The purpose of this study is to present underlying principles and criteria for designing and developing National English Ability Test (NEAT). To this end, this study presents 5 principles (i.e., Connection, Authenticity, Interactiveness, IBT Compatibility, Washback Effectiveness) which play guiding and controlling roles in developing and selecting item types appropriate for the listening and the reading test of NEAT derived from test usefulness (Bachman & Palmer, 1996). Also, it proposes 4 criteria (i.e., Complementarity, Integration, Pivotality, and Hierarchicality) which function levering roles in designing and developing the two tests of NEAT on the basis of the empirical data of the item analyses of Foreign (English) domain of College Scholastic Ability Tests (2005~2010 school year). Finally, it discusses some implications and applications of the principles and the criteria to a theoretical blueprint for establishing an item developing system and a test implementation system, setting up the criteria of validating item types, designing a modular type of test specifications, and specifying a complementary type of test specifications for the two ability-level listening and reading tests (the 2nd and the 3rd rank) of NEAT.
This study aimεd to ìnvestigatε the relationship between phonemic awareness and listening comprehension ability. For this paπIC비ar research purpose thζ English name test and TOEFL LlC tests were employεd and a total of 34 university students participaκd in this εxpεriment. The English name tεst consisting of relativεly unheard 26 English namζs was specially dεsigned and adminisκrεd for the participants to depend on their own phonemic awarenεss ability, not applying their cognitive prior knowlεdge. whεn they transcribε:d the n잉nεs using the phonεtic alphabεts. Thε statistical result showed that thε Pearson's product-moment correlation coεfficient was .550* and its coefficient of determination was .303. This result c1ζarly demonstrated that the phonemic awareness ability was highly correlatεd with the overall Iistening comprεhension ability and implied thε need for implεmεnting the so-called bottom-up method for developing students' phonζrnic awareness ability at primary or secondary school levels.
The purpose of this study is to investigate some problems about College Scholastic Ability Test(CSAT) on English listening and suggest its new approaches in the future. A survey, which was composed of 48 English teachers and 63 college students, was conducted to know about their opinions of the listening test. The results are as follows. First, the listening test is very important in learning English language, but it is not required to spend much time and efforts in listening class on account of its unvaried question pattern and lack of transferring into speaking ability. Second, the test should increase the number of the question and its total score. Third, it is necessary to provide the various questions related to the real life of English speaking countries implying not only linguistic knowledge but also non-linguistic knowledge like situation, socio-cultural background, and world knowledge. Fourth, sound phenomena may also be an important part in the listening test.
본 연구는 이야기전달하기 활동이 유아의 듣기 능력과 이야기 이해력에 어떠한 영향이 미치는지 알아보는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위하여 경기도 시흥시에 소재한 2개의 공립유치원에 재원중인 만 5세 유아 32명(실험집단 16명, 통제집단 16명)을 대상으로 10주 동안 총 20회 걸쳐 실험처치를 하였다. 실험집단과 통제집단 유아의 듣기 능력 검사는 Royer(1979)의 듣기 능력에 듣기 이해력을 위해 개발한 문장수정기법(Sentence Verification Teaching : SVT)검사를 참고로 정남미(1996), 최윤영(2000)이 수정·보완한 듣기 검사 도구를 사용하였다. 유아의 이야기 이해력 측정을 위해 김경철, 채미영(2001)이 개발한 이야기 이해력 평가 도구를 사용하여 유아의 듣기 능력과 이야기 이해력에 미친 효과를 검증하였다. 그 결과 이야기전달하기 활동이 유아의 듣기 능력과 이야기 이해력에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다.