
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzes the importance and implementation of countermeasures to reduce safety accidents that may occur during fishing in coastal gillnet fishing. Safety accidents that may occur in coastal gillnet fishing were classified into 56 measurement items in six areas: slips and trips, contact with machinery, falls, struck by object, musculoskeletal symptoms, and electrical shock. 35 fishermen belonging to coastal gillnet associations in Tongyeong and Namhae were selected as samples, and the importance and implementation of the proposed measurement items were investigated in the field. In addition, the results were evaluated visually by IPA analysis. As a result of the analysis, the importance of struck by object was the highest, and the implementation of slips and trips was the highest. On the other hand, prevention of musculoskeletal damage was found to be the lowest in both importance and implementation. The area with the most significant difference in importance and implementation by the classified area for measurement items was struck by object, and the area with the minor difference was slips and trips. Among the measurement items, the importance is highly recognized, but there are items with low implementation. To improve their level of implementation, countermeasures such as continuous education, economic support, and structural change of fishing boats should be prepared; moreover, policy support activities for implementation should be carried out.
        2021.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, factors such as improvement of a fishing process and safety, reduction of the labor force and headcount and development of the automation technology for offshore (eel and crab) pot fishing vessels were analyzed. A questionnaire survey was conducted to analyze and select the key factors using independent/paired sample t-test and correlation analysis, and a living lab was operated with ship owners, skippers and experts to discuss practical needs of the site. From the result of questionnaire survey and field requirements, it was possible to understand the level of awareness of ship safety, general safety equipment, fishing work process and fishing safety equipment from the point of view of the field. In addition, there were differences in the measurement results of each items because the working environment and experience were different according to the position of the ship owner and the skipper. The results of the questionnaire survey and various perceptions of field stakeholders were reflected when analyzing the fishing system and fishing process to choose the development equipment applicable to the field. From the analysis results, the selected development equipment based on the fishing equipment and process currently in operation are pot washing device, catch separation and fish hold injection device, length limit regulations and bait ejection device after use, automatic main line winding device, bait crusher, automatic (crab) pot hauling separator and so on.