
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 51

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The insecticidal activities of 27 different commercial products with environmentally friendly organic material (EFOM) against Scotinophara lurida, a major rice pest, were evaluated in the laboratory using spraying methods on plants and insects. Seven plant-derived organic farming materials (EFOM-8, -10, -12, -13, -19, -20, and -26) with high insecticidal effects when sprayed directly on the insect’s body rather than on the plant were selected. In the indoor rice pot test, all 7 EFOMs showed an insecticidal rate of over 73.3% under irrigated conditions. Notably, EFOM-13 and EFOM-20 demonstrated much higher insecticidal rates, ranging from 1.5 to 1.8 times, in irrigated conditions compared to drained conditions. In the semi-paddy field test, EFOM-10 (80% garlic extract), EFOM- 13 (62% neem extract), and EFOM-26 (70% sophora extract+28% ethyl alcohol+2% pyrethrum extract) exhibited a higher control value of 88.9% in the irrigated paddy on the 7th day, surpassing the control values in the drained paddy by 1.4 to 1.9 times. The control value in the irrigated rice paddy field sprayed with EFOM-10 reached 86.2% on the 7th day, which was 1.4 times higher than 61.9% in the drained paddy. Taken together, the findings suggest that direct contact of the insect’s body with sufficient amounts of spray solution and the maintenance of paddy irrigation can enhance the controlling effect of EFOMs. These findings will be valuable in developing an optimal S. luridacontrol strategy for application in rice paddy fields in the near future.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        먹노린재의 방제시기 설정을 위하여 서식지 내 발생 양상을 조사하였다. 전라남도를 중심으로 돌발 대량 발생 한 먹노린재의 발생 조사는 2023년도 벼의 모내기가 완료된 시점부터 전남 곡성군 석곡면과 여수시 화양면 일대 의 친환경단지에서 주 1회 실시하였으며, 벼의 수확이 완료되는 시점까지 진행될 예정이다. 금년도 발생 조사 결과는 지난 2021년도 결과와 비교하여 분석하고자 하였다. 현제까지의 결과, 여수시의 친환경단지 내 먹노린재 의 발생은 모내기가 완료된 이 후 2주 경과 시점에서 발견되었으며, 곡성군은 4주 경과 시점에서 발견되었고, 발생 최고점은 여수시의 경우 모내기 후 6주 경과 시점으로, 곡성군의 경우 5주 경과 시점으로 나타났다. 먹노린재 의 대발생이 지속되던 2021년도의 결과와 비교하였을 때, 2023년도 결과도 유사한 것으로 나타났다. 이에 따라, 먹노린재 친환경제재 살포 시기는 모내기 후 2주 경과 시점이 적절한 것으로 나타났으며, 2차 방제 시점에 대해서 는 추가 조사를 통해서 제안하고자 한다.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Because Scotinophara lurida has the habit of living under the rice plant, an introduction of a method for efficient control when spraying eco-friendly organic materials is needed. In this study, we investigated the density of S. lurida in drained- and irrigated-paddy field after spraying an organic material containing garlic bulb extracts, which has high insecticidal activity in S. lurida in direct spraying test in glass tube. As a result, an irrigated rice paddy showed a control effect of 66.4% after 3 days of spraying and 86.2% after 7 days, while a drained rice paddy showed a control effect of 33.9% after spraying and 61.9% after 7 days. These results suggest that effective control can be achieved in irrigated rice fields if organic farming materials are evenly sprayed and reach to the body of S. lurida. It is remained to study how irrigated water do contribute to increase the insecticidal effect in the future.
        2023.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Scotinophara lurida is one of major sap-sucking pests in an organic rice farming paddy fields in Korea. Several Poaceae grasses (e.g, rice, barley etc) have been known as a host plant. To find out a true host plant of S. lurida, the developmental characteristics such as weight gain and developmental duration were checked on total eight grasses species including rice and corn. In the results, weight of the fifth nymphal stage was the highest value in the barnyard millet and rice plant. In addition, nymphal duration was the shortest value in the barnyard millet and rice plant. But, in corn and common millet plant, S. lurida nymphs could not complete the development to the adult stage. These results suggest that six Poaceae grasses including rice and barnyard millet out of eight test grasses are close related to true host plants of S. lurida.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        친환경 벼 재배지역을 중심으로 점차 피해가 확대되는 먹노린재(Scotinophara lurida) 방제기술 개발을 위하여 전남지역에서 발생생태 및 온도의존 발육모형을 조사하였다. 2019년 봄 전남 6개지역에서 먹노린재의 월동후 생존율을 조사한 결과 총 153마리중 104마리가 생존하여 67.6%의 생존율을 보였다. 먹노린재는 벼 이앙 후 6월 중하순부터 월동성충이 발생하기 시작하여 7월 상중순에 산란하고 8월 중하순에 1세대 성충이 발생한다. 온도 의존 발육모형을 구하기 위하여 18, 21, 24, 27, 30℃ 14L:10D 조건의 항온기에서 온도별, 발육단계별 발육기간을 조사하였다. 18, 21, 24, 27, 30℃에서 알에서 성충이 될 때까지 소요기간은 각각 119.8, 73.1, 53.5, 39.4, 82.0일로 27℃에서 가장 발육이 잘 되었다. Excell 프로그램을 이용하여 온도와 발육속도와의 관계를 2차 다항식으로 분석하여 회귀곡선을 얻었고 이를 근거로 발육단계별 발육영점온도와 유효적산온도를 산출하였다. 먹노린재의 알에서부터 5령 약충까지의 발육영점온도는 17.9℃, 유효적산온도는 380.2일도였다.
