Due to the Fukushima nuclear accident, a large amount of radioactive material was released into the atmosphere, and consequently, it spread over a wide area and was deposited into the soil. As a result of this, a wide area of radioactive contamination site was created. Due to the contaminated site, the need for research on various exploration platforms for efficient situation management and field response is being emphasized. Backpack-type radiation survey & monitoring equipment is useful for creating a contamination maps containing information such as Dose Rate, Radionuclide, Activity Concentration accompanied by spatial analysis when performing a Scan Survey that moves with a backpack on a wide area site. contamination maps are based on accurate radiological characteristic information. However, there is a problem in that the accuracy of the evaluation results is lowered due to changes in environment conditions or the variability of the dose rate and counting rate during scan survey. This problem should be solved by applying the influence of each variable to the underlying data. However, prior to this, it is most important to prepare the base underlying first. And this can be obtained through evaluation of detection performance through static survey. Therefore, in this study, the change in detection efficiency for the measurement height and radius of the backpack-type radiation survey & monitoring equipment based on the 3"×3" NaI(Ti) detector was evaluated. First, the height of the source and Backpack-type radiation survey & monitoring equipment was evaluated from 0 cm to 1 m, which is the height of the soil and detector when an adult male wears a backpack. The experiment was conducted using the 137Cs (383 kBq) point source, which is a nuclide mainly detected at the contaminated site. The measurement time was measured five times per one minute, considering that it was backpack-type equipment and a future scan survey. In addition, in order to evaluate the detection radius, the measurement was performed by changing the measurement distance up to 5 m at intervals of 50 cm. As a result of evaluating the detection performance of the backpack-type radiation surveys & monitoring equipment, it was confirmed that increasing the detection height and radius reduces the count rate in the form of an exponential function. In addition, it was confirmed that the detected radius varies depending on the height. Based on these results, we plan to conduct additional research to understand the scan survey and its sensitivity to various factors. Through this, the company plans to develop various models for exploring the site by improving the accuracy of backpack-type radiation surveys & monitoring equipment.
본 연구는 택지개발사업으로 조성된 단독주택용지가 ‘주택의 노후화와 토지이용의 혼재, 비주거시설의 확산, 공실(빈집) 증가 등으로 주거환경이 악화됨에 따라 범죄가 증가할 것이다’라는 가설 아래 진행되었다. 조성된 지 27년이 지난 단독주택용지를 대상으로 1996년 토지이용실태에 관한 연구 자료와 비교·분석하고, 주거환경과 폭력·절도범죄 발생(2006~2018년)과의 관계를 분석․고찰하였다. 연구 결과, 첫째, 1996년에 비해 2016년 비주거시설이 2배 이상 증가하며 지구 내 집산도로에 접한 주거지 내부로 확산되었고, 업무와 종교, 공실의 비율이 증가하였다. 둘째, 폭력범죄는 통과교통이 발생하는 보조간선과 집산도로에 접한 용도혼재 필지에서 발생비율이 높았고, 제2종근린생활시설 중 주류 판매시설이 밀집한 곳에서 집중되어 발생하였다. 셋째, 절도범죄 중 침입절도범죄율이 높게 나타났고 비주거건축물(39.7%) 보다 주거건축물(60.3%)에서 발생률이 높았다. 넷째, 공실이 있는 건축물에서의 범죄율은 높지 않지만, 공실이 입지한 가로의 인접 건축물과 노상에서 중복적으로 범죄가 발생되었다. 이러한 분석결과는 노후주거지의 주거환경 향상을 위해 주민과 행정 및 경찰이 협력하여 CPTED 사업 추진에 활용할 수 있고, 향후 단독주택용지를 조성함에 있어 ‘안전성’을 확보할 수 있는 가로 및 필지체계 계획과 지구단위계획에 반영할 수 있다.
The torque shear high strength bolt is clamped normally at the break of pin-tail specified. However, the clamping forces on slip critical connections do not often meet the required tension, as it considerably fluctuates due to torque coefficient dependent on lubricant affected temperature. In this study, the clamping tests of torque shear bolts were conducted independently at indoor conditions and at construction site conditions. During last six years, temperature of candidated site conditions was recorded from -11℃ to 34℃. The indoor temperature condition was ranged from -1 0℃ to 50℃ at each 10℃ interval. As for site conditions, the clamping force was reached in the range from 159 to 210 kN and the torque value was from 405 to 556 Nㆍm. The range of torque coefficient at indoor conditions was analyzed from 0.126 to 0.158 while tensions were indicated from 179 to 192 kN. The torque coefficient at site conditions was ranged from 0.118 to 0.152. Based on this test, the variable trends of torque coefficient, tension subjected temperature can be taken by statistic regressive analysis. The variable of torque coefficient under the indoor conditions is 0.13%/℃ while it reaches 2.73%/℃ at actual site conditions. When the indoor trends and site conditions is combined, the modified variable of torque coefficient can be expected as 0.2% /℃. and the modified variable of tension can be determined as 0.18%/℃.