The study was conducted to evaluate the effects of Hericium erinaceum Powder (HEP) on the quality characteristics of Jook. The proximate composition of HEP was as follows: moisture, 6.10%; crude protein, 32.69%; crude lipid, 4.63%; crude ash, 11.40%; and carbohydrates, 45.18%. Each sample contained 3, 6, and 9% Jook of Hericium erinaceum Powder (JHEP) compared to the control and their physicochemical properties assessed. As the level of HEP increased, there was a significant decrease in pH (p<0.05) and significant increase in total acidity (p<0.001). In addition, L and a values decreased, whereas b value increased with increasing addition of HEP. The Jook showed lower spreadability and higher viscosity values as its content increased. According to the results, addition of HEP positively affects the quality characteristics of Jook.
Roll milled- and nano-powders were prepared from the freeze dried fruiting bodies of Hericium erinaceum and their hydration properties such as water solubility index, swelling capacity, water holding capacity, and water sorption isotherm were compared. Water content in freeze dried Nano-powder of Hericium erinaceum fruiting body was 8.17%. Nano-powder has higher water solubility index compared to roll mill powder by 58.41% and 39.06%, respectively. In the same way, swelling capacity of nano-powder was 10.21ml/g where as roll mill powder has only 4.42ml/g. In contrast, water holding capacity of nano-powder (3.87g/g) is lower than that of roll mill powder (6.81g/g). Water sorption isotherm of these powders was compared and the result shows no big difference at low relative humidity (below75%). However, a high relative humidity above 75%, these two kinds of powder showed comparable difference. At 84.34% relative humidity, roll mill powder has 30.41% of moisture content compared with 47.64% of nano-powder, and at the relative humidity of 97.3%, the moisture content of roll mill and nano-powder are 37.64% and 91.06% respectively.