This study calculated the overall heat transfer coefficient (U-value) of greenhouse covering materials with thermal screens using a simulation model and then estimated the validity of the calculated results by comparison with measured values. The U-value decreased gradually as the thickness of the air space between the double glazing increased, and then remained essentially constant at thicknesses exceeding 25 mm. The U-value also increased with the difference in temperature between the inside and outside of the hot box. The vigorous convective heat transfer between two plastic films caused unsteady heat flow and then created a nonlinear temperature distribution in the air space. The distance did not affect the U-value at distances of 50~200 mm between the plastic covering and thermal curtain. The numerical calculation results, with and without sky radiation, were in accord with the experimental results for a 30°C temperature difference between the inside and outside of the hot box. In conclusion, a reliable Uvalue can be calculated for a temperature difference of 30°C or more between the inside and outside of the hot box.
Fuel consumption in fisheries is a primary concern due to environmental effects and costs to fishermen. Much research has been carried out to reduce the fuel consumption related to fishing operations. The fuel consumption of fishing gear during fishing operation is generally related to hydrodynamic resistance on the gear. This research demonstrates a new approach using numerical methods to reduce fuel consumption. By designing the fishing gear using drawing software, the whole and partial resistance force on the gear can be calculated as a result of simulations. The simulation results will suggest suitable materials or gear structure for reducing the hydrodynamic forces on the gear while maintaining the performance of the gear. This research will helpful to reduce the CO2 emissions from fishing operations and lead to reduce fishing costs due to fuel savings.
This paper presents the optimization steps with weight and importance of estimated characteristic values in the multiresponse surface analysis(MRA). The research introduces the shape parameter of individual desirability function for relaxation and tighening of specification bounds. The study also proposes the combinded desirability function using arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means considering the measurement unit and numerical pattern.
The numerical calculation was carried out using OmniCADDⓇ HCS Hydraulic Calculation Software to certify if flow velocities in pipes reduced in diameter were satisfied with fire codes for a dry system of underground parking area in apartment complex. The design pressure and flow rate for the dry system were 4.3 bar and 1633.8 lpm. The maximum discharge pressure and flow rate of sprinklers were 2.2 bar and 118.2 lpm. The maximum flow velocities in main pipe, branch line and other pipe of the dry system were 1.5 m/s, 5.0 m/s and 3.5 m/s. The design propriety could be clearly certified by satisfying with fire codes related to flow velocities for the pipe network of the dry system.
We have developed a two fluid solar wind model from the Sun to 1 AU. Its basic equations are mass, momentum and energy conservations. In these equations, we include a wave mechanism of heating the corona and accelerating the wind. The two fluid model takes into account the power spectrum of Alfvenic wave fluctuation. Model computations have been made to fit observational constraints such as electron(Te) and proton(Tp) temperatures and solar wind speed(V) at 1 AU. As a result, we obtained physical quantities of solar wind as follows: Te is 7.4 X 10.5 K and density(n) is 1.7 X 107 cm-3 in the corona. At 1 AU Te is 2.1 X 105 K and n is 0.3 cm-3, and V is 511 km s-1. Our model well explains the heating of protons in the corona and the acceleration of the solar wind.
Wind load is known to be one of major forces to influence the stability of agricultural structures. General flow fields were calculated to determine flow characteristics over the envelop of the following three types of greenhouses with arched roof : single span, twin span greenhouses, and two single span greenhouses apart 3m inbetween. Pressure coefficients along the envelop of greenhouse were numerically calculated by the k-ε turbulence model, which lead to determine wind forces on it. Curvilinear coordinate for an arched roof and the upwind scheme were adopted for the study. The calculated pressure coefficients were validated with the avaliable data of Japanese Standard and NGAM Standard. The Magnitude of calculated forces over the envelop was not in good accordance with data except the windward wall. Even tile data of Japanese and NGAM Standard for validation deviated a lot from each other in quantity and quality. Such discrepancy may be attributed to different geometric and/or flow configuration conditions for experiments, or the insenstivity of the k-ε turbulence model to recirculation flow.
In order to ensure the high carbon conversion in a short residence time in a coal slurry entrained gasifier, the objectiveof this study lies in to investigate the effect of important variables to influence on the complex reacting flow and therebyto clarify the physical feature occurring inside the gasifier using a comprehensive gasifier computer program. To this end,the gasification process of a 1.0ton/day gasifier is numerically modeled using the code of Fluent and systematicallyinvestigated with the change of major design and operation parameters. Special emphasis is given on the effect of theparticle size distribution on the gasification process, since it is associated with various length and time scales via multi-phase and with complex reacting flows. Three different particle sizes are tested for a given coal mass flow rate, the firstis 70µm mean diameter with Rosin-Rammler distribution based on the actual measurement. But in the other two casestwo uniform mean particle diameters are employed, that is, very fine 1µm and 70µm with mean diameter itself. Thecalculation results of these three cases show quite different flow pattern, temperature and reacting flows probably causedby the different particle trajectory as well as reaction rate. However, the results obtained can be explained in a consistentmanner with particle size. Especially, it is noted that the presence of coal particle, the diameter of which is larger thanthat of mean diameter of Rosin-Rammler distribution, shows a significantly retarded gasification reaction in a gasifier,even if its mass fraction is less than 50%.
최근 물질의 특성과 구조를 해석하기 위해서 수치해석학적 모델과 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션이 많이 사용된다. 이러한 관점에서 물질의 미세구조를 해석하는 데 있어 분자동역학 해석법은 매우 유용한 방법이다. 이번 연구에서는 점토광물에 대한 확산계수 및 점착력과 같은 물리화학적 특성을 계산하기 위한 수치해석학적 방법을 소개한다. 이번연구에서 지질학적으로 심부에 위치하는 포화된 점토광물과 물을 포함한 점토광물에 대한 특성을 분자동역학을 이용해서 계산하고 균질화해석법을 활용하여 점착력과 같은 외부조건에 따라 결정되는 점토광물의 확산거동을 해석하였다. 그 결과 수치해석에 의한 해석결과 값과 기존의 실내 투수실험에 의한 결과 값이 매우 흡사한 결과를 보인다는 것을 알 수 있다. 이는 여러 가지 복합적인 조건하에서의 점토광물의 물리화학적 거동을 해석하는 데 수치해석학적 방법이 매우 유용하게 사용될 수 있다는 것을 의미한다.
A numerical model for practical use based on the 1-line theory is presented to simulate shoreline changes due to construction of offshore structures. The shoreline change model calculates the longshore sediment transport rate using breaking waves. Before the shoreline change model execution, a wave model, adopting the modified Boussinesq equation including the breaking parameters and bottom friction term, was used to provide the longshore distribution of the breaking waves. The contents of present model are outlined first. Then to examine the characteristics of this model, the effects of the parameters contained in this model are clarified through the calculations of shoreline changes for simple cases. Finally, as the guides for practical application of this model, several comments are made on the parameters used in the model, such as transport parameter, average beach slope, breaking height variation alongshore, depth of closure, etc. with the presentation of typical examples of 3-dimensional movable bed experimental results for application of this model. Here, beach change behind the offshore structures is represented by the movement of the shoreline position. Analysis gives that the transport parameters should be taken as site specific parameters in terms of time scale for the shoreline change and adjusted to achieve the best agreement between the calculated and the observed near the structures.