        2019.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Placosternum Amyot & Serville (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) currently belongs to the tribe Pentatomini Leach with 13 described species. Species are medium to big size and are defined by having characteristic thoracic sternal structures and the pronotal lateral angles somewhat protruded and/or serrate. The genus follows a typical Indo-Malayan distribution limited by the Wallace line south-eastwards and extending to some regions of the eastern Palaearctic. The species in the genus can be considered somehow cryptic as morphologically they are similar and most of them have been classified as a single species. Additionally, as most of the species descriptions are extremely poor, after the revision of the type materials and material deposited in many of the worldwide institutions, we present the systematic knowledge on the genus.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Family Pentatomidae has a worldwide distribution, and is considered as one of the largest groups within the Heteroptera. The family is subdivided into 10 different morphological lineages (subfamilies): Aphylinae, Asopinae, Cyrtocorinae, Discocephalinae, Edessinae, Pentatominae, Phyllocephalinae, Podopinae, Serbaninae and Stirotarsinae, however the internal phylogeny and subfamily level relationships of the group remain unstudied. In this talk, molecular markers COI, 16S RNA, 28S RNA and 18S RNA with more than 200 species have been used to test their monophylies and relationships. Based on the results, reclassification and reinterpretation of the characters and groupings should be necessary to understand the evolutionary lineages that make up the Pentatomidae family.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The brown marmorated stinkbug, Halyomorpha halys, is an invasive insect pest in North America and Europe that attacks crop species and causes substantial economic damage. To evaluate the genetic diversities and distributions of different H. halys populations in East Asia, North America, and Europe, COI sequences obtained from 79 new specimens from Korea and 10 from the USA were compared with 725 existing COI sequences. In total, 45 haplotypes were detected in populations from 10 countries. Sixteen haplotypes from Korea (H34–.H49) and 2 from the USA (H50 and H51) were novel. Korean populations exhibited the 2nd highest diversity among the 10 countries, with only Greece exhibiting higher diversity. Haplotype H22 was prominent in Korea, H1 was prominent in China, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Canada, and USA, and H3 was prominent in France and Switzerland. Of the 18 haplotypes found in Korea, 1 was shared with China (H2) and 1 with Greece (H22). Haplotype diversity patterns showed that Korean populations were genetically distinct from populations in China, Europe, and North America. This suggested that populations in Europe and North America arose through multiple invasions from China and that (with the exception of Greece), Korean populations did not spread to other countries. This study represents a comprehensive analysis of H. halys populations in Korea and places these populations in a global context that includes other native populations in East Asia and invasive populations in Europe and North America.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Subfamily Asopinae (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) is known to have a unique behaviour among congeners of the family Pentatomidae. Their predatory behavior towards Lepidoptera and Coleoptera larvae has been numerously studied as some of the species have been used as biological control agents against insect pests. In this presentation a morphological taxonomical revision of the Korean Asopinae is made. New records and the first key from Korea are presented together with illustrations of all their habitus. Their possible role as Biological control agents in Korea is also discussed.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Morphology of antennal sensilla and their distribution were investigated in male and female adults of Plautia stali,a major pest of tree fruits, using scanning electron microscopy. Antennae of P. stali was composed of a scape, a pediceland three flagella in both sexes. Four types of sensilla (s. trichodea, s. basiconica, s. chaetica, s. coeloconica) were identifiedfrom both sexes. Among them, s. trichodea and s. basiconica were multiporous, others are not. They distributed in varyingnumbers. Sexual dimorphism was not shown in the distribution of the four sensilla types. But their distribution was characterizedalong antennal segments in both sexes. This study will be useful in electrophysiological and behavioral studies on theolfactory sensory function of each morphological type of sensilla.
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