Purpose: In countries with a large elderly population, the integrated visiting health care program for the elderly in communities was effective in preventing frailty and reducing medical expenses. Customized preventive health service is essential in a super-aged society. The purpose of this study is to estimate the number of professionals who perform visiting health care for the elderly. Methods: The statistics for the elderly from Statistics Korea and the Visiting Healthcare Performance Report from Korea Health Promotion Institute were employed in the analysis. The elderly were divided into four groups: healthy, pre-frailty, frailty I, and frailty II, according to their health level. Through the focus group interview, the ratio of nurses, physical activity experts, and nutritionists was set at 8:1:1. Results: Three scenarios were classified into minimum, medium, and maximum according to the number of visits. In the case of Seoul, the number of essential professionals was calculated at least from 719 to a maximum of 1,837. Conclusion: Since this study has a limitation in calculating visiting health care experts only by the ratio of nurses, physical activity experts, and nutritionists, future studies should consider experts or professionals in the field of social welfare, oral health, and visiting treatment.
우리나라는 정보통신부가 지난 10년간 1조 5천억 원 규모의 재원을 사용하여 우수 IT인력양성에 힘써왔다. 특히 2005년 이후에는 산업체 요구에 부응하기 위해 교육품질을 높이기 위한 다양한 인력양성 사업을 전개하고 있지만 실질적으로 유용한 인재육성에 대한 어려움은 여전하다. 최근 나타나는 IT인력수요의 양극화 현상은 IT인력 양성과 수급 효율화를 위해서 질적인 수준을 조정하는 방안의 개발이 필요하게 되었음을 시사한다. IT기술의 발전은 다른 분야의 기