Mitochondria is energy generating organelle. It synthesizes ATP, which is the essential energy source of many cellular processes. During producing energy, some redox centres leak electrons to oxygen and it is contributory to the reactive oxygen species. Besides, mitochondria have significant functions in metabolism, calcium homeostasis, and fatty acid oxidation.
Also mitochondria has importance to the breakdown of the ovarian follicles and could be factor determining oocyte of quality adversely. Increasing evidence shows that the number of mitochondria affect oocyte of developmental competence and maturation detrimentally during aging. Oocyte is the mitochondria-rich cell and enable the organelle to have competence for fertilization and early embryonic development. Occurrence of blastomere depends on distribution change of mitochondria which present in the egg.
Lonicera caerulea treatment inhibited ovarian mitochondrial oxidative damage by suppressing mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mROS) generation, decreasing apoptosis, controlling disintegration of mitochondrial membrane potential and conserving respiratory chain complex activities.
The purpose of this study is to identify if mouse accepting treatment with L. caerulea could counter age-induced sterility and ovarian mitochondrial OS in a model organism of ovarian ageing.
Mammalian fetal ovaries contains numerous primordial germ cells, however fewer ones can yield mature oocytes due to apoptosis and follicle atresia. Successful in vitro reconstitution of primordial germ cells has recently had a significant effect in the field of assisted reproductive technologies. However, the regulatory mechanisms underlying oogenesis remain unknown and recapitulation of oogenesis in vitro remains unachieved. Therefore, development of methods for obtaining mature oocytes by culturing the fetal ovaries in vitro could contribute to clarify these mechanisms. We adapt an in vitro system for culturing mouse fetal ovaries that support successful follicle assembly and improve oocyte growth and maturation. Ovarian tissues from 12.5 days postcoitum (dpc) fetal mice were cultured in vitro and the matured oocytes were differentiated from primordial germ cells after a 31 days culture period. Our results demonstrate that mouse fetal germ cells are able to form primordial follicles with artificial ovarian cells, and that oocytes within the growing follicles are able to mature normally in vitro. Taken together, this in vitro culture system is expected to aid in the development of new strategies to identify the reasons behind failure of follicle assembly and offer a platform for innovative research into preservation of female germ cells and conservation of endangered species.
Aurora A kinase is a mitotic serine/threonine kinase whose proposed functions include the maturation of centrosomes, G2/M transition, alignment of chromosomes at metaphase, and cytokinesis. In this study, we investigated the effect of MLN8237, an aurora A kinase inhibitor, on the postovulatory aging of oocytes based on the frequency of oocyte fragmentation, cdk1 kinase activity, and cyclin B degradation. The fragmentation of ovulated oocytes during prolonged culture was inhibited by treatment with MLN8237 in a concentration-dependent manner. The frequency of fragmented oocytes was significantly lower in oocytes treated with 2 μM MLN8237 (13%) than in control oocytes (64%) after two days of culture. Most of the control (non-fragmented) oocytes (91%) were activated after two days of culture. In comparison, only 22% of the MLN8237-treated oocytes were activated; the rest of the oocytes (78%) were still in metaphase with an abnormal spindle and dispersed chromosomes. Next, cdk1 activity and the level of cyclin B were examined. The level of cyclin B and cdk1 activity in MLN8237-treated oocytes were nearly equal to those in control oocytes. Our results indicate that MLN8237 inhibited the fragmentation of ovulated oocytes during prolonged culture, although it blocked the spontaneous decrease in activity of cdk1 and degradation of cyclin B. This mechanism of inhibition is different from that in oocytes treated with nocodazole, which have high levels of cdk1 activity and cyclin B.
The present study was performed to investigate the survival and subsequent embryonic developmental rate of immature and mature oocytes after vitrification and pronuclear stage embryos after slow-freezing and vitrification. We have also tried to examine the dependency of concentrations (7.5, 15%) and exposure time (5, 10, 20 min) of ED cryoprotectant on developmental rate of pronuclear stage embryos. The developmental rates of 2-ce1l and blastocyst embryos at mature oocytes were significantly (p<0.05) higher than immature oocytes. After slow freezing, vitrification and thawing of pronuclear stage embryo, the survival and developmental rates of blastocysts and hatched blastocysts were significantly (p<0.05) higher after vitrification than after slow-freezing. On contrary, the developmental rates of 2-cell embryos were significantly (p<0.05) higher after slow freezing than after vitrification. The cryopreservation methods of pronuclear stage embryos vitrified by exposed to 7.5% ED solution for 5 minutes was significantly (p<0.05) higher than other experimental group. The results of our study suggest 1hat the developmental rates of mature oocytes have been more successful than immature oocytes during vitrification. Vitrification was more efficient than slow freezing in case of pronuclear stage embryos. The effective cryopreservation method of pronuclear stage embryos was vitrified by exposed to 7.5% ED solution for 5 minutes.
본 연구는 마우스의 성숙 난자와 수정란의 유리화 동결을 위한 CPS, 기존 straw 및 OPS 방법의 효과에 대하여 비교하였다. 마우스 난자의 유리화 동결-응해 후 형태학적인 생존율을 조사한 결과, CPS (75%)와 기존 straw(72%)법이 OPS(68%)법에 비해 유의적으로 높은 생존율을 나타내었다(p<0.05). 과배란 처리 후 채란한 2-세포기 마우스 수정란을 유리화 동결-응해하여 일간 배양한 다음 수정란의 배 발달 상태를 비교한 결과, 동