Decommissioning of a nuclear power plant (NPP) generate large amounts of various types of wastes. In accordance with the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission Notice of Korea (No. 2020- 6), they are classified as High Level Waste (HLW), Intermediate Level Waste (ILW), Low Level Waste (LLW), Very Low Level Waste (VLLW) and Exempt Waste (EW) according to specific activities. More than 90% of the wastes are at exempt level, mostly metal and concrete wastes with low radioactivity, of which the concentrations of nuclides is less than the allowable concentration of self-disposal. The self-disposal or recycling of these wastes is widely used worldwide. More than 10,000 drums, based on 200 L drum, are expected to be produced in the decommissioning process of a unit of nuclear power plant. Due to the limited storage capacity of the intermediate & low level waste disposal facility in Gyeongju, recycling and self-disposal of EW are actively recommended in Korea. A variety of scenarios were proposed for recycling and self-disposal of decommissioning metal/ concrete wastes, and a computational program called REDISA was developed to perform the dose evaluation for each recycling and self-disposal scenario. The REDISA computer program can calculate external and internal exposure doses by simulating the exposure pathways from waste generation, thru transport, processing, manufacture, to the final destination of recycling or self-disposal. In this study, the self-disposal scenario was only considered for the dose evaluation. Many studies have been conducted to evaluate the exposure doses of the radioactive waste disposal sites. However, there have been few researches on dose evaluation for self-disposal landfills. In particular, the dose evaluation is important not only during the operation period, but also for a long period after the facility is closed. To this end, we developed a conceptual model for dose evaluation for post-closure scenarios of the self-disposal landfill of decommissioning metal/concrete wastes with reference to the methodology of IAEA-TECDOC-1380. The model incorporates three exposure pathways, including external exposure from contaminated soil, internal exposure by inhalation, and internal exposure by ingestion of water and food grown in contaminated soil. The duration of the dose evaluation is set to 100,000 years after the closure of landfill facility. Co-60 was selected as dominant nuclide, and dose evaluation was performed based on unit specific activity of 1 Bq/g. Exposure doses shall be verified for their application in accordance with the annual dose limit of 10 Sv/yr for self-disposal. As a result, the post-closure scenario of selfdisposal landfills have shown negligible effects on public health, which means that the exposures doses from transportation and operational processes should be considered more carefully for selfdisposal of decommissioning metal/concrete wastes.
The fuel fabrication facility has been built and is being operated by KAERI since licensing research reactor fuel fabrication in 2004. After almost 20 years of operation, outdated equipment for fabrication or inspection has been replaced by automated, digitalized ones to assure a higher quality of nuclear fuels. However, the generation of a large amount of radioactive waste is another concern for the replacement in terms of its volume and various types of it that should be categorized before disposal. The regulatory body, NSSC (Nuclear Safety and Security Commission) released a notice related to the classification of radioactive wastes, and most accessory equipment can be classified into the clearance levels, called self-disposal waste. In this study, the practice of self-disposal of metal radioactive waste is carried out to reduce its volume and downgrade its radioactivity. For metal radioactive waste, which is expected to occupy the most amount, analysis status and legal limitations were performed as follows: First, the disposal plan was established after an investigation of the use history for equipment. Second, those were classified by types of materials, and their surface radio-contamination was measured for checking self-disposable or not. After collecting data, the plan for the self-disposal was written and submitted to the Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) for approval.
The radwaste facility management team is preparing for clearance of 4 MCAs in The Radwaste Form Test Facility (RFTF). The targeted waste was used for clearance level radioactive waste sample analysis and has been used for this purpose since the early 2000s. Due to the characteristics of clearance level radioactive waste, the concentration of radioactivity is very low and MCA is used with Marinelli beakers the possibility of contamination is low. Moreover, the radiation detector should not be contaminated with radioactive materials, it should be less than the clearance level. These detectors were considered surface contamination materials. To detect the contaminated spot of each material, we scanned the whole surface of a material with a gamma survey meter. After that, we took a sample from 1×1 m2 and a total of 30 samples from each MCA. The wiped filter paper was analyzed with alpha, beta low background counting systems. The results of the analysis of the smear sample of total alpha and beta nuclide radioactivity were less than MDA (α: 2.88×10−5 Bq·cm−2, β: 3.07×10−5 Bq·cm−2). The major nuclide in this facility is Co-60 and Cs-137 therefore we analyzed gamma nuclide activity with HPGe. The maximum specific activity was Co-60: 2.31×10−5 Bq·cm−2, Cs-137: 1.96×10−6 Bq·cm−2. If it is satisfied with the clearance criteria, detectors will be reused at the Radioactive Waste Treatment Facility (RWTF) room # 7251 uncontrolled area.
