This experiment was carried out to determine effects of seed rate of native grasses, called native summer forage crops (NSFC), on their growth characteristics and yields in no-tillage paddy fields in central provinces. NSFC cultivation was performed according to the agricultural guidelines of the Rural Development Administration (RDA) during 2020 to 2022. Echinochloa crusgalli ‘Jeju native’, Setaria viridis ‘Korean native type’, Digitaria sanguinalis ‘Korean native type’) were sown by various seed rate in the experimental field (3m × 4m plot) of Department of Animal Resources Development, Seonghwan–eup, Cheonan, Korea in late-May or early-June for 3 years and harvested in middle-September. Dry matter yields (DMY) in Echinochloa crusgalli and Setaria viridis increased as increasing seed rate. DMY in 40 kg ha-1 of Echinochloa crusgalli was the highest and DMY in 60 kg ha-1 of Setaria viridis was the highest. However, All treatments of Digitaria sanguinalis showed similar DMY. Yields of NSFC were the order of Echinochloa crusgalli (9,681~11,092 kg ha-1) > Digitaria sanguinalis (8,311~9,023 kg ha-1) >etaria viridis (3,145~4,749 kg ha-1). The contents of crude protein in NSFC were the order of Digitaria sanguinalis > Echinochloa crusgalli > Setaria viridis. The contents of ADF and NDF in NSFC were the order of Echinochloa crusgalli > Digitaria sanguinalis > Setaria viridis. As shown in above results, we suggest that introduction of NSFC is one of the most important skills in order to stably increase yields of forage crops for utilization of the double cropping system in no-tillage paddy fields.
A field experiment was conducted to investigate the performance of three legume species in a zero-tillage, non-fertilized rice field in a temperate zone. Before the experiment for 5 years, from 1995 to 1999, plant growth patterns of three legume species grown as over-wintering (October-May) cover crops on a paddy field were maintained to study N balance and ~textrmN2 fixation. Decrease in plant density accelerated from after winter to flowering from 1,090, 320, and 5 to 732, 232, and 6 plants ~textrmm-2 in Chinese milk vetch (CMV), white clover (WC), and hairy vetch (HV), respectively. Total dry weights of plants above-ground level were 0.05, 0.11, and 2.43 g ~textrmplant-1 . in WC, CMV and HV respectively but steeply increased at ripening up to 0.77, 2.33, and 26 g ~textrmplant-1 . The root dry weight of HV and CMV rapidly increased while in WC, root dry weight increased slightly towards flowering. The highest nodule numbers were recorded in CMV to April thereafter WC produced the highest. Nodule size was distributed within 7mm in CMV but it was larger in HV varying from 1 to 10mm. Shoot N (g ~textrmm-2 ) greatly increased from over-wintering to flowering in CMV, HV and WC and it ranged from 1.66, 0.5 and 1.92 to 12.6, 3.1 and 13.02 g ~textrmm-2 , respectively. After wintering, the initial shoot N content (%) was more in CMV. Root N content (%) was constant or slightly decreased in HV and WC. Soil total N in the control plot (clean fallow) was the highest on Mar. 2 then decreased rapidly to flowering. Soil N content was constant in HV plots whereas it was low in WC plots for the entire growth period except just after winter. Maximum nitrogenase activities were 9, 37.8, and 131 mol ~textrmC2~textrmH4 ~textrmplant-1 ~textrmhour-1 . in CMV, HV, and WC, respectively. Nitrogenase activity showed a direct correlation with nodule number, size and fresh weight. As a cover crop preceding a rice crop, CMV is more suited to colder regions due to its earlier ripening characteristics. Hairy vetch and WC are recommended for regions with a mild winter and a long summer owing to their late ripening and great N fixation activity.
무경운 담수표면산파재배시 잡초성벼의 발생양상과 비선택성 및 토양처리제를 이용한 잡초성벼 방제 결과는 아래와 같다. 1. 무경운에 의해 토양표면에서 월동한 잡초성벼의 생존율은 92.7%였고 재배벼는 4.3%였다. 2.토양내의 잡초성벼 발생심도는 건답에서 6.8cm, 무논에서 3.0cm, 그리고 무경운답에서 1.5cm로, 무경운답의 잡초성벼 발생은 건답과 무논에 비하여 토양 표층부위에서 주로 발생하였다. 3. 4월 하순의 우리나라 중부지역 평균기온인 13℃ 에서 잡초성벼 발아에 소요되는 일수는 14-15일이었다. 4. 무경운상태에서 포장 표면위에 떨어져 있는 잡초성벼의 발아를 유도한 후 비선택성 제초제인 paraquat 처리한 결과 92.2%의 잡초성벼를 방제할 수 있었으며, 토양처리제 중 가장 높은 출아억제를 보인 제초제는 oxadiazon으로 53.3%의 방제 효과가 있었다. 5. Paraquat과 oxadiazon의 체계처리에 의해 96.4%의 잡초성벼를 방제할 수 있었다.