As the pipe houses were constructed by imitation and routine without a structural design by now, they were often destructed by a strong wind or a heavy snowfall. The purpose of this study was to provide the basic data for the safety structural design of the pipe houses in Kyungpook region to prevent meteorological disaster. It was shown that the change of frame interval according to the safety factor under the wind load was similar that under the snow load. But the safety frame interval under the snow load was approximately 0.5-0.6m greater than that under the wind load for equal safety factor. Therefore, it seemed that the maximum safety frame interval was to be decided by the snow load. The frame of the pipe houses in Seungju region was structurally stable under the design snow load in recurrence intervals of 8-15years, but was unstable in Kolyong region.
Apple is most favorable fruit in Korea, and apple farmland has been increased before and after the agreements of Uruguay Round and apple is considered as one of strategic agricultural goods. Especially expansion of apple farmland is concentrated in Kyungpook region because of the suitable climate and its market share is about 70 percents in 1992. But in tree age of apple, although newly and replanting area is increasing, the rate of old orchards is higher than that of other regions. In varieties of apple, it is concentrated in Fuji and is forecasted to increase in the future. The amount of apple production of Kyungpook region is 480 thousand tons, that is concentrated in Wui-sung, Young-ju and An-dong. The quantity of apple production per 10a. is 1,315kg, that is low level compared with that of America and Japan, and the gap of technology among farmers is heavily. The difficulties of apple farming in Kyungpook region are summarized as follows. first, the lack of mechanization and facilities due to the small scale of farmland, second, lack of rural labor force, third, concentration on Fuji apple varieties, fourth, low productivity of apple farming.
경북지방(慶北地方)사과원(園)의 사과나무 개식장해(改植障害) 발생여부(發生(與否)와 발생정도(發生程度)를 밝힐 목적(目的)으로 20년이상(年以上) 사과재배(栽培)가 계속되고 있는 23개(個) 사과원(園)의 토양(土壤)을 채취(採取)하여, 토양소독(土壤消毒)에 의(依)한 사과실생묘(實生苗)의 생장(生長)과 개식장해(改植障害)에 관련(關聯)된 것으로 알려진 몇 가지 요인(要因)을 조사(調査)한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같았다. 1. 사과실생묘(實生苗)의 생장(生長)은 6개(個) 과원(果園)에서 유의차(有意差)가 있었고, 가장 큰 차이(差異)를 나타낸 과원(果園)에서 38% 증가(增加)되었다. 2. 생체중(生體重)에서는 지하부(地下部)가 4개원(個園), 지하부(地下部)가 10개원(個園) 전생체중(全生體重)에서는 9개원(個園)에서 유의차(有意差)를 나타내었고, 지상부(地上部)에서 토양소독(土壤消毒)에 의(依)한 차이(差異)가 가장 현저(顯著)하였으며, 5개과원(個果園)에서는 50%이상(以上) 증가(增加)되었다. 3. 토양중(土壤中)의 Cu 및 As 농도(濃度), 토양선충수(土壤線蟲數)는 사과실생묘(實生苗)의 생장(生長)과 생체중(生體重)에 뚜렷한 영향(影響)을 미치지 않았다. 4. 토양(土壤) PH와 개식장해발생간(改植障害發生間)에는 뚜렷한 관계(關係)를 확인(認定)할 수 없었다.
Apple is most favorable fruit in Korea, and apple farmland has been increased before and after the agreements of Uruguay Round and apple is considered as one of strategic agricultural products. Especially expansion of apple farmland is concentrated in Kyungpook region because of the suitable climate and its market share is about 70 percents in 1992. The marketing channels of apples of Kyungpook region are widely classified by merchant, agricultural or horticultural co-op and large scale farmer's. Among them market share of merchant's occupy over 65 percent. In marketing margins, commercial profit is higher than cost in total marketing margins and, assembler and retailer's margin is not less than wholesaler's. The fluctuation of the price of apple is high in year. The marketing problems of apples are several, first, complex marketing channels, secondly, the high percentage of market share by growing district assembler, thirdly, low rate of package and quality standardization, finally, concentration of shipment of apple because of the shortage of apple processing, storage and marketing facilities, of newly produced apples. In conclusion, to increase apple grower's income with the stabilization of supply and quality upgrade, the improvement measures of marketing system are as follows, first, government level's support in marketing facilities and mechanism, secondly, the increment of supply by grower's cooperatives, thirdly, the establishment of a serious of marketing system to increase the efficiency, fourthly, the establishment of cold-chain system and quality standardization of apple, finally, production of various kinds of apple processing goods.