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        검색결과 5

        2014.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objectives of this study were to evaluate the antimicrobial effects of ε-poly-L-lysine mixture (EPM) on cheon-ggukjang and to determine the optimal mixing ratio in cheonggukjang. Increasing the EPM up to 2% decreased via-ble cell counts at both 15oC and 30oC storage. The pH of cheonggukjang without EPM increased slowly over thestorage periods, but cheonggukjang with EPM showed a slight increasing tendency, with the highest pH at 2% EPM.The sensory scores, such as texture and flavor, were highest in samples containing 2% EPM; however, overall pref-erence was not significantly different when compared to the control. For the optimum cheonggukjang processingconditions, 13 experimental points were selected. Soybean and EPM were chosen as independent variables. Viablecell count, pH, texture, and overall preference were measured. The optimum formulation of cheonggukjang usingthe numerical analysis was found to be 98.52% soybean and 1.48% EPM, resulting in a 0.722 desirability value.
        2003.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 L-lysine (-2, 6-Diaminohexanoic acid)의 영향을 받는 남조류와 남조류에 영향을 주는 L-lysine 의 농도를 파악 하고자 20종의 Microcystis.를 실험에 사용하였다. 남조류의 생장 억제 능력은 double-layered agar method와 microplate method를 이용하여 측정하였다. L-lysine의 농도를 100-μg ml-1~300 μg m
        2011.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A chemical, MNU-induced hulless barley mutant line designated as 'Mutant 98 (M98)' was developed from a Korean hulless waxy barley cultivar, 'Chalssalbori'. The objective of the study was to determine the genetic basis of 'M98' and the possibility of using 'M98' as breeding parent to improve lysine level. Compared to 'Chalssalbori', 'M98' had large embryo and higher lysine content in both the embryo and endosperm. Significantly different lysine content in 'M98' and the other high-lysine barley mutant stocks was observed for two years. However, the genotype by year interaction was not significant. 'M98' was higher than the other high-lysine barley mutant stocks in the percentage of lysine of total amino acid composition (0.75%). The trait of shrunken endosperm of 'M98', which was typical in the high-lysine mutants, was inherited by a single recessive gene. Based on seed morphology and lysine content of F1 seeds, 'M98' had a genetically different gene from the other high-lysine mutants for shrunken endosperm. Segregation of F2 for plump/shrunken endosperm did not fit the expected ratio of Mendelian inheritance except for only one cross combination (GSHO1784 (lys1)/M98). The amino acid analysis of F5 and F6 progenies from the cross between 'M98' and 'Chalssalbori' revealed that the attempt to increase the range of lysine content of plump lines did not go beyond the limit of the average high-lysine barley germplasm.