The purpose of this study was to effectively purify U-contaminated soil-washing effluent using a precipitation/distillation process, reuse the purified water, and self-dispose of the generated solid. The U ions in the effluent were easily removed as sediments by neutralization, and the metal sediments and suspended soils were flocculated–precipitated by polyacrylamide (PAM). The precipitate generated through the flocculation–precipitation process was completely separated into solid–liquid phases by membrane filtration (pore size < 45 μm), and Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions remaining in the effluent were removed by distillation. Even if neutralized or distilled effluent was reused for soil washing, soil decontamination performance was maintained. PAM, an organic component of the filter cake, was successfully removed by thermal decomposition without loss of metal deposits including U. The uranium concentration of the residual solids after distillation is confirmed to be less than 1 Bq·g−1, so it is expected that the self-disposal of the residual solids is possible. Therefore, the treatment method of U-contaminated soil-washing effluent using the precipitation/distillation process presented in this study can be used to effectively treat the washing waste of U-contaminated soil and self-dispose of the generated solids.
본 연구에서는 원전연료 가공시설에서 발생한 콘크리트 폐기물을 자체처분 하기 위란 국내 규제요건을 검토하였고, 매립 및 재활용에 따른 작업자 및 일반인의 방사선학적 위해도를 평가하기 위해 RESRAD Ver. 6.3, RESRAD BUILD Ver. 3.3 전산코드를 사용하여 피폭선량을 평가하였다. 피폭선량 평가 결과에 따라 유도된 처분제한치는 콘크리트 폐기물 매립의 경우 0.1071Bq/g (3.5% 농축우라늄), 재활용의 경우 (5% 농축우라늄)이었다. 또한, 자체처분대상 콘크리트 폐기물의 제염 후 잔류방사능을 조사한 결과, 표면오염도는 전체평균이 (알파방출체), 콘크리트 폐기물 표면에서 채취한 시료의 방사성핵종 분석결과 은 0.0297Bq/g, 의 농축도는 2w/o 이하였고, 인위적 오염으로 예상되는 의 농도는 0.0089Bq/g 이었다. 따라서, 자체처분 대상 콘크리트 폐기물의 매립 및 재활용시 일반인 및 작업자에게 미치는 방사선학적 위해도는 원자력관계법령에서 정하는 처분제한치(개인선량 , 집단선량 ) 이하임을 확인하였다.
국내 의료기관 핵 의학과에서는 환자에게 방사성 의약품을 주입하기 위해 체내검사의 80% 이상이 99Mo/ 99mTc Generator에서 방사선 핵종인 99mTc 용출하여 사용한다. 사용이 종료된 Generator 중 외국으로 부터 수입한 국외용 Generator는 각 의료기관에서 자체 처분을 시행한다. 각 의료기관에서는 자체처분을 시행 할 때에는 방사성 폐기물이 자체처분 허용 농도 이하를 만족하여야 한다. 국내에 제시된 자체처분에 대한 지침은 방사선 감쇠 계산식으로 도출된 값으로 Generator 사용 후로부터 80일 이후 자체처분이 가능하다는 내용을 제시하였다. 이러한 지침이 직접 Generator를 가지고 측정한 데이터를 통해 비교 분석하여 타당성이 있는지에 대하여 연구하고자 한다. 결과적으로 1000 mCi 용량의 Generator 의 경우 Generator 구성 요소 중 반감기가 가장 길며, 방사능이 많은 99Mo(몰리브덴) column을 가지고 실험하였을 때, 방사성 폐기물로 차체 처분 허용농도 이하가 되는 일수는 99mTc을 용출하여 유도한 기간은 72일, 직접 칼럼을 측정하여 도출한 처분 일은 71일이였다. 직접적으로 연구한 결과는 지침의 내용에서 제시한 자체처분 일수보다 8~9일 정도 보 관 일수 차이가 있으나, 국내 차체 처분 보관 일수의 범위 안에 속하므로 국내 자체처분에 대한 지침이 타 당성이 있음을 확인 하였다.