
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 14

        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        대용량 화학 및 청정에너지의 운반체인 수소는 석유화학 산업 및 연료전지 등에서 많이 활용되는 중요한 산업용 기체이다. 특히 수소는 주로 증기개질 및 가스화를 통해 화석 연료에서 생성되며 부산물로 이산화탄소가 발생한다. 따라서 고 순도 수소를 얻기 위해서는 이산화탄소를 제거해야 한다. 본 총설에서는 배러 단위[1 Barrer = 10−10 cm3 (STP) × cm / (cm2 × s × cmHg)]로 보고된 이산화탄소로부터 수소를 분리하는 프리스탠딩 고분자 분리막 및 혼합매질 분리막에 초점을 맞추었 다. 최근 보고된 다양한 논문들을 분석하여 분리막의 구조, 형태, 상호 작용 및 제조 방법에 대해 논의하고 구조-물성 관계를 이해하여 향후 더 나은 분리막 소재를 찾는 데 도움이 되고자 한다. 다양한 분리막의 성능 및 특성 검토를 통해 수소/이산화 탄소 분리에 대한 Robeson 성능 한계선을 제시하고, 가교, 혼합 및 열처리 등의 기술을 사용하여 분리 특성을 개선하는 다양 한 혼합매질 분리막에 대해 논의하였다.
        2022.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Rapid development of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) reinforced to polymer composites has been recently noticed in many aspects. In this work, the latest developments on fatigue and fracture enhancement of polymer composites with CNTs reinforcement with diverse methods are thoroughly compiled and systematically reviewed. The existing available researches clearly demonstrate that fatigue fracture resistance of polymer composites can be improved accordingly with the addition of CNTs. However, this work identifies an interesting research gap for the first time in this field. Based on the systematic reviewing approach, it is noticed that all previously performed experiments in this field were mostly focused upon studying one factor only at a time. In addition, it is also addressed that there were no previous studies reported a relationship or effect of one factor upon others during examining the fatigue fracture of carbon nanotubes. Moreover, there was no adequate discussion demonstrating the interaction of parameters or the influence of one parameter upon another when both were examined simultaneously. It is also realized that the scope of the conducted fatigue fracture studies of carbon nanotubes were mainly focused on microscale fatigue analysis but not the macroscale one, which can consider the effect of environment and service condition. In addition, the inadequacy of fatigue life predicting models via analytical and numerical methods for CNT-reinforced polymer composites have also been highlighted. Besides, barriers and challenges for future directions on the application of CNT-reinforced polymer composite materials are also discussed here in details.
        2017.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The mixed matrix membranes for CO2/N2 separation, which is composed of commercially available MgCO3 and amphiphilic comb polymer matrix based on poly(ethyleneglycol) behenyl ether methacrylate and poly(oxyethelene methacrylate) synthesized via a facile free radical polymerization, were fabricated. The use of a CP improved the dispersion of the MgCO3 in ethanol due to the specific interaction between CP and MgCO3. The MMMs were characterized using scanning electron microscopy(SEM), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy(HR-TEM), and wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS). The best performance of gas separation for CP/MgCO3 MMM was shown in the case of 45wt% MgCO3 with the highest CO2 /N2 selectivity(93.8) and good CO2 permeance (30.9GPU). This performance of this CP/MgCO3 MMM is higher than other MgCO3 commercially available MMMs.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The electrical property of polymer matrix composites with added carbon powder is studied based on the temperature dependency of the conduction mechanism. The temperature coefficient of the resistance of the polymer matrix composites below the percolation threshold (x) changed from negative to positive at 0.20 < x < 0.21; this trend decreased with increasing of the percolation threshold. The temperature dependence of the electrical property(resistivity) of the polymer matrix composites below the percolation threshold can be explained by using a tunneling conduction model that incorporates the effect of the thermal expansion of the polymer matrix composites into the tunneling gap. The temperature coefficient of the resistance of the polymer matrix composites above the percolation threshold has a positive value; its absolute value increased with increasing volume fraction of carbon powder. By assuming that the electrical conduction through the percolating paths is a thermally activated process and by incorporating the effect of thermal expansion into the volume fraction of the carbon power, the temperature dependency of the resistivity above the percolation threshold can be well explained without violating the universal law of conductivity.
