The residual stress analysis and fatigue test of a steel plate with a hole were performed in order to investigate the effects of the cold expansion on the fatigue life of the plate. The cold expansion method is a metal forming process by expanding a hole in order to induce compressive tangential residual stresses near the hole. In this research, a S45C steel plate of 3.2 mm thickness with a hole of 4.318 mm diameter was cold expanded by using a mandrel, resulting in a degree of expansion 1.47%. A significant amount of compressive tangential residual stress of 502 MPa at the hole surface was calculated using the finite element analysis and the compressive residual stress was more widely spreaded in the entry and exit planes than the mid plane in the plate thickness. The compressive tangential residual stresses showed a very beneficial influence on the fatigue life of the plate by increasing 1.2 to 2 times longer lives compared to the plate without cold expansion, depending on the applied load levels. Fatigue crack initiated and propagated at the hole surface of the mandrel entrance region, where relatively lower magnitude of compressive residual stress was found than the other region.
Gas welding is a very important and useful technology in the fabrication of railroad cars and commercial vehicle structures. However, since the fatigue strength of gas-welded joints is considerably lower than that of the parent material due to stress concentration at the weld, the fatigue-strength assessment of gas-welded joints is very important for the reliability and durability of railroad cars and the establishment of a criterion for long-life fatigue design. In this paper, in order to save time and cost for the fatigue design, an accelerated life-prediction method that is based on the theory of statistical reliability was investigated. Its usefulness was verified by comparing the (Δσa)R-Nf relationship that was obtained from actual fatigue test results with the (Δσa)R-(Nf)ALP relationship that was derived from accelerated life testing. And the reliability of the predicted life was evaluated. The reliability of the accelerated life-prediction on the base of actual test data was analyzed to be (81~86)% of the actual test life of the fillet-type gas welded joint.
본 논문에서는 상수관로의 효율적인 유지 관리를 위해 상수도 기술진단에서 점수평가법으로 도출된 관망성능평가결과를 이용한 상수도 관로의 내구연수 및 잔존수명 산정 방법을 제시하였다. 본 연구에서 잔존수명은 ‘모델에 의해 추정된 매설 후 최적교체시기까지 경과년수’를 의미하는 ‘내구연수’와 매설 후 경과년수의 차이로 정의하였으며, 내구연수는 관망성능평가기준으로 제시된 노후관로 판정기준 점수에 도달하는 시점으로 정의하였다. 연구대상지역의 관망성능평가에 사용된 평가항목들과 노후도 점수를 상수도 관로의 잔존수명 추정을 위한 다중회귀모델의 변수로 사용하였다. 잔존수명의 산정에 필요한 내구연수를 추정하기 위하여 구축된 회귀모델에 독립변수로 사용된 노후도 점수를 나타내는 변수의 값으로 노후관로 판정기준 점수에 해당하는 값을 대입하였다. 개발된 회귀모델을 이용하여 연구대상지역 상수도 관로의 내구연수 및 잔존수명을 산정하였으며 그 결과를 지방공기업법에서 제시하고 있는 내용연수와 비교하여 분석하였다.
In this study, based on the field and laboratory experiments results of underground box culverts, a residual service life was numerically estimated via the statistical analysis and Monte Carlo simulation.