Gas turbine engines are widely used as prime movers of generator and propulsion system in warships. This study addresses the problem of designing a DS-based PID controller for speed control of the LM-2500 gas turbine engine used for propulsion in warships. To this end, we first derive a dynamic model of the LM-2500 using actual sea trail data. Next, the PRC (process reaction curve) method is used to approximate the first-order plus time delay (FOPTD) model, and the DS-based PID controller design technique is proposed according to approximation of the time delay term. The proposed controller conducts set-point tracking simulation using MATLAB (2016b), and evaluates and compares the performance index with the existing control methods. As a result of simulation at each operating point, the proposed controller showed the smallest in , which means that the rpm does not change rapidly. In addition, IAE and IAC were also the smallest, showing the best result in error performance and controller effort.
In this study, the second-order Nomoto’s nonlinear expansion model was implemented as a Tagaki-Sugeno fuzzy model based on the heading angular velocity to design the automatic steering system of a ship considering nonlinear elements. A Tagaki-Sugeno fuzzy PID controller was designed using the applied fuzzy membership functions from the Tagaki-Sugeno fuzzy model. The linear models and fuzzy membership functions of each operating point of a given nonlinear expansion model were simultaneously tuned using a genetic algorithm. It was confirmed that the implemented Tagaki-Sugeno fuzzy model could accurately describe the given nonlinear expansion model through the Zig-Zag experiment. The optimal parameters of the sub-PID controller for each operating point of the Tagaki-Sugeno fuzzy model were searched using a genetic algorithm. The evaluation function for searching the optimal parameters considered the route extension due to course deviation and the resistance component of the ship by steering. By adding a penalty function to the evaluation function, the performance of the automatic steering system of the ship could be evaluated to track the set course without overshooting when changing the course. It was confirmed that the sub-PID controller for each operating point followed the set course to minimize the evaluation function without overshoot when changing the course. The outputs of the tuned sub-PID controllers were combined in a weighted average method using the membership functions of the Tagaki-Sugeno fuzzy model. The proposed Tagaki-Sugeno fuzzy PID controller was applied to the second-order Nomoto’s nonlinear expansion model. As a result of examining the transient response characteristics for the set course change, it was confirmed that the set course tracking was satisfactorily performed.
In this study, the load fluctuation of the main engine is considered to be a disturbance for the jacket coolant temperature control system of the low-speed two-stroke main diesel engine on the ships. A nonlinear PID temperature control system with satisfactory disturbance rejection performance was designed by rapidly transmitting the load change value to the controller for following the reference set value. The feed-forwarded load fluctuation is considered the set points of the dual loop control system to be changed. Real-coded genetic algorithms were used as an optimization tool to tune the gains for the nonlinear PID controller. ITAE was used as an evaluation function for optimization. For the evaluation function, the engine jacket coolant outlet temperature was considered. As a result of simulating the proposed cascade nonlinear PID control system, it was confirmed that the disturbance caused by the load fluctuation was eliminated with satisfactory performance and that the changed set value was followed.
The demand for chiller equipment that keeps each machine at a constant temperature to maintain the best possible condition is growing rapidly. PID (Proportional Integral Derivation) control is a popular temperature control method. The error, which is the difference between the desired target value and the current system output value, is calculated and used as an input to the system using a proportional, integrator, and differentiator. Through such a closed-loop configuration, a desired final output value of the system can be reached using only the target value and the feedback signal. Furthermore, various temperature control methods have been devised as the control performance of various high-performance equipment becomes important. Therefore, it is necessary to design for accurate data-driven temperature control for chiller equipment. In this research, support vector regression is applied to the classic PID control for accurate temperature control. Simulated annealing is applied to find optimal PID parameters. The results of the proposed control method show fast and effective control performance for chiller equipment.