        2015.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A simple method for generating pores in a cellulose acetate (CA) polymer matrix was developed using a combination of an ionic liquid and water pressure treatment. A porous CA membrane was successfully prepared using the ionic liquid (BMIM-BF4) and subsequent water pressure treatment. Pores were generated in the CA polymer matrix when the CA/ionic liquid composite was subjected to water pressure. The characteristics of the thus-generated porous membrane were evaluated using porosimetry. FT-IR and Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) showed that when the CA polymer was subjected to water pressure, most of the BMIM-BF4 incorporated in the polymer during its preparation was removed, thereby generating the observed pores. In addition, it was observed that the flux varied with water pressure, indicating that the pore size was controllable.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper investigates the dependency of the critical content for electrical conductivity of carbon powder-filled polymer matrix composites with different matrixes as a function of the carbon powder content (volume fraction) to find the break point of the relationships between the carbon powder content and the electrical conductivity. The electrical conductivity jumps by as much as ten orders of magnitude at the break point. The critical carbon powder content corresponding to the break point in electrical conductivity varies according to the matrix species and tends to increase with an increase in the surface tension of the matrix. In order to explain the dependency of the critical carbon content on the matrix species, a simple equation (Vc* = [1 + 3(γc1/2 − γm1/2)2/(ΔqcR]−1) was derived under some assumptions, the most important of which was that when the interfacial excess energy introduced by particles of carbon powder into the matrix reaches a universal value (Δqc), the particles of carbon powder begin to coagulate so as to avoid any further increase in the energy and to form networks that facilitate electrical conduction. The equation well explains the dependency through surface tension, surface tensions between the particles of carbon powder.
        2013.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Delamination crack detection is very important for improving the structural reliability of laminated composite structures. This requires real-time delamination detection technologies. For composite laminates that are reinforced with carbon fiber, an electrical potential method uses carbon fiber for reinforcements and sensors at the same time. The use of carbon fiber for sensors does not need to consider the strength reduction of smart structures induced by imbedding sensors into the structures. With carbon fiber reinforced (CF/) epoxy matrix composites, it had been proved that the delamination crack was detected experimentally. In the present study, therefore, similar experiments were conducted to prove the applicability of the method for delamination crack detection of CF/polyetherethereketone matrix composite laminates. Mode I and mode II delamination tests with artificial cracks were conducted, and three point bending tests without artificial cracks were conducted. This study experimentally proves the applicability of the method for detection of delamination cracks. CF/polyetherethereketone material has strong electric resistance anisotropy. For CF/polyetherethereketone matrix composites, a carbon fiber network is constructed, and the network is broken by propagation of delamination cracks. This causes a change in the electric resistance of CF/polyetherethereketone matrix composites. Using three point bending specimens, delamination cracks generated without artificial initial cracks is proved to be detectable using the electric potential method: This method successfully detected delamination cracks.
        1993.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Plastic기 복합재료의 파괴거동에 미치는 원공크기오 판폭의 영향을 검토하기 위하여 단축인장시험을 행하였다. 점응력파손조건에서의 특성길이 do는 원공크기 및 판폭에 의존하며, 이를 기초로 파손강도를 예측하기 위한 수정 점응력 파손조건식을 제안하였다. 이 파손조건의 예측값은 실험값과 잘 일치하였다. 파손 강도는 원공선단의 손상비의 증가에 따라 증가하며, 이는 손상영역의 형성으로 인한 응력완화현상으로 설명되어 진다. 또한 불안정 파괴시의 최대균열길이 ac는 특성길이 do의 약 2배의 값을 나타낸다. 파괴인성에 대응하는 한계에너지해방율 Gc의 변화는 원공선단의 손상영역의 증가에 의한 응력완화가 주요한 원인이라고 할 수 있다.