poor lighting and an insufficient number of road lights and inadequate operation and maintenance of delineators. This study is conducted to develop new standards for nighttime road visibility based on experiments of driver perception for nighttime visibility conditions. METHODS : In the study, perception level and satisfaction of nighttime visibility were investigated. A total of 60 drivers participated, including 34 older drivers and 31 young drivers. To evaluate driver perceptions of nighttime road visibility, fuzzy set theory was used because the conventional analysis methods for driver perception are limited in effectiveness for considering the characteristics of perception which are subjective and vague, and are generally expressed in terms of linguistic terminologies rather than numerical parameters. RESULTS : This study found that levels of nighttime visibility, as perceived by drivers, are remarkably similar to their satisfactions in different nighttime driving conditions with a log-function relationship. Older drivers evaluated unambiguously degree of nighttime visibility but evaluations by young drivers regarding it were unclear. CONCLUSIONS : A minimum value of brightness on roads was established as YUX 30, based on final analyzed results. In other words, road lights should be installed and operated to obtain more than YUX 30 brightness for the safety and comfort of nighttime driving.
        2017.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        산업의 발달로 인하여 플라스틱의 수요가 증가되고 있다. 산업현장과 가정에서 사용 후 배출되는 폐플라스틱은 많은 환경 문제를 야기 시키고 있으며, 이를 해결하기 위하여 적극적인 폐플라스틱 재활용 방안이 제안되고 있다. 폐플라스틱의 효율적으로 재활용하기 위해서는 재질별 선별이 이루어져야 하며, 재질별 선별을 위한 기술 개발은 지속적으로 이루어져 왔다. 최근에는 폐플라스틱의 재질별 선별에 근적외선분광법(NIR 선별기)가 가장 널리 사용되고 있으며, 우수한 재질 분류 성능을 보인다. 그러나 검정색 폐플라스틱의 경우 근적외선의 빛을 흡수하여 재질인식을 하지 못하는 단점을 가지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 근적외선분광법의 단점을 보완하기 위하여 분광기의 일종인 레이저유도플라즈마 분광기를 이용하여 검정색 플라스틱의 재질별 선별을 위하여, 플라스틱 고유의 스펙트럼을 획득한다. 분광기를 통해 얻어진 스펙트럼은 주성분분석법(Principal Component Analysis; PCA)을 이용하여 데이터 전처리(Preprocessing) 과정을 거친 후 입력 데이터를 얻는다. 데이터 전처리 과정을 통해 획득된 입력 데이터를 이용하여 플라스틱의 재질 인식을 위한 패턴 분류기로 퍼지집합 기반 신경회로망(Fuzzy-set based neural networks)을 이용한다. 퍼지 집합 기반 신경회로망은 퍼지 집합과 신경회로망의 장점을 결합한 퍼지 신경회로망의 일종으로 입력변수의 차원이 높은 경우에 좋은 성능을 보이는 신경회로망이다.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Smartphones change the picture of data and information sharing and make it possible to share various real-time flooding data and information. The vulnerability indicators of farmland inundation is needed to calculate the risk of farmland flood based on changeable hydro-meteorological data over time with morphologic characteristics of flood-damaged areas. To find related variables show the vulnerability of farmland inundation using the binary-logit model and correlation analysis and to provide vulnerability indicators were estimated by fuzzy set method. The outputs of vulnerability indicators were compared with the results of Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) for verification. From the result vulnerability indicators are applicable to mobile_based information system of farmland inundation.