In Korea, Kori Unit 1 and Wolsong Unit 1, have been permanently shut down in 2017 and 2019, and more nuclear power plants are expected to be permanently shut down after continued operation successively. Spent fuel has been generated during operation and stored in spent fuel pools. Due to the expected saturation of spent fuel pools within the next several decades, transportation of a huge amount of spent fuel is anticipated to interim storage facilities or final disposal facilities, even though the specific location is not decided. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) states that every environmental report prepared for the licensing stage of a Pressurized Water Reactor shall contain a statement concerning risk during the transportation of fuel and radioactive wastes to and from the reactor. Thus, the licensee should ensure that the radiological effects in accidents, as well as normal conditions in transport, do not exceed certain criteria or be small if cannot be numerically quantified. Specific conditions that a full description and detailed analysis of the environmental effects of transportation of fuel and wastes to and from the reactor are exempted are specified in 10 CFR Part 51. Since there are no official requirements for radiological dose assessment for workers and public during the transportation of spent fuel in Korea, the margin when applying the U.S. regulatory criteria to the environmental impact assessment during the transport of spent fuel generated from domestic nuclear power plants is evaluated. A different approach would be needed due to the difference in the characteristics of spent fuel and geographical features.
Cement is widely used as representative industrial material. In Korea, about 50 million tons of cement are consumed every year. In the manufacture of cement, raw materials containing NORM such as fly ash and bauxite are used. Therefore, the workers can be subjected to radiation exposure. The major exposure pathway in NORM industries is internal exposure due to inhalation of aerosol. Internal radiation dose due to aerosol inhalation varies depending on physicochemical properties of the aerosol. Therefore, the objective of this study was to investigate aerosol properties influencing inhalation dose in cement industries. In this study, aerosol properties were measured for two cement manufacturers. A particulate size distribution and concentration at various processing areas in cement manufacturing industries in Korea were analyzed using a cascade impactor. The mass density of raw materials and byproducts were measured using pycnometer. Shape of particulates was analyzed using SEM. The radioactivity concentration of Ra-226, Ra-228 for U/Th decay series was measured using HPGe. Particulate concentration by size was distributed log-normally with maximum at particle size about 7.2 μm in manufacturer A and 5.2 μm in manufacturer B. The mass density of fly ash and cement were 2.3±0.06, 3.2±0.02 g/cm3 respectively in manufacturer A. In manufacturer B, the mass density of bauxite and cement were 3.4±0.02, 2.9±0.01 g/cm3 respectively. The shape of particulates appeared as spherical shape in manufacturer A and B regardless of sampling area. Thus, a shape factor of unity could be assumed. The radioactivity concentrations of Ra-226, Ra-228 were 82±9, 82±8 Bq/kg for fly ash, and 25±4, 23±3 Bq/kg for cement in manufacturer A. In manufacturer B, the radioactivity concentrations of Ra-226, Ra-228 were 344±34, 391±32 Bq/kg for bauxite, and 122±13, 145±12 Bq/kg for cement. The radioactivity concentrations of Ra-226, Ra-228 in cement were less than raw materials such as fly ash and bauxite. It is because the dilution of the radioactivity concentration occurred during mixing with other raw materials in cement production process. This study results will be used as database for accurate dose assessment due to airborne particulate inhalation by workers in cement industries.
The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) states that every environmental report prepared for the licensing stage of a Pressurized Water Reactor shall contain a statement concerning risk during the transportation of fuel and radioactive wastes to and from the reactor. Thus, the licensee should ensure that the radiological effect in accidents, as well as normal conditions in transport, do not exceed certain criteria or be small if cannot be numerically quantified. These are specified in 10 CFR Part 51 and applied in NUREG-1555 Supplement 1 Revision 1, which deals with Environmental Standard Review Plan. Corresponding regulations in Korea would be the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission Notice No. 2020-7. In Appendix 2 of the Notice, guides on the radiological environmental report for production and utilization facilities, spent nuclear fuel interim storage facilities, and radioactive waste disposal facilities. In this guide, unlike the regulations in the U.S., there are no obligations for radiological dose assessment for workers and public during the transportation. Therefore, overall regulations and their legal basis related to risk assessment during transportation conducted for the environmental report in the U.S. were analyzed in this study. On top of that, through the comparison with regulations in Korea, differences between the two systems were figured out. Finally, this study aims to find the points in terms of assessing transport risk to be revised in the current regulatory system in Korea.