
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        According to acceptance of radioactive waste, homogeneous waste such as concentrated liquid waste and spent resin must be solidified to reduce radiological hazards and protect public health and the ecology. However, when using a High Integrity Containers (HIC), it is stated that homogeneous waste can be disposed of without applying the solidification test requirements. PCHIC, developed in korea, is composed of polyethylene (PE, interior), polymer concrete (PC, filler), and steel (external reinforcement). Currently, PC-HIC will be used as a packaging container for low-level liquid waste and spent resin waste. PE has a lower shielding efficiency compared to PC, but it offers the economic advantage of lower production costs. Therefore, cost savings can be expected if very low-level waste is packaged and disposed of HIC made only of PE materials (PEHIC). Despite the economical advantage of PE-HIC, PE-HIC has not been used domestically since NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) reported that PE-HIC couldn’t meet the mechanical integrity criteria for radiation exsure. However, according to IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) research, it has been reported that mechanical integrity of PE-HIC is not affected when the absorbed dose is below 50 kGy. Therefore, in this study, Radiological impact of VLLW packaged into PE-HIC is evaluated to confirm that the absorbed dose is below 50 kGy, which then be used to assess feasibility of PE-HIC to be used as packaging and disposal container for radioactive waste. Radiological impact of VLLW packaged into PE-HIC is evaluated to confirm that the absorbed dose is below 50 kGy, which then be used to assess feasibility of PE-HIC to be used as packaging and disposal container for radioactive waste. The feasibility of using PE-HIC as packaging-disposal containers for radioactive waste will be reviewed. In this study, the radiation effects of only waste packaged in PE-HIC were considered, and additional assumptions are as follows. - Nuclides subject to radioactivity evaluation: Co-60, Cs-137 - Radioactivity concentration: very low-level radioactive wastel concentration limit - Target waste: waste resin - PE-HIC dimensions: outer diameter: 1,194 mm, height: 1,290 mm, and thickness 88 mm (PCHIC internal PE shape) Considering the above assumption, the exposure rate was evaluated using the MicroShield program. Since the density of PE-HIC in the MicroShield program was assumed as the density of air. The absorbed dose was recalculated through density correction of the derived exposure rate. As a result, it was confirmed that absorbed dose was about 2-3 mGy over 300 years. As a result of dose evaluation by MicroShield, it is judged that the mechanical integrity of PEHIC as an packaging of VLLW can be proved by confirming that the absorption dose irradiated to PE-HIC by internal waste is less than 50 kGy.