Irrigation with saline water of rivers and groundwater reservoir into paddy field cause decreases rice production depending on water salinity. The purpose of this research was to determine the critical concentration of water salinity for provision of a basic information on the stable rice production in west costal area of Honam region. A greenhouse experiment was conducted at the 13 levels of saline water [0.01(control) 0.03, 0.05, 0.08, 0.10, 0.13, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.30, 0.50, 0.70, 1.00%] in transplanted rice using c.v. Cheongho and tolerance to different water salinities was evaluated at three growth stages of the rice plant such as [(35 DAT:Tillering), (81 DAT:Heading), and (106 DAT:Ripening)], respectively. Increasing water salinity significantly decreased grain yield and the higher in salinity the severe effect on yield reduction. The growth responses to water salinity varied at different growth stages of rice. At 35 DAT, increased water salinity decreased plant height and number of tillers significantly. Higher water salinity delayed the days to heading by 2 days (0.05%), 4 days (0.08%) and 7 days (0.1%). The critical water salinity at 35 DAT was below 0.08%. At 81 DAT, Cheongho survived at 0.10 and 0.08% salinity, respectively. However, at water salinity levels above 0.10%, the yield components such as number of panicles and number of spikelet decreased drastically. Thus, it was suggested that the critical water salinity at the mid-stage (tillering~heading, 81 DAT) was 0.05%, At 106 DAT, based on yield index that gives above 50% grain yield, the 0.05% salinity showed the lowest 61.1% grain yield of 19.2 g/plant as compared with the highest grain yield of 31.4 g/plant at 0.01% (control).
본 연구는 홍수기 유량측정의 어려움을 극복하고자 물 과 비접촉식으로 유속을 측정하여 유량을 산정하는 전 자파표면유속계(microwave water surface current meter, MWSCM)의 성능개선 제품인 범용 MWSCM에 대하여 소개하고자 하였다. 기존에 사용 중인 MWSCM은 홍수 용으로써 연중 활용도가 낮아 이것의 이용성을 높이고 자 성능을 개선하였다. 유속측정 범위를 확장하여 평∙ 갈수기에도 하천 유량측정이 가능하게 하였다. 즉 기존 홍수용 MWSCM의 유속측정 범위가 0.5~10.0 m s-1이 었던 반면, 금번에 개발된 범용 MWSCM은 0.03~20.0 m s-1로 홍수기 및 평수기 측정이 가능하도록 성능을 개선하였다. 이를 위해서 사용주파수의 변경(10 GHz → 24 GHz), 안테나 및 송수신부 회로가 새롭게 설계 제작 되었다. 이와 더불어 기존 홍수용 MWSCM 사용자들의 개선요구사항-기기 경량화, 유속 안정화, 자체점검기능, 저전력, 방수 및 방습-을 파악하여 반영함으로써 현장에 서 유량을 측정하기에 용이한 기기로 개발하였다.
The number of viable microorganism in drinking water was monitored according to storage temperature and storage period. The number of general bacteria in underground water was 10²-10^5CFU/ml and that of coliform group was decreased after 7days. The number of general bacteria in bottle water was increased until 7days but decreased after that day. Coliform group in bottle water were detected only 1 sample. The number of general bacteria in purified water was 10³-10⁴CFU/ml and 10²-10⁴CFU/ml at 8 and 25, respectively. Coliform group were not detected in purified water.
The Characteristics of water catchment terrain on the cut-slopes of general nation road was analyzed. As the water catchment terrain increased the frequency defects on slopes are increased, and it shows a linear increase pattern.
As a results of analyzing the location of water catchment terrain, when the intersection line of water catchment terrain located in the slopes the frequency defects were higher then it located top of slopes. also the types of defects were different.
홍수기유량측정의어려움을극복하고자물과비접촉식으로유속을측정하여유량을산정하는전자파표면유속계를개발하여실무에적용하고 있다. 기존에 사용 중인 전자파표면유속계는 홍수용으로 연중 활용도가 낮아 이의 활용도를 높이고자 전자파표면유속계의 성능개선을 통하여 유속측정범위를확장하여평․갈수기에도하천유량측정이적용할수있게하였다. 즉기존홍수용전자파표면유속계의유속측정범위가0.5∼10.0 m/s이었던 반면, 금번 개발된 고성능 범용 전자파표면유속계는 0.03∼20.0m/s로 홍수기뿐만 아니라 평수기에 유속측정이 가능하도록 성능을 개선하였다. 전자파표면유속계를 이용한 저유속의 측정을 위해서 필요한 요소를 조사한 결과, 송신신호의 수신단 유입을 차단하여 저유속의 미세한수신신호에대한검출능력을향상할수있도록송수신격리도의개선, 이와함께공진기의위상잡음특성개선이저유속의검출에필수사항 임을파악하였다. 따라서이를감안하여안테나의송신부와수신부가분리된안테나를개발함으로써송수신격리도를개선하였고, 기존공진기의 위상잡음특성을개선하기위하여위상고정주파수합성기를공진기로적용함으로써저유속검출성능을개선하였다. 또한고성능범용전자파표면 유속계의 사용편의성 증진을 위하여 안테나의 소형, 경량화 제작을 가능토록 하고자 사용주파수(10 GHz→24GHz)를 변경하였다. 이와 더불어 기존전자파표면유속계사용자들의개선요구사항-측정유속안정화, 자체점검기능, 저전력, 방수방습-을반영함으로써현장에서유량측정하기에 간편한 기기로 개발하였다.