본 연구는 멸종위기 야생생물 Ⅰ급 풍란의 증식 및 복원을 위한 효율적인 복원을 위해 증식기술과 복 원 후 생장조사를 통한 복원기술개발을 목적으로 수행되었다. 한려해상국립공원 자생지에서 채취한 씨 방을 종자의 적정 생장배지 구명을 위해 4개 배지별 분석결과, 식물체 폭, 잎수, 잎길이, 뿌리수에서 전체적으로 LMWP 배지에서 생장율이 가장 높게 나타났다. 증식된 270개체를 대상으로 식물체 높이, 식물체 폭, 촉수, 잎길이, 잎폭, 잎수 등 6개 항목을 조사하였고, 조사시기는 이식 전, 이식복원 100일 후 1차 모니터링, 이식복원 1년 후 2차모니터링 등 3회를 실시하였다. 생장량 분석결과, 복원 전 조사, 사후모니터링 1차 조사의 생장량보다 사후모니터링 2차의 생장량이 증가한 것은 풍란이 동절기 후에 기 온이 높아지면서 대부분의 성장이 이루어졌기 때문으로 판단된다. 단순 주 효과 분석을 실시한 결과, 부착개수에 따른 생장차이는 없었으나, 부착방법에 따른 촉수와 잎수에서 수태와 돌 부착방법이 유의수 준으로 나타났다. 로지스틱 회귀분석으로 생존율의 영향인자를 분석한 결과, 생존확률에 영향을 미치는 인자는 나무부착 여부가 부정적인 인자로 영향력이 가장 크게 나타났으며, 잎수가 적을수록 생존확률이 높게 나타났다. 향후, 미기후 환경인자와 생존율, 부착방법과 부착개수에 따른 생장율 관계 구명을 통 한 다각적인 분석이 추가적으로 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
The currently cultivated varieties of moth orchid flowers have weak or no fragrance and the plant requires high temperatures for cultivation. In order to develop a new variety of orchid that is psychrophilic and fragrant, intergeneric cross between wild wind orchids and moth orchids was performed. In 2009, To obtain intergeneric hybrids from Sedirea japonicum and Neofinetia falcata with moth orchids, artificial crosses with a total of 160 combinations were performed. Most of the cross combinations failed due to crossincompatibility after intergeneric crosses, with no pod formation, premature pod dropping after pod formation, and pod formation that did not produce seeds. From among these, the crosses that formed normal seeds and germinated to produce viable plants included Doritis pulcherrima × S. japonicum, N. falcata × D. pulcherrima, and N. falcata × P. equestris. From the hybrid specimens obtained through these crosses, 2 superior lines (819-3B and K9256) were selected based on their floral morphology, number of flowers, hardiness, and fragrance. Comparative analyses of the morphological and chromosomal traits were performed between the selected hybrid specimens and their parents. The flower and inflorescence characteristics of the selected hybrids exhibited intermediary traits of both the parents; however, more traits from the moth orchids were inherited. For pollinia traits, both 819-3B and K9256 specimens exhibited intermediate forms of their parents in terms of their shape and size. In the case of 819-3B specimen, a high degree of trait similarity with that of D. pulcherrima was observed; whereas, K9256 specimen showed lobes similar to that of P. equestris. The ploidy of moth orchid, S. japonicum, and N. falcata used for crosses was diploid, as determined by microscopic examination and ploidy analysis. The microscopic examination of chromosomes from the intergeneric hybrid pollens revealed mutation of the chromosome count among different specimens as well as irregular chromosome separation. For the production of next-generation progeny using the obtained hybrids, back-cross was performed; however, most of the progeny obtained were sterile and, among the 12 back-crosses, pod formation was noted in S. japonicum × 819-3B and 819-3B × S. japonicum crosses only.