
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, the need for asset management(AM) plan introduction to reduce increasing O&M cost with aging water facilities is on the rise. Therefore, asset inventory classification is necessary as the first step for AM plan construction. In this study, all assets of YW water treatment plant(WTP) were classified as 5 steps. In addition, specific code name was given to each asset which can increase compatibility in constructing the AM programs among WTPs. In the future, codes for attribute and status of asset will be allocated, which can facilitate proper AM operation.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper studied the differences of the inventories asset turnover change ratio and several characteristics variable between large and small manufacturing firm group. Large and small firm group were determined based on number of labors and asset size. Several characteristics variable of firms such as assets size, sales growth rate, return on assets, leverage ratio, credit rating and age of firm were used to find out the differences of firm group. As a result, the inventory asset turnover change ratio of large firm was 5.16% and that of the middle and small firm was 9.3%. For the large firm, sales growth rate, ROA and credit rating affect inventory assets turnover change ratio. For the middle and small sized firm, Assets size, sales growth rate and credit rating affect inventory assets turnover change ratio. Using this result, we can say that manufacturing company need to consider their firm size and their characteristics to make their own operation strategy of inventory.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        처분장에서 지하수로 쉽게 유출될 수 있는 방사성 핵종들의 양을 예측하기 위하여 국내 PWR 사용후핵연료 팰렛들의 갭(gap) 및 입계에 있는 용해성 원소들의 재고량을 측정하였다. 연소도가 GWD/MTU를 갖는 연료봉에서 얻은 펠렛들에서 세슘의 갭 재고량이 로 나타났으며, 이는 핵분열 생성기체 유출률의 에 해당하였다. 그러나 핵분열 생성기체 유출 률이 1%이하인 연료봉에서 취한 40 GWD/MTU이하의 연소도를 갖는 펠렛들의 경우, 세슘의 갭 재고량들을 핵분열 생성기체 유출률과 연관시키기는 곤란하였다. 갭 및 입계내 스트론튬의 재고량은 동일 연료봉내 펠렛에서는 크게 다르지 않았으며, 요오드의 갭 재고량은 핵분열 생성기체 유출률보다 작거나 유사한 값을 갖는 것으로 평가되었다.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to clarify the contribution rate of PM concentration due to regional emission distribution, Brute force analysis were carried out using numerical estimated PM data from WRF-CMAQ. The emission from Kyeongki region including Seoul metropolitan is the largest contribution of PM concentration than that from other regions except for emission of trans-country and source itself. Contribution rate of self emission is also the largest at Kyeongki region and its rate reach on over 95 %. And the rate at Gangwon region also higher than any region due to synoptic wind pattern. Due to synoptic wind direction at high PM episode, pollutants at downwind area along from west to east and from north to south tends to mix intensively and its composition is also complicated. Although the uncertainty of initial concentration of PM, the contribution of regional PM concentration tend to depend on the meteorological condition including intensity of synoptic and mesoscale wind and PM emission pattern over upwind region.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The university is one of the main energy consumption facilities and thereby releases a large amount of greenhouse gas (GHG). Accordingly, efforts for reducing energy consumption and GHG have been established in many local as well as international universities. However, it has been limited to energy consumption and GHG, and has not included air pollution (AP). Therefore, we estimated GHG and AP integrated emissions from the energy consumed by Seoul National University of Science and Technology during the years between 2010 and 2012. In addition, the effect of alternative energy use scenario was analysed. We estimated GHG using IPCC guideline and Guidelines for Local Government Greenhouse Inventories, and AP using APEMEP/EEA Emission Inventory Guidebook 2013 and Air Pollutants Calculation Manual. The estimated annual average GHG emission was 11,420 tonCO2eq, of which 27% was direct emissions from fuel combustion sectors, including stationary and mobile source, and the remaining 73% was indirect emissions from purchased electricity and purchased water supply. The estimated annual average AP emission was 7,757 kgAP, of which the total amount was from direct emissions only. The annual GHG emissions from city gas and purchased electricity usage per unit area (m2) of the university buildings were estimated as 15.4 kgCO2eq/m2 and 42.4 tonCO2eq/m2 and those per person enrolled in the university were 210 kgCO2eq/capita and 577 kgCO2eq/capita. Alternative energy use scenarios revealed that the use of all alternative energy sources including solar energy, electric car and rain water reuse applicable to the university could reduce as much as 9.4% of the annual GHG and 34% of AP integrated emissions, saving approximately 400 million won per year, corresponding to 14% of the university energy budget.