This study investigated which factors impact esports viewership for League of Legends matches through Live and highLight streaming video. This research anaLyzed League of Legends viewership factors' differences between the three Leagues (LCK, LCS, and LEC) where viewership factors infLuence esports viewership demand through LOL’s Live and highLight streaming video. League of Legends not onLy has the highest audience among different various esports, aLso has formed a huge market from diverse countries. In order to soLve each League's unbaLance viewership trend issue between the three Leagues, and facing worLdwide viewership decrease, this study examined viewership impact factors from three Leagues with the highest viewership ratings: Korea's LCK, North America's LCS, and Europe's LEC. After that, differences in viewership impact factors for the research were anaLyzed and compared to each League. SpecificaLLy, this study investigated which factors impact esports viewership for League of Legends (LOL) matches. Data (N=1581) of reguLar season matches from the LCK, LCS, and LEC Leagues (2020 spring to 2021 summer) were coLLected and anaLyzed. This study anaLyzed the average number of visitors per minute of Twitch Live streaming and the number of views on YouTube highLights. Five main viewership factors(the uncertainty of match, consumer preferences, match importance, team attributes, match content, and controL variabLes), and seventeen independent variabLes were verified by muLtipLe regression anaLysis using STATA 15. As a resuLt of the anaLysis, the modeL with the number of reaL-time audience as the dependent variabLe demonstrated different trends between Leagues in terms of the uncertainty of match factors (rank difference, win rate difference, goLd difference, kiLL difference, object difference), and consumer preference factors(fan, operating period of both teams, number of worLd championship wins, the number of championship semifinaL advances). WhiLe the match importance factors(week, top-rank matches) and match content factors (the sum of kiLLs, the sum of assists, the sum of objects) indicated somewhat simiLar tendencies between Leagues. In the modeL with the number of highLights views as the dependent variabLe, consumer preference factors and match importance factors tended to be somewhat simiLar, but match content factors prone to be sLightLy different between Leagues. In addition, the uncertainty of the match factors did not show a significant infLuence across the three Leagues. Findings from this research expand and appLy the variabLes derived from the demand determination theory of traditionaL sports to e-sports demand research. This study heLps stakehoLders understand various esports cuLtures from different regions. Furthermore, it is meaningfuL in that it provides information that wiLL contribute to the growth of the entire League of Legends market through baLanced deveLopment between Leagues.
A purpose of this research is building a Parameter Evaluation Simulation(PES) program which is present proper parameter value to calculate line capacity. This research performs a detailed simulation and a analysis of it using PES and it is developed on the basis of Line Capacity Simulation model. Chosen simulation sectors are that happened a big change of a line capacity because of joining a high speed train(KTX). Moreover this research performs a sensitivity analysis when basic data are changed.
Purpose - This study is to investigate the relationship among emotional intelligence, self-efficacy and job stress of foreign life insurance consultants focusing on the mediating effect of self-efficacy. Regarding job security, in general foreign life insurance companies in Korea have more severe working conditions in terms of required contract performance. For foreign life insurance consultants, they are assumed to need higher level of emotional intelligence and self efficacy to meet the conditions. In this study, focus is cast on these aspects.
Research design, data, and methodology – Basically the research is conducted upon questionnaires responded by foreign life insurance consultants. That is, data are collected from 255 sample of insurance consultants who work for a foreign owned life insurance company. The Questionnaire measure the level of emotional intelligence, self-efficacy and job stress of insurance consultants. The data are analyzed using pearson's correlation coefficient and hierarchical multiple regression, descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Durbin-Watson test.
Results – The general characteristics of respondents are gender, age, marital status, education level, income monthly, career length, change jobs no, working day per week, call no. per week, meeting no. with client per week, contract regularity, contract no. per month and cancellation contract per year. The mean of emotional intelligence is 2.63, self-efficacy is 3.44 and job stress is 2.20. Emotional intelligence is composed with mean value of self emotion appraisal(3.93), other’s emotion appraisal(3.78), regulation of emotion(3.29) and use of emotion(3.52). The mean of self efficacy is composed with mean value of self-confidence(3.41), self-regulated efficacy(3.59) and preference task difficulty(3.30). The job stress is composed with mean value of job requirement(2.61), lack of job autonomy(1.99), conflict of personal relations(1.99), job instability(2.38), organizational system(2.19) and inappropriate compensation(2.07). There is a significant positive correlation between emotional intelligence and self-efficacy. The emotional intelligence and self-efficacy are significantly negative correlation with job stress. The self-efficacy is showed a mediating variable between emotional intelligence and job stress.
Conclusions - To decrease job stress level, foreign life insurance company should find the factors to improve the emotional intelligence and self-efficacy of life insurance consultants, and develop appropriate plans using a mediating role of self– efficacy between emotional intelligence and job stress.