This paper proposes a fusion controller combing an anti-windup PID controller and BELBIC (Brain Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Controller) for controlling the position and vibration of a robot system having a single flexible manipulator. A finite element model of the flexible manipulator is developed. The reliability of it is verified by comparing the natural frequencies computed using the finite-element method with the experimentally measured ones. An MSC.ADAMS computational model of the robot system is interfaced with the proposed controller in MATLAB/Simulink, for carrying out a simulation. The simulation is performed with various references inputs and endpoint masses. The effectiveness and robustness of the proposed controller for control of the position and vibration of the flexible manipulator is shown through the simulation.
Recently, a study on reducing the weight of the robot arm, which enables a high-speed operation and enables reducing the energy consumption has been actively carried out. A lightweight robot arm is hard to control because it behaves like a flexible body rather than a rigid body. This paper proposes a controller which combines a PID controller and a fuzzy logic controller for control the position and vibration of the flexible robot arm. In order to show the effectiveness of the proposed controller, MSC.ADAMS computational model which incorporates the finite element flexible robot arm model is developed, and is used for performing simulations. Simulations are carried out with two reference inputs, and three end masses. Simulation results show that the proposed controller controls the position and vibration of the flexible robot arm adaptively without being affected by the reference input and the end mass.
This study investigates experimentally Air-fuel ratio feedback control with a fuel valve in a LPG engine. The fueling valve is controlled by electronic control unit which is made with micro computer. Various control logics are employed and then PID control is adopter as a proper logic for own system and Air-fuel ratio feedback control by PID control was experimentally of various operation area with the stable control algorithm of PID control that was earned from the former experiment. On the process the experiment, determination experiment of each control part coefficient was the biggest variable among the whole result of experiment. We could know as a result of experiment that the lange of overshoot is bigger as the proportional control part os bigger integral control part is related with the delay time and coefficient of differential control part is related with the decrease of overshoot range from the experiment of various operation area we could also analyse consequently that direct fuel control in the fuel value makes more stable control status in rare operation and low load area.
The agitator with a reducer are usually using on the process of a water treatment. However, working the reducer at the field, a lubricant oil can leak out. It causes an environment pollution and a water service/sewerage pollution problem. In this study, the reducer with a drywell structure is developed in order to prevent the oil leakage. The drywell structure is that the reducer bottom housing and the support column of an output shaft are united, and taper roller bearings are in the bottom housing. During the development of the reducer, a mockup and a prototype are made by using CAD and a high speed CNC machine. Then, to prove the performance of the prototype, the performance tests, unload working test and the mechanical torque efficiency test, are conducted by the torque meter device. Also a motor velocity(rpm) control system is developed by a PID control according to the working loads(MLSS data). The results of the test are shown that the maximum torque efficiency is 88.45%, the oil leakage and the abnormal noise do not occur during the work. Therefore the reducer with the drywell structure and the motor rpm PID control system is successfully developed.
가스터빈 기관은 우주항공, 발전 플랜트뿐만 아니라 해상운송 분야에 사용되는 원동기로서 매우 중요한 역할을 하고 있다. 그러나 그 구조가 복잡하고 연소과정에서 시간지연 요소가 포함되어 있어 가스터빈 기관을 잘 제어할려면 정교한 수학적 모델링이 필요하다. 본 논문 에서는 가스터빈 기관의 주요 구성품인 가스발생기, PLA 액추에이터, 미터링 밸브에 대한 모델링 기법을 설명한다. 또한, 가스터빈 기관의 시 운전 데이터를 기초로 몇 가지 정상상태 때의 동작점에서 서브모델을 구하고, 각 서브모델에 대해 비선형 비례적분미분 제어기를 설계하여 기 관의 속도를 제어하는 방법을 제안한다. 제안하는 비선형 제어기는 비선형 함수로 구현되는 3가지 이득을 사용한다. 비선형 제어기의 파라미터 는 제어시스템의 목적함수를 최소화하는 관점에서 실수코딩 유전자알고리즘으로 동조한다. 제안한 방법은 가스터빈 기관에 적용하고 시뮬레이 션을 실시하여 그 유효성을 확인한다.