To non-destructively determine the burnup of a spent nuclear fuel assembly, it is essential to analyze the nuclear isotopes present in the assembly and detect the neutrons and gamma rays emitted from these isotopes. Specifically, gamma-ray measurement methods can utilize a single radiation measurement value of 137Cs or measure based on the energy peak ratio of Cs isotopes such as 134Cs/137Cs and 154Eu/137Cs. In this study, we validated the extent to which the results of gamma-ray measurements using cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) sensors based on 137Cs could be accurately simulated by implementing identical conditions on MCNP. To simulate measurement scenarios using a lead collimator, we propose equations that represent radiation behavior that reaches the detector by assuming “Direct hit” and “Penetration with attenuation” situations. The results obtained from MCNP confirmed an increase in measurement efficiency by 0.47 times when using the CZT detector, demonstrating the efficacy of the measurement system.
In this study, the impact load resulting from collision with the fuel rods of surrogate spent nuclear fuel (SNF) assemblies was measured during a rolling test based on an analysis of the data from surrogate SNF-loaded sea transportation tests. Unfortunately, during the sea transportation tests, excessive rolling motion occurred on the ship during the test, causing the assemblies to slip and collide with the canister. Hence, we designed and conducted a separate test to simulate rolling in sea transportation to determine whether such impact loads can occur under normal conditions of SNF transport, with the test conditions for the fuel assembly to slide within the basket experimentally determined. Rolling tests were conducted while varying the rolling angle and frequency to determine the angles and frequencies at which the assemblies experienced slippage. The test results show that slippage of SNF assemblies can occur at angles of approximately 14° or greater because of rolling motion, which can generate impact loads. However, this result exceeds the conditions under which a vessel can depart for coastal navigation, thus deviating from the normal conditions required for SNF transport. Consequently, it is not necessary to consider such loads when evaluating the integrity of SNFs under normal transportation conditions.
This study investigated the effectiveness of various chlorinating agents in partitioning light water reactor spent fuel, with the aim of optimizing the chlorination process. Through thermodynamic equilibrium calculations, the effects of using MgCl2, NH4Cl, and Cl2 as a single chlorinating agent or applying MgCl2, NH4Cl, and Cl2 sequentially for spent fuel chlorination were evaluated Furthermore, in this study, assuming the actual process operation situation, where only a part of the semi-volatile nuclides is removed during the heat treatment process, and including the process of precipitating the molten salt from the chlorination process with K3PO4 and K2CO3 precipitants, the percentage distribution of 50 nuclides in the light water reactor spent fuel into each process stream was quantitatively calculated using the simulation function of the HSC program and tabulated for intuitive viewing. Compared to a single chlorinator, sequential chlorination more effectively separated the heat and radioactivity of the spent fuel from the uranium-dominated product solids. Specifically, the sequential application of the chlorinating agents following heat treatment led to a final solid separation characterized by 93.1% mass retention, 5.1% radioactivity, and 15.4% decay heat, relative to the original spent fuel. The findings underscore that sequential chlorination can be an effective method for spent fuel partitioning, either as a standalone approach or in combination with other partitioning processes such as pyroprocessing.
PWR spent nuclear fuel generally showed an oxide film thickness of 100 um or more with a combustion rate of 45 MWD/MTU or higher, while CANDU spent nuclear fuel with an average combustion rate of about 7.8 MWD/MTU had few issues related to hydride corrosion. Even based on the actual power plant data, it is known that the thickness of the oxide film is 10 μm or less on the surface of the coating tube, and brittleness caused by hydride is shown from the thickness of the oxide film of about 80 μm, so it is not worth considering. However, since corrosion may be accelerated by lithium ions, lithium ions may be said to be a very important factor in controlling the hydro-chemical environment of heavy water. Lithium has a negative effect on the corrosion of zirconium alloys. However, since local below 5 ppb to prevent corrosion. maintained at a concentration between 0.35 and 0.55 ppm. Hydrogen is known to have a positive effect by suppressing radioactive decomposition of the coolant and suppressing cracks in nickelbased alloys. However, too much hydrogen can produce hydride in a pressure tube composed of Zr-2.5Nb, so DH (Disolved Hydrogen) maintains the range of 0.27–0.90 ppm. pH and conductivity are completely determined by lithium ions, and DH can be completely removed below 5 ppb to prevent corrosion. Therefore, for cladding corrosion simulation of the CANDU spent nuclear fuel, a hydrochemical of the equipment, not 310°C, and 14 uS·Cm−1 is targeted as conditions for corrosion acceleration. In addition, for acceleration, the temperature was set to 345°C (margin 10°C), which is the maximum accommodation range of the equipment, not 310°C.
본 연구에서는 Li 환원법에 의한 PWR 사용후핵연료의 금속전환과정을 모사하는 프로그램을 개발하였고 이를 이용하여 Li의 양에 따른 사용후핵연료 산화물의 금속 및 염화물 전환량을 계산하였다. 이 프로그램에서는 Li 환원과정의 화학반응에 관련된 특성치와 열역학데이터를 데이터 베이스화하고 이를 입력 데이터로 사용하여 특정 Li 양에 의한 산화물의 반응결과를 전환률로 계산한다. 개발 프로그램의 성능을 평가한 결과, 와 를 제외한 나머지 산화물은 기존 코드 결과값과 6 % 이내의 상대오차로 잘 일치하고 각 산화물의 개별반응에서 산화물의 완전 전환에 필요한 Li 양의 계산값도 이론적 계산값과 정확히 일치함을 확인하였다. 또한 검증된 개발 프로그램을 이용하여 산화물별 Li과 금속전환률의 관계를 분석한 결과, 그 중에서 Li이 250 몰로 주어졌을 때 의 83.73%는 U로 전환된 반면 나머지는 산화물로 잔존하였고, 100% U로 전환시키는데 필요한 Li의 양은 297 몰로 나타났다.