
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Landscape urbanism suggests direction on the method of performing landscape through a practical strategy to deal with urban problems, by using landscape as a medium. However, even though such a practical topic has been advocated, failure to resolve the difference between theory and practice has been criticized. To identify the vagueness of the concept of landscape urbanism, this study aims to identify the differential properties of texts that appear in discourse. It analyzes the discourse on the word “landscape” and looks at the relation between texts and contexts that form the discourse from a semantic approach. The texts have been extracted from the discourse of Corner and Waldheim where their meaning and signification are derived through the contextualization and systematization of the word “landscape”. In landscape urbanism, the word “landscape” has a conceptual representation of the theory, and the textual context contained in “landscape” is complex and multi-layered. The major texts related to the word “landscape” have semantic relations that have denotative and connotative meaning. The affiliation with the subject of landscape relates to the denotative meaning, and the texts related to the properties of landscape have a connotative meaning. The lexicon of the word “landscape” is a complex system, which forms its signification through emergence and self-organization. Meanwhile, the word “landscape” has the individuality of texts in complicated relations, including inevitable vagueness and contingency, which limits the study in applying and evaluating the analysis objectively.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 평창군의 대표적 명승고적으로 분류되는 팔석정의 유래와 그 유래의 원천인 팔석(팔석) 그리고 바위글씨의 현황을 파악하는 한편 바위글씨의 주체인 양사언의 자연관 고찰을 전제로 팔석정에 새겨진 바위글씨의 의미해석을 시도 하였다. 이를 토대로 팔석정의 본질과 문화경관적 가치를 구명함으로써 팔석정의 보존 및 복원을 위한 기초자료 제공을 목적으로 시도된 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 팔석에 새겨진 바위글씨는 ‘봉래⋅영주⋅방장’의 삼신산(삼신산)과 ‘낚시풍류(조어)⋅잠풍류(오수)⋅바둑풍류(위기) ⋅ 연꽃 감상(상련)⋅도약(도약 또는 비상)’ 등 5가지의 풍류 의미를 함의하며, 이는 탈속을 통한 선계지향을 추구했던 양사언의 자연관과 휴양 개념을 담는 풍류놀이로 인식된다. 특히 최상부에 위치한 바위글씨 봉래(봉래)는 양사언의 호 (호)이자 ‘팔석정’과 ‘봉래(봉래고정)’의 주인인 자아(자아) 인식의 기표(기표)로 상정된다. 팔석정은 양사언의 기질과 그 의 시에 드러난 탈속(탈속)과 비상(비상) 등 도가적 유선(유선)을 지향하는 풍류놀이를 적재적소에 표기함으로써 탈속의 공간으로 재해석한 풍류터의 의미를 담는다. 또한 ‘석지청련’ 바위글씨가 전해지는 팔석정가든의 전정(전정)은 “이백과 동일시되는 양사언의 돌 연못”이란 의미로 이는 곧 ‘봉래고정’을 뜻하는 것으로 해석된다. 종합적으로 팔석정은 조선조 대표적 문사이자 서예가인 봉래 양사언의 봉래고정 터와 함께 팔석에 새긴 여덟 개의 바위글씨의 의미가 지속적으로 유전된 임천정원(임천정원)으로서의 장소특성이 잘 드러난 평창의 대표적 정원유적이다.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study is aimed at the necessity application in 'Prototype' general concept on discovering cultural identity landscape of our national characteristics landscape research. Accordingly, It is considered landscape, fundamental concept, the prototypal landscape concept from previously researches that have been used. At the same time, the concept of prototypal landscape has been established by commenting a point of view which is defining previous researches that controverted prototypal landscape, then establish concept of prototypal landscape and derive attribute by comparing and considering similar terminology of prototypal landscape. Previously, research prototypal landscape in depth by applying defined concept of prototypal landscape and considering inherence ideological and environmental background prototypal figure and structure. Formation pattern of the prototypal landscape is classified in both philosophical formative primary factor from philosophy, religion and environmental formative factor of human that accumulated cultural life from a region and life. Examples of forming the prototypal landscape by philosophical formative factor are classified as 'Feng-Shui(the theory of divination based on topography)', 'Yin-Yang theory', 'Confucian idea theory' 'Philosophical Taoism', 'Buddhism theory' and 'Nature theory' then environmental formative factor are interpreted by 'Taekliji(determining of advantageous land)', 'Imwon(forest) economical geography', 'land use', 'topography' and 'terrain' as examples. This study is anticipating a new point of view and an establishment of reliable preservation to our characteristic of the prototypal landscape by considering concept of prototypal landscape and formative factor as studying limits of prototypal landscape and researching concentrated origination of the prototype.