동사리(Odontobutis platycephala)의 생태적 특징을 연구하기 위해 2022년 1월부터 2022년 12월까지 자호천에서 조사를 실시하였다. 본 종의 서식지 하상구조는 작은돌(cobble)과 조약돌(pebble)이 풍부하였다. 수심은 평균 64(22~153)㎝로 깊었으며, 유속이 0.89(0.42~1.46)m/sec로 빨랐다. 암수 성비는 1 : 1.02 이었고, 채집된 개체의 전장 범위는 38㎜에서 156㎜ 이었다. 전장빈도분포도에 따른 연령은 5월 기준 전장이 38~69㎜는 만 1년생, 70~99㎜는 만 2년생, 100~139㎜는 만 3년생, 140~156㎜는 만 4년생 이상으로 추정되었다. 2차성징으로 생식적 유두(genital papilla)는 암컷의 경우 원통형 모양이며 수컷은 끝이 뾰족하여 원뿔 모양이었다. 암컷의 경우 60~69㎜에서 일부 개체만 성적성숙을 하였고 70㎜ 이상이면 모두 성적성숙을 하였다. 수컷은 70~79㎜에 해당하는 개체 중 일부만 성적성 숙을 하였고 80㎜ 이상에서 모두 성적성숙이 이루어졌다. 산란시기는 5월부터 시작되어 7월에 끝났으며(수온 17~28℃) 산란 성기는 6월로 추정되었다(수온 24℃). 포란수는 평균 988(284~2,722)개 이었고 성숙란은 짙은 노란색 구형으로 직경이 1.46(1.19~1.71)mm 이었다. 전장-체중과의 상관관계식은 BW=0.00000006TL3.12로 상수 a는 0.00000006를, 매개변수 b는 3.12 이었다. 비만도 지수는 평균 K=1.44(0.96~2.26) 이었고 기울기(Slope)는 -0.0007로 음의 값을 나타 내었다.
The mesh selectivity of gill net for Japanese sandfish (Arctoscopus japonicus) caught in the East Sea, Korea was described. The experiment was conducted with five different kinds of mesh size (39.4, 45.5, 51.5, 53.0, 57.6mm) between November and December 2006 in spawning season. The catch was mostly Japanese sandfish (93.3%) and some others (6.7%), and almost all of the female Japanese sandfish were larger than the fork length at 50% maturity (16.7cm). The selection curve for the female Japanese sandfish caught from the experiments was fitted by the Kitahara's method to a polynomial equation which was s(R)=exp{(0.2584R3-5.3445R2+32.269R-59.868)-0.6585} where R=l/m, and l and m are fork length and mesh size, respectively.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the differences fatty acids and hormonal parameters in the spawning and non-spawning season between the diploid and induced triploid Far Eastern catfish, Silurus asotus. The measured triploids were produced by cold shock for 50 min at 4℃ in May 2014, the spawning season of diploid was in May, and the nonspawning season was designated in January. Estradiol and testosterone and gonadosomatic index of diploid were higher than those of induced triploid in spawning season (P<0.05), and those of diploid in spawning season were higher than nonspawning season. On the other hand, thyroid stimulating hormone and thyroxine of induced triploid were higher than those of diploid in spawning season (P<0.05). Erythrocyte count of diploid was higher than that of induced triploid in spawning season and non-spawning seasons. Mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin of induced triploid were higher than those of diploid in both seasons (P<0.05). Percentages of total saturated fatty acids and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids of induced triploid were higher than those of diploid in spawning season, but those of diploid were higher in non-spawning season (P<0.05). Percentages of total mono unsaturated fatty acids and total n-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids of diploid were higher than those of induced triploids in spawning season, while those of induced triploid in non-spawning season were higher (P<0.05). Therefore, induced triploids in the spawning season tend to concentrate on growth and lipid-synthesization, whereas, diploids concentrate on reproduction and gonadal maturation rather than on growth. In non-spawning season, growth and lipid- synthesization were not significantly different between diploid and induced triploid.