Sestrin-2 (SESN2) as a stress-metabolic protein is known for its anti-oxidative effects as a downstream factor of PERK pathways in mammalian cells. However, the expression patterns of SESN2 in conjunction with the UPR signaling against to ER stress on porcine oocyte maturation in vitro, have not been reported. Therefore, we confirmed the expression pattern of SESN2 protein, for which to examine the relationship between PERK signaling and SESN2 in porcine oocyte during IVM. We investigated the SESN2 expression patterns using Western blot analysis in denuded oocytes (DOs), cumulus cells (CCs), and cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) at 22 and 44 h of IVM. As expected, the SESN2 protein level significantly increased (p < 0.01) in porcine COCs during 44 h of IVM. We investigated the meiotic maturation after applying ER stress inhibitor in various concentration (50, 100 and 200 μM) of tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA). We confirmed significant increase (p < 0.05) of meiotic maturation rate in TUDCA 200 μM treated COCs for 44 h of IVM. Finally, we confirmed the protein level of SESN2 and meiotic maturation via regulating ER-stress by only tunicamycin (Tm), only TUDCA, and Tm + TUDCA treatment in porcine COCs. As a result, treatment of the TUDCA following Tm pre-treatment reduced SESN2 protein level in porcine COCs. In addition, SESN2 protein level significantly reduced in only TUDCA treated porcine COCs. Our results suggest that the SESN2 expression is related to the stress mediator response to ER stress through the PERK signaling pathways in porcine oocyte maturation.
미토콘드리아는 세포질 칼슘 항상성 및 ATP 생산에 중요한 역할을 하는 세포 소기관으로 이러한 미토콘드리아의 기능은 성숙과 수정 그리고 배 발달에 매우 중요한 역할을 한다. 미토콘드리아 칼슘 축적은 기능장애를 일으킨다. 그러나 돼지 체외성숙란 및 수정란에서 미토콘드리아 칼슘 변화의 관련성에 관한 연구는 보고된 적이 없다. 본 연구의 목적은 미토콘드리아 칼슘 지시자로 알려진 Rhod-2 염색을 이용하여 성숙란 및 수정란에서 미토콘드리아 칼슘 축적의 변화를 확인하였다. 형태학적 모습의 기준을 통해 난구세포의 세포층과 세포질의 균질도를 바탕으로 G1과 G2로 나누어서 체외성숙을 진행하였다. 이후 두 그룹에서 핵 성숙율을 비교하였을 때, G2가 G1에 비해 낮게 나타났다(p<0.001). 돼지 체외성숙란 및 수정란에서 평균적인 Rhod-2 spot 의 수는 G1보다 G2에서 더 많이 나타났다(6시간째 체외수정란: p<0.05). 다음으로 Rhod-2 spot 수에 따른 난모세포의 비율을 확인하기 위해 Rhod-2 spot 의 수를 4개의 군(n<10, 10≤n<20, 20≤n<30, 그리고 30≤n)으로 나누어 해당 난모세포의 비율을 확인하였다. 체외성숙란 및 체외수정란 모두 G1이 G2에 비해 10개 미만(n<10)인 Rhod-2 spot 의 수를 가지는 난모세포가 많았으며, 체외수정란에서는 유의적으로 높았다(p<0.05). 마지막으로 체외성숙란 및 수정란에서 Rhod-2 intensity 값을 측정하여 두 그룹을 비교하였을 때, G2가 G1에 비해 유의적으로 높은 것을 확인 할 수 있었다(성숙란; p<0.001 그리고 수정란; p<0.05). 본 연구의 결과를 토대로 돼지에서 미성숙 난포란의 형태학적인 품질은 체외성숙 및 체외수정 과정 동안 미토콘드리아 내 칼슘 축적과 관련이 있음을 확인하였다.
