The use of Project Management Information System (PMIS) is increasing in project management industries such as construction, defense, manufacturing, software development, telecommunication, etc. It is generally known that PMIS helps to improve the quality of decision making in project management, and consequently improves the project performance. However, how much and which parts of project management performance are affected by PMIS still need to be studied further. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of PMIS quality on project management performance. We collected data from various project based industries such as construction, defense, manufacturing, software development and telecommunication by using survey questionnaire. PMIS quality was measured in three dimensions. They are system quality, information quality and service quality. Project management performance was measured in nine variables such as time reduction, work accuracy, cost management, etc. Statistical analyses such as multiple regression were used to analyze the data. The results showed that PMIS quality had significant impacts on the project management performance and user satisfaction. It was notable that only two dimensions out of the three PMIS quality dimensions, system quality and information quality, affected the project management performance. Also, it was found that PM performance played a mediating role between PMIS and user satisfaction, and between PMIS and reuse intention. The contribution of this research is that it helps to clarify what aspects of PMIS affect the project management performance and user satisfaction.
글로벌 IS 소싱이 확산됨에 따라 다국적 팀원들로 구성된 글로벌 프로젝트 팀이 급격히 늘어나고 있다. 상이한 시간대에 위치한 팀원 간의 상호작용이 필수적인 글로벌 프로젝트는 이러한 시간적, 공간적 복잡성 때문에 프로젝트의 성공적 수행에 많은 어려움을 겪고 있다. 본 연구는 성공적인 글로벌 프로젝트 수행에 필요한 프로젝트 관리역량에 대한 탐색적인 연구 조사를 하고자 한다. 본 연구는 글로벌 프로젝트 관리 역량을 정보 기술적 역량(IT capability)
SOC(Social Overhead Capital) projects such as road, power plant, airport or telecommunication facility construction require a large scale of cost, a long period of time and management of a number of sub-contractors. So systematic and efficient management tool in SOC projects is inevitable. Information system provides a valuable tool which can integrate and manage the large volume of information for SOC projects. This study investigates and analyzes the information system of nuclear power plant construction project. Based on this study, we can suggest the direction for designing information system for SOC projects.