바이오로거 외부 부착방법이 점농어 Lateolabrax maculatus(평균 체중 2630.8 g)의 혈액 특성과 바이오로거 부착효율에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위해 바이오로거 미부착구(대조구), anchor attachment (AA), monofilament attachment (MA) 및 silicon tube attachment (SA) 방식의 4가 지 실험구를 설정하였다. 바이오로거 부착 후 1, 7, 14, 28, 56 및 84일에 혈액성상과 바이오로 거 부착효율을 조사하였다. 혈액 내 hematocrit, Na+, Cl-, GPT, total protein 농도 및 superoxide dismutase 활성은 바이오로거 외부 부착방법에 영향을 받지 않았다(p>0.05). AA 그룹의 GOT (부착 1일), hemoglobin(56일) 및 total cholesterol(56일 및 84일)와 MA 그룹의 glucose와 cortisol (14일) 및 total cholesterol(84일) 농도는 대조구에 비해 유의하게 높았다(p<0.05). 실험 기간 동안 SA 그룹의 모든 혈액 특성은 대조구와 차이가 없었다(p>0.05). AA, MA 및 SA 그룹 의 바이오로거 부착효율은 부착 84일 후 각각 0.0%, 33.3%, 그리고 100.0%였다. 이상의 결과 에서 최적의 외부 바이오로거 부착방법은 SA 유형으로 나타났으며, 점농어의 생체원격측정 기술 개발을 위한 기본 정보로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.
This study examined the socioeconomic factors that affect self-rated health (SRH) in healthy adults, and the relationship of SRH to health-related habits, serum biochemical indices, and nutritional intakes. Subjects consisted of 1,154 healthy adults without any known disease, aged 19 to 65 years (average age of 36.7), whose information was obtained from the 2013 Korean National Health and Nutritional Examination Survey data. Of these subjects, 73 rated themselves as ‘very healthy,’ 460 indicated that they were ‘healthy,’ 568 self-identified as ‘ordinary’, and 53 put themselves in the ‘unhealthy’ category. The proportion of subjects who chose ‘unhealthy’ was significantly increased with higher frequencies of disruptions in their daily lives (p<0.05), regret after drinking (p<0.05), smoking (p<0.001), and higher levels of stress (p<0.001). On the other hand, the proportion of subjects reported as ‘very healthy’ was significantly higher with regular intense (p<0.001) or moderate physical activities (p<0.05), regular walking (p<0.05), a perception of being ‘normal’ in their body image (p<0.01), a decrease of body weight more than 3 kg in the past year (p<0.05), and without risk factors for metabolic syndrome (p<0.05). Serum triglyceride level was lower, and 25-(OH) vitamin D content was significantly higher, in the ‘very healthy’ group as compared to the ‘unhealthy’ group (p<0.05). Dietary fiber and vitamin C intakes were significantly higher in the ‘very healthy’ group than ‘unhealthy’ group (p<0.05). The overall results suggest that a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, non-smoking, good stress management, and higher intakes of fiber and vitamin C, may be potential factors that affect one’s positive perception of health.
배관을 구속시키기 위한 원동형 배관 지지대 (Trunnion Pipe Support) 까 부착된 uß 간의 응-딱해석플 위하
여 유한요소해석을 사용하였다. 해석션파로 부터 얻어진 응역은 두께에 대한 평칸(막응역) 넷 선행 응→박( "","
힘응력) 으로 분류 되었므며, 분류된 응벽값은 암략에 악한 언차응략겨l 수 (B 1 ) 와 이자응역겨l 수 (C 1 ) , 보멘트에
의한 일차응력계수 (B" , Bιr) 와 이차응략셰수 (C객, C!T) 플- 추성하시 위하여 ASME Code 에 성의뭔것파 일치
하게 해석되었다 무차원의 함수로써 응력 세수에 대한 경험식 얀 새만히기 위하여 여서 ~i~ l;'l 의 해삭 2~ 수행하
We compared the spatial distribution of several heat stress indices (the Wet-Bulb Globe Temperature(WBGT) index, Environmental Stress