Zona pellucida (ZP), a primarily representative coat of mammalian egg and embryo, has an extremely heterogeneous morphology during different developmental stages. The objective of the present study was to compare the morphological changes of the ZP surface of immature, in vitro and in vivo matured canine oocytes by using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Canine ovaries were collected from local veterinary hospitals to recover immature oocytes. The ovaries were sliced and the released cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) were washed with TL-HEPES. The selected COCs were randomly divided into two groups, first group was processed immediately at immature state and the second group was processed 72 h after in vitro maturation, and compared with in vivo derived oocytes. Oocytes were fixed, critical point dried and examined under SEM. The diameters of oocyte and outer holes of the ZP were measured on a total of 249 oocytes; the results were analyzed using One-way ANOVA. Our results showed that, the diameter of immature oocytes significantly differed (p < 0.05) from that of in vivo matured oocytes (79.60 ± 0.77 μm vs. 101.46 ± 1.07 μm, respectively). Similarly, a significant difference (p < 0.05) in the diameters between those of in vitro and in vivo matured oocytes were found (79.51 ± 2.36 μm vs. 101.46 ± 1.07 μm, respectively). Moreover, the diameters of the outer holes of the ZP were significantly (p < 0.05) larger in in vivo matured (1.48 ± 0.42 μm) than in vitro matured for 72 and immature oocytes (1.10 ± 0.16 and 0.43 ± 0.12 μm, respectively). Taken together, these data indicates that the ZP surface is related to oocyte maturity in canine.
The objective of this study was to establish the effect of post-activation treatment with cytoskeletal regulators of CB, CB+CHX, CB+DC, CB+6’DMAP on embryonic development of pig oocytes after parthenogenesis (PA) and somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). PA and SCNT embryos were produced by using in vitro matured pig oocytes and treated for 4 h after electric activation with cytochalasins B (7.5 μg/ml), CB+cycloheximide (10 μg/ml), CB+demecolcine (0.4 μg/ml), and CB+2mM 6-Dimethylaminopurine. Post-activation treatment of PA oocytes with CB, CB+CHX, CB+DC and CB+6’DMAP no significant differences were found in embryo cleavage (83.2~91.5%), mean cell number of blastocysts (40.6~ 42.3% cells/blastocyst) but significantly (P<0.05) differences blastocyst formation (28.6~36.4%). When PA oocytes were treated with CB, CB+CHX, CB+DC, CB+6’DMAP, blastocyst formation was significantly (P<0.05) improved by CB (36.6%) compared to CB+CHX (30.9%), CB+DC (28.6%) and CB+6’DMAP (35.2%). In SCNT, was not significantly (P<0.05) increased by post-activation treatment with CB+CHX (81.3%), CB+DC (83.9%) and CB+6’DMAP (90.0%) compared to CB (84.5%) on embryo cleavage, blastocyst formation (19.1%~23.6%) and blastocyst cell number (39.6~41.4% cells/blastocyst) also were not influenced. But increased tendency in CB+6’DMAP. In addition, we investigated survivin expression in porcine SCNT embryos during the early developmental stages. The levels of survivin mRNA in 2-4 cell stage SCNT embryos were significantly higher 6’DMAP treated group than other treatment groups of SCNT embryos. These observations suggested that 2-4 cell cleaving embryos at have high developmental competence, and which may be influenced by survivin expression in porcine SCNT embryos. Our results demonstrate that post-activation treatment with CB, CB+CHX, CB+DC, CB+6’DMAP improves pre-implantation development of SCNT embryos and the stimulating effect of cytoskeletal modifiers on embryonic development is differentially shown depending on the origin (PA or SCNT) of embryos in pigs.
In mammal, oocytes are arrested at the metaphase Ⅱ until fertilization. However, unfertilized oocytes that remain in the oviduct or under in vitro culture, which is called "oocyte aging". Asynchrony negatively affects fertilization, pre- and post-implantation embryo development. Caffeine is known to phosphodiesterase inhibitor that rescues oocyte aging in several species. Nevertheless, the effect of caffeine was not clear in bovine aging oocytes. In this study investigated the cytoskeleton distribution in aged oocytes and the embryo development ability of aged oocytes from treated with or without caffeine during maturation. The cumulus and oocyte complexes (COCs) were cultured in 10% FBSTCM199 for up to 22h at 38.5℃ in 5% CO₂. For oocyte aging study, the COCs were cultured in 10% FBS-TCM199 supplemented with or without 10 mM caffeine for 40hs. And then oocytes underwent in vitro fertilization using highly motile sperm recovered from frozen and than thawed bull semen. As a result normal cytoskeleton percentage of caffeine treatment group more than the aging group (67.57%±4.11 VS 44.61%±6.40) and no significantly different compared to control group. Aged oocytes derived from addition of caffeine to the in vitro maturation medium significantly increased the percentage of 2- cell that developed to the blastocyst stage compared to the aging group. Blastocysts derived from caffeine treatment group significantly increased the total cell number compare aging (90.44%±10.18 VS 67.88%±7.72). Apoptotic fragmenting of genomic DNA was measured in individual embryos using the TUNEL assay. Blastocyst derived from caffeine treatment group significantly decereased the apoptotic index compared to blastocyst derived from aging group. In conclusion, we inferred that the caffeine treatment during oocytes aging periode can improved the develpmental rate and quaility in bovine embryos developing in vitro.
