본 논문의 주요 내용은 曹雪芹의 소설 『紅樓夢』을 소재로 각색한 청대 시기 희곡 중에서, 극작가 吳鎬의 『紅樓夢散套』에 대해 고찰한 것이다. 吳鎬의 『紅樓夢散套』는 청대에 각색한 홍루몽 희곡에서 통시적으로 중간 시기에 위치한 작품으로, 극작가가 소설 원작에 대한 비평 적 태도를 드러내는 동시에 다른 홍루몽 희곡 작품에 대한 스스로의 평가가 각색을 하게 된 주요 출발점이 되었음을 밝히고 있는 점이 흥미롭다. 극작가가 이러한 태도를 구현하는 주요 각색 방법은 『紅樓夢散套』의 체제와 구성을 분석하고, 극중 인물의 배치와 운용을 분석하는 것을 통해 찾아 볼 수 있다. 먼저 극의 내용을 120회 『紅樓夢』의 주요 이야기 전개 축선을 그대로 유지하는 것으로 구성하여 원작의 색채를 존중하였고, 극 전개 상 주요 대목에서 여 성 인물을 초점화자로 설정하며 이들의 극중 역할 비중을 원작에 비해 확대하거나 축소하고, 또 역할의 성격을 변경하는 것 등을 통해 원작 및 기타 각색 희곡 작품과 구별되는 독특한 주제 의식을 형상화 하도록 하는 결과를 도출하도록 의도하였다. 『紅樓夢散套』의 극본은 여 러 차례 중복 간행하였고, 또 중국 이외 지역으로 전파되었는데, 특히 한국에서 소장하고 있 는 『紅樓夢散套』유일한 청대 홍루몽 희곡 작품으로, 희곡 각색을 통한 중국에서의 『紅樓夢』수용 경향을 확인할 수 있으며, 아울러 한국에서의 『紅樓夢』 전파 과정, 나아가 중국 고전 소설과 기타 장르와의 연관 관계를 연구하는 데에 있어서도 여러 가지 참고할 만한 측 면을 제공한다고 할 수 있다.
The study is an attempt to investigate on the features of using Idioms in "HongLouMeng", a Chinese literature. While classifying and analyzing idioms used in "HongLouMeng". The study conclude that there are two categories of the features of using Idioms in "HongLouMeng". One is the features in style such as number of letters and signal article. The other is the features in terms of content such as metaphor, replaceability and similarity. First, number of letters. Based on the number of letters, the idioms are classified into four-lettered idioms and non four-lettered idioms which consist of more or less than six letters. Chengyu(成語) is commonly four-lettered, while Suyu(俗 語) is mostly six lettered. Xiehouyu(歇后語) has the largest number of letters since it has to be considered with preceding and following letters. Second, signal articles. The articles such as ‘俗語說(Suyushuo)’ helps idioms to be clear with the intended meaning. Third, metaphor. As the almost every idiom is used as a figurative expression, idioms in "HongLoumeng" also tend to be has same effect. Forth, replaceability. Suyu(俗語) can be replaced by Chengyu(成 語) or Xiehouyu(歇后語) and vice versa. The virtue of the author's fluent commend of language allows the replaceability between idioms, in the way of using Chengyu(成語) or Xiehouyu(歇后語) to implicate Suyu(俗語). Fifth, similarity. Throughout "HongLouMeng" a number of idioms were replaced into similar expressions with same meaning which use a new word or rephrase the order of words. Idioms which contain same lessons and messages are also found numerous times with completely different structure and words. Replacing idioms instead of repeating exactly same expression shows the outstanding linguistic ability of author. The study on the five features would help to understand idioms in "HongLouMeng" more clear and make it much interesting. The author's fluent commend of language is worth to be consideredfrom various angles as it plays important role in a linguistic and a culturological points of view.
The study is an attempt to investigate on the features of using Idioms in "HongLouMeng", a Chinese literature. While classifying and analyzing idioms used in "HongLouMeng". The study conclude that there are two categories of the features of using Idioms in "HongLouMeng". One is the features in style such as number of letters and signal article. The other is the features in terms of content such as metaphor, replaceability and similarity. First, number of letters. Based on the number of letters, the idioms are classified into four-lettered idioms and non four-lettered idioms which consist of more or less than six letters. Chengyu(成語) is commonly four-lettered, while Suyu(俗 語) is mostly six lettered. Xiehouyu(歇后語) has the largest number of letters since it has to be considered with preceding and following letters. Second, signal articles. The articles such as ‘俗語說(Suyushuo)’ helps idioms to be clear with the intended meaning. Third, metaphor. As the almost every idiom is used as a figurative expression, idioms in "HongLoumeng" also tend to be has same effect. Forth, replaceability. Suyu(俗語) can be replaced by Chengyu(成 語) or Xiehouyu(歇后語) and vice versa. The virtue of the author's fluent commend of language allows the replaceability between idioms, in the way of using Chengyu(成語) or Xiehouyu(歇后語) to implicate Suyu(俗語). Fifth, similarity. Throughout "HongLouMeng" a number of idioms were replaced into similar expressions with same meaning which use a new word or rephrase the order of words. Idioms which contain same lessons and messages are also found numerous times with completely different structure and words. Replacing idioms instead of repeating exactly same expression shows the outstanding linguistic ability of author. The study on the five features would help to understand idioms in "HongLouMeng" more clear and make it much interesting. The author's fluent commend of language is worth to be consideredfrom various angles as it plays important role in a linguistic and a culturological points of view.