The trends of sea surface temperature (SST) variations derived from NOAA satellite data in the Northeast Asian Waters (NAW) were quantified using NOAA satellite data for 19 years (1990~2008). The annual mean SSTs were generally increased in the NAW. However, the SST was decreased in some areas of the East Sea in the NAW. The areas in the East Sea were coincided with the same places which SST was decreased in winter season. The annual amplitudes of SST were increased in the northern parts of the East China Sea, the Korean Straits and the southwestern parts of the East Sea. However, the annual amplitudes of SST were decreased in the other waters. The SST was increased in the southwestern parts of the Yellow Sea in winter but it was decreased in summer season for 19 years (1990~2008). The SST variations in the northwestern parts of the East Sea (NWES) in summer and winter seasons were increased at the same period of time for 19 years (1990~2008). The rates of SST rise in the NWES in winter were higher than those of summer season. Therefore, the annual amplitude in the NWES was decreased.
Horizontal scale and movement of tidal front zone, front in the western regions of Korea in summer are studied in conjunction with numerical model and NOAH-11 satellite data analysis(AVHRR multi -channel sea surface temperature). In numerical model result, tidal mixing is dominant in the southeast region of Hwanghae, near field of Taean, Kyunggi bay, near field of Jangsan cape, Seoan bay, mid-east Chinese coast. But the results of the NOAH infra-red image analysis show that low surface temperature by tidal mixing is clear in the southeast region of Hwanghae, near field of Taean, near field of Jangsan cape but not in the Kyunggi bay, Seoan bay and mid- east Chinese coast in August and September, temperature gradient of frontal zone in the southwest region of Hwanghae is 0.05°∼0.1℃/㎞ and tidal mixing is dominant in the near field of Maenggal kundo and Hajodo and low surface temperature extends southwesrward. Early in August, west-east front(0.2°∼0.6℃/㎞) on the south region of Jindo moves northward and persists at east half on the joining line of Jindo and Sohuksando late September. The axis of front on the west region of Jindo is northeast~sorthwest early in August and moves westward until late September The tidal mixing in the near field of Jangsan cape is dominant in the region between Jangsan cape and Baengyougdo early in August and between Baengyougdo and Daechungkundo in late September. The axis of front on the west region of Jangsan cape is south-north and its temperature gradient is 0.2°∼0.4℃/㎞.
융설 모형을 이용하여 융설 기간 동안의 하천유출량을 모의하기 위해서는 융설 관련 매개변수의 정립이 반드시 필요하다. 우리나라의 경우 관측 자료의 부족으로 인하여 적설분포면적, 적설심, 적설분포면적 감소곡선과 같은 융설 관련 매개변수의 추출이 불가능하였다. 본 연구에서는 1997년부터 2003년까지의 겨울철(11월-4월) NOAA/AVHRR 위성영상을 이용하여 한반도의 적설분포도를 추출하고 기상청의 69개소 유인지상기상관측소의 기상자료 중 최심적설심 자료
Satellite data, with sea surface temperature(SST) by NOAA and sea level(SL) by Topex/poseidon, are used to estimate characteristics on the variations and correlations of SST and SL in the East Asian Seas from January 1993 through May 1998. We found that there are two climatic characteristics in the East Asian seas: the oceanic climate, the eastern sea of Japan, and the continental climate, the eastern sea of China, respectively. In the oceanic climate, the variations of SL have the high values in the main current of Kuroshio and the variations of SST have not the remarkable seasonal variations because of the continuos compensation of warm current by Kuroshio. In the continental climate, SL has high variations in the estuaries(the Yellow River, the Yangtze River) with the mixing the fresh water and the saline water in the coasts of continent and SST has highly the seasonal variations due to the climatic effect of continents. In the steric variations of summer, the eastern sea of Japan, the East China Sea and the western sea of Korea is increased the sea level about 10∼20㎝. But the Bohai bay in China have relatively the high values about 20∼30㎝ due to the continental climate. Generally the trends of SST and SL increased during all periods. That is say, the slopes of SST and SL is presented 0.29℃/year and 0.84㎝/year, respectively. The annual and semi-annual amplitudes have a remarkable variations in the western sea of Korea and the eastern sea of Japan. In the case of the annual peaks, there appeared mainly in the western sea of Korea and the eastern sea of Japan because of the remarkable variations of SL associated with Kuroshio. But in the case of the semi-annual peaks, there appeared in the eastern sea of Japan by the influence of current, and in the western sea of Korea by the influence of seasonal temperature, respectively. From our results, it should be believed that SST and SL gradually increase in the East Asian seas concerning to the global warming. So that, it should be requested to the international co-operation against to the change of the abnormal climate.