In this study, we examined the effectiveness of in vitro fertilization of porcine immature oocytes on the embryo development of blastocysts or hatched blastocysts and the number of cells according to the in vitro fertilization conditions. In the in vitro fertilization of in vitro matured porcine oocytes, there were no significant differences between treatment groups regarding fertilization rate, blastocyst rate, and embryo development of hatched blastocysts according to the storage periods of liquid sperm of 24, 48, and 72 hours. The embryo development rate of hatched blastocysts after the fertilization according to different spermatozoa concentrations (, , and cells/ml) showed the highest rate in the group with a spermatozoa concentration of cells/ml; in particular, this rate was significantly higher than that in the cells/ml group (p<0.05). The total number of blastocysts cells as well as trophectoderms (TE) that developed in each treatment group were also significantly higher in the cells/ml group than in any other groups (p<0.05). In contrast, the embryo development rate of blastocysts according to different co-incubation periods of sperm and oocyte (1, 3, and 6 hr) was high in the 6-hour group; in particular, the rate was significantly higher than that of the I-hour group (p<0.05). Furthermore, the total number of oocytes cells and TEs that developed was significantly higher in the 6-hour group than any other group (p<0.05). In this study, the most effective treatment conditions for porcine embryo development and high cell number were found to be as follows: a sperm storage period of less than 72 hours, a spermatozoa concentration of cells/ml, and a 6-hour co-incubation period for sperm and ooocyte.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of Taxol pre-treatment to in vitro matured bovine oocytes, and sucrose and trehalose added to vitrification solution on spindle morphology and embryonic development following cryopreservation. Bovine oocytes were collected from ovaries and matured in tissue culture medium 199 (TCM 199) supplemented with 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), 0.05ng/ml epidermal growth factor, 0.01 IU/ml luteinizing hormone and estradiol for 22h in , 5% , TCM 199-HEPES containing 20% FBS was used as basic medium (BM) to prepare vitrification solution. Oocytes were pre-treated with Taxol in maturation medium for 15 min prior to vitrification. Oocytes were exposed to 1.6 M ethylene glycol (EG) and 1.3M dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) in BM and then were exposed to 3.2 M EG, 2.6 M DMSO and 0.5 M sucrose in BM or 3.2 M EG, 2.6 M DMSO and 0.5 M trehalose in BM. Oocytes with cumulus cells and oocytes without cumulus cells were considered as control 1 and control 2, respectively and held in TCM 199-HEPES at . Oocytes were frozen using modified solid surface vitrification and were stored in cryotubes in liquid nitrogen for more than 1 week. Frozen oocytes were thawed in TCM 199-HEPES containing 0.5 M, 0.25 M and 0.1 M sucrose in BM for 2 min, respectively or 0.5 M, 0.25 M and 0.1 M trehalose in BM for 2 min, respectively. Immunoflurorescence staining of oocytes was performed to assess spindle morphology and chromosome configuration of oocytes. The rates of cleavage and blastocyst were examined following in vitro fertilization. Normal spindle morphology rate of oocytes pre-treated with Taxol prior to vitrification was not higher than that of other vitrified groups. Taxol pre-treatment did not increase cleavage and blastocyst formation rates, although control groups showed significantly higher rates (p<0.05). Percentages of normal spindle and embryonic development were not significantly different among vitrified groups regardless of type of sugar. In conclusion, Taxol pre-treatment of oocytes before cryopreservation did not reduce the damage induced by vitrification and subsequently did not improve embryonic development following vitrification. Trehalose may be used as an alternative non-permeating cryoprotectant in vitrification solution.
