In recent, fiber-reinforced composites have been widely used in many fields because of their excellent performance. In order to manufacture lightweight, high-performance, and inexpensive composites various laminated structures were designed. Six types of hybrid composites were fabricated with glass/basalt/aramid fibers by VARTM process. The effect of the laminated structure on the mechanical properties of composites was investigated through impact energy, tensile and bending strength. Compared to other conditions more higher impact energy was obtained when the aramid fibers were in the center position and more higher bending strength was obtained when the fibers are laminated in the order of increasing bending performance from top to bottom. The laminate structure did not affect tensile strength which mainly depends on the property of fibers.
Optimization was performed on the static dynamic behavior of a simply supported laminated composite plate. Thickness optimization was performed with respect to Gr/E laminated composites with simultaneous mechanical load, thermal load and hygro-load. Displacement, fundamental frequency and composite damping were imposed as constraints for optimization. The results of the optimization were much better than those of the conventional methods.
In this paper, the response of graphite/epoxy laminated composite beams subjected to impact loads without damage, is studied by the use of the developed finite element program. The modified Hertzian contact law considered elasto-plastic process is used to calculate the dynamic responses between the impactor and laminated target. Numerical results are presented to demonstrate the effects on the histories of contact force, deflection, damage energy, strain and stress through the thickness due to stacking sequence. In view of the kinetic energy response, [0/30/0/-30]2S laminate is faster than that of other two laminates due to its flexural stiffness. In special, the distribution of stress through the thickness shows nearly linear despite its discontinuity of stacking sequences for dynamic analysis unlike static analysis in a laminated composites.
This paper investigates the effect of prolonged high temperature exposure on concentric laminated Al2O3-ZrO2 composites. An ultrafine scale microstructure with a cellular 7 layer concentric lamination with unidirectional alignment was fabricated by a multi-pass extrusion method. Each laminate in the microstructure was 2-3μm thick. An alternate lamina was composed of 75%Al2O3-(25%m-ZrO2) and t-ZrO2 ceramics. The composite was sintered at 1500˚C and subjected to 1450˚C temperature for 24 hours to 72 hours. We investigated the effect of long time high temperature exposure on the generation of residual stress and grain growth and their effect on the overall stability of the composites. The residual stress development and its subsequent effect on the microstructure with the edge cracking behavior mechanism were investigated. The residual stress in the concentric laminated microstructure causes extensive micro cracks in the t-ZrO2 layer, despite the very thin laminate thickness. The material properties like Vickers hardness and fracture toughness were measured and evaluated along with the microstructure of the composites with prolonged high temperature exposure.
감쇠란 주기적인 변형하에 에너지를 소산시킬 수 있는 시스템이나 재료의성질을 말하며, 이로서 공진에서 진폭을 감소시키며 아울러 전달하는 파의 빠른 감소를 유발한다. 이것은 진동을 일으키는 응력을 감소시키게 되는데 결국은 피고 수명을 연장시키는 결과를 가져오게 된다. 본 연구에서는 적층된 복합재료의 내부감쇠와 복소탄성 계수를 실험적으로 측정하였다. 실험은 충격 기법을 사용하였으며 비교적 간단한 모델러서 외팔보의 휨진동을 측정하였다. 복소 탄성계수는 공진법을 이용하여 공진주파수를 측정 storage modulus를 계산하고 이를 통해 loss modulus를 구한 다음 계산하였고, 내부감쇠는 bandwidth technique과 전달함수의 실부부분 이용방법에 의해 각각 구하였다.
탄소섬유와 epoxy 수지의 prepreg로 성형된 Cross형 적층판 복합재료에서 unfit ply의 두께가 복합재료의 기계적 성질에 미치는 영향과, unidirectional prepreg 및 fabric prepreg로된 적층판의 기계적 성질의 차이를 비교 검토하였다. 그 결과 unit ply의 두께가 두꺼울수록 면내전단강도는 작아졌으며, 면내전단강도가 작아 질수록 층간박리 현상이 현저하게 나타났다. 또 적당한 층간박리의 발생은 파괴인성치와 층격치를 증가시키지만 심한 층간박리는 오히려 그 값들을 감소시켰다. 그리고 unidirectional prepreg로 성형된 적층판이 fabric prepreg로 성형된 적층판보다 인장강도, 파괴인성치, 파괴일 및 충격치 등의 기계적 성질이 우수했다.