
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        역세척이 가능한 평막형 분리막 모듈을 분리막 생물반응기(MBR)에 침지시켜 운전 시간에 따른 흡입 압력을 측 정하였다. MLSS 8,000 mg/L 활성 슬러지 수용액에 공칭 세공크기가 0.2 μm, 유효막면적이 128 cm2인 분리막 모듈을 침지 시킨 후 투과 유속, quorum qeunching (QQ) 비드를 변화하며 흡입 압력을 확인하였다. Vacant bead (VB), BH4와 DKY-1의 실험군에서 FR과 SFCO 운전방식에 따른 효과를 비교, 분석하였다. 투과 유속 40 L/m2⋅h 이고 DKY-1 QQ 비드를 주입할 경우 흡입 압력 감소는 가장 효과적이었다. 또한 역세척에 의한 흡입 압력 감소 효과는 DKY-1 QQ 비드의 경우보다 2배 이 상 높게 나타났다.
        2012.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently, automobile parts have been required to have high strength and toughness to allow for weight lightening or improved stability. But, traditional micro-alloyed steel cannot be applied in automobile parts. In this study, we considered the influence of quenching temperature and cooling rate for specimens fabricated by vacuum induction furnace. Directly quenched micro-alloyed steel for hot forging can be controlled according to its micro structure and the heat-treatment process. Low carbon steel, as well as alloying elements for improvement of strength and toughness, was used to obtain optimized conditions. After hot forging at 1,200˚C, the ideal mechanical properties (tensile strength ≥ 1,000 MPa, Charpy impact value ≥ 100 J/cm2) can be achieved by using optimized conditions (quenching temperature : 925 to 1,050˚C, cooling rate : ≥ 5˚C/sec). The difference of impact value according to cooling rate can be influenced by the microstructure. A fine lath martensite micro structure is formed at a cooling rate of over 5˚C/sec. On the other hand, the second phase of the M-A constituent microstructure is the cause of crack initiation under the cooling rate of 5˚C/sec.
        2006.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The mixed atomized iron powders with 0.3% graphite and 1% Ni powders were cold pressed and sintered at for 30 min under pure Ar gas atmosphere. Some of the sintered specimens were intercritically annealed at and quenched in water (single quenching). The other sintered specimens were first fully austenized at and water quenched. These specimens were then intercritically annealed at and re-quenched in water. The experimental results showed that the wear coefficient effectively decreased in the double quenched specimen.