Electrical treatment has been widely used for porcine oocytes activation. However, developmental rates following electrical activation of porcine oocytes is relatively inefficient compared to other domestic animals. To investigate the effects of porcine oocytes on combined activation by both chemical and electrical treatment, in-vitro matured oocytes were activated by combined cycloheximide and electrical pulses treatment. Cumulus-free oocytes were exposed with NCSU-23 medium containing cycloheximide (10μgml) for 0, 5, 10, 20, 30 min and then activated by electrical pulse treatment and cultured in PZM-3 for 8 days. Also effects of exposure to 6.25μM calcium ionophore for 2 min for cumulus-free oocytes were tested. The percentage of blastocyst formation in 10 min exposure to 10μgml cycloheximide and electrical pulse treatment was significantly increased (P<0.05) than in the control group. And exposure to 6.25μM calcium ionophore for 2 min with 10μgml cycloheximide for 10min and electrical pulse treatment significantly increased (P<0.05) the percentage of blastocyst developmental rates than the control group. In conclusion, activation by combined cycloheximide and electrical stimulation treatment promoted the subsequent development of porcine oocytes and improved the subsequence blastocyst development
본 연구에서 소 미성숙 난자의 성숙 배양 시 세포주기 억제제인 cycloheximide, 6-DMAP, rosco-vitine를 첨가하였을 때 난자의 감수분열이 억제제비 첨가난자에 비해 높은 비율로 germinal vesicle 기에서 정지된 것이 관찰되었다. 또한 cyclohexi-mide, 6-DMAP, roscovitine을 배지에서 제거한 후 다시 추가적인 체외 성숙 배양을 실시하여 ger-minal vesicle기에 정지된 세포주기의 진행이 재
본 연구는 체외성숙된 돼지난포란을 액상정액으로 수정시 수정시간과 배양배지가 난포란의 발달에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여 실시하였다. 정자농후정액 (30∼60 ml)을 채취하여 실온에서 2시간 정도 서서히 냉각시킨 후, 정액을 15 ml 튜브에 담아 800×g로 10분간 원심분리하였다. 상층액은 버리고 하부의 정자는 5 ml LEN 희석액으로 1×10/sup 9/ 전자/ml가 되도록 재희석하였다. 희석된 정액은 4℃ 냉장고에 보존하였다. 미성숙 난모세포의 성숙에 사용된 배지는 26.19 mM sodium bicarbonate, 0.9 mM sodium pyruvate, 10 ㎍/ml insulin, 2 ㎍/ml vitamin B/sub 12/, 25 mM HEPES, 10 ㎍/ml bovine apotransferrin, 150 μM cysteamine, 10 IU/ml PMSG, 10 IU/ml PMSG, 10 IU/ml EGF, 0.4% BSA, 75 ㎍/ml sodium penicillin G, 50 ㎍/ml streptomycin sulfate그리고 10% pFF를 첨가한 TCM-199 배지였다. 22시간 성숙 배양한 후 난모세포는 cysteamine과 hormone들을 배제한 후 38.5℃, 5% CO₂ incubator에서 22시간 더 성숙시켰다. 성숙된 난모세포는 채취 후 2일간 4℃에 보존된 액상정액으로 수정되었다. 난모세포는 500 μl mTBM 수정 배지에서 1×10/sup 6/ 정자/ml의 농도로 1, 3, 6 그리고 9시간 동안 수정시켰다. 그 후 난모세포는 500 μl NCSU-23, Hopes buffered NCSU-23, PZM-3 그리고 PZM-4 배양배지에 옮겨서 6, 48 그리고 144시간을 더 배양하였다. 정자침투율, 웅성전핵형성율 그리고 난모세포의 난할율은 6 및 9시간 수정시간에서 1 및 3시간 수정시간 보다 높았다. 6시간 수정시 배반포형성율 (33.6%)은 1, 3 그리고 9시간 수정시 배반포형성율 (11.4, 23.0 그리고 29.6%) 보다 높았다. 배반포의 평균세포수는 6, 9, 3 그리고 1시간 수정시 각각 32.9, 27.6, 26.3 그리고 24.4개 였다. 분할된 난모세포의 배반포형성율 그리고 배반포의 평균세포수는 NCSU-23, PZM-3 그리고 PZM-4 배양배지보다 HEPES buffered NCSU-23 배양배지가 우수하였다. 결론적으로 4℃ 보존 돼지액상정액은 체외성숙된 돼지 난모세포의 체외수정에 사용될 수 있음이 입증되었다. 또한 체외성숙된 돼지 난모세포는 500 μl mTBM 수정배지에서 1×10/sup 6/ 정자/ml로 6시간 공배양시키는 것이 바람직하며, HEPES buffered NCSU-23 배양배지에서 배양하는 것이 좋다는 결과를 얻었다.