This research aims at comparing the accuracy of flood discharge estimation. For this, we focused on the Oedo watershed of Jeju Island and compared flood discharge by analyzing the values as follows: (1) the concentration of the lumped model (HEC-HMS) and distributed model (Vflo), and (2) the in-situ data using Fixed Surface Image Velocimetry (FSIV). The flood discharge estimation from the HEC-HMS model is slightly larger than the Vflo model results. This result shows that the estimations of the HEC-HMS are larger than the flood discharge data by 4.43 to 36.24% and that of the Vflo are larger by 8.49 to 11%. In terms of the error analysis at the peak discharge occurrence time of each mapping, HEC-HMS is one hour later than the measured data, but Vflo is almost the same as the measured data.
The purpose of this study is a image processing program development to consider the domestic situation of GPR detection. Therefore the image processing program will be developed to extract and to visualize the measured raw data.
수문학적 해석에 필요한 기본 자료인 강우 자료의 취득 방법 중 지상관측소는 강우량을 직접 관측하기 때문에 실측 강우량 정보를 얻는 장점이 있으나, 현업에서 필요한 면적강우량을 얻기 위해서는 다수의 관측소를 설치해야 하는 단점이 있다. 한편, 강우레이더는 넓은 범위의 강우량을 실시간으로 취득할 수 있으며, 특히 공간적으로 한정되어 발생하는 국지성 돌발홍수의 원인이 되는 단기 집중 호우를 추적하기 용이한 장점이 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 기상청에서 편차 보정과 품질 관리가 이루어지고 있어 상당한 신뢰 수준을 확보하고 있고, 현장에서 쉽게 제공 받을 수 있는 강우레이더 영상인 CAPPI (Constant Altitude Plan Position Indicator) 합성영상으로부터 유역 평균 강우를 추출하는 방법으로서 기존의 연산 방법인 레스터 방식에서 벗어나 소유역에도 적용될 수 있는 벡터 방식의 영상 추출 기법 CIVCOM을 제시하고 추출된 자료의 타당성을 비교 검토하였다.
This paper proposes a method for generating radar images used in a ship handling simulator, which includes mathematical logics based on radar equations and information from Openflight format files. In order to make radar image much similar to that of real radar in PPI type, the proposed mathematical logic derives radar video signals under the consideration of not only the data form flight format file of simulation scenes, but also geographical radar's position. The proposed method is considered useful to make radar images in ship handling simulator with accuracy and reality.
Radar image data were collected through the on-line data acquisition system of A/D converter and personal computer, and the image was restorated on CRT or plotter after digital image processing of the data. The digital image processing system which was developed for this study, consisted of some kinds of software as follows : rearrangement, transformation, and enhancement of the image data in real space or frequency space by Fourier transform, edge detection of the image, compact processing, state inferential processing, and so on. Since the image of PPI radar sweeps from the center to the circumference of a circle, the image within a given period has the shape of fan. Therefore the acquired data were transformed to have the same interval as that of data in outmost concentricity. The results of various image processing methods using transformed data were better than those of the methods using original data.