
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2019.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigate the characteristics of self-assembled quantum dot infrared photodetectors(QDIPs) based on doping level. Two kinds of QDIP samples are prepared using molecular beam epitaxy : n+-i(QD)-n+ QDIP with undoped quantum dot(QD) active region and n+-n−(QD)-n+ QDIP containing Si direct doped QDs. InAs QDIPs were grown on semi-insulating GaAs (100) wafers by molecular-beam epitaxy. Both top and bottom contact GaAs layer are Si doped at 2×1018/cm3. The QD layers are grown by two-monolayer of InAs deposition and capped by InGaAs layer. For the n+-n−(QD)-n+ structure, Si dopant is directly doped in InAs QD at 2×1017/cm3. Undoped and doped QDIPs show a photoresponse peak at about 8.3 μm, ranging from 6~10 μm at 10 K. The intensity of the doped QDIP photoresponse is higher than that of the undoped QDIP on same temperature. Undoped QDIP yields a photoresponse of up to 50 K, whereas doped QDIP has a response of up to 30 K only. This result suggests that the doping level of QDs should be appropriately determined by compromising between photoresponsivity and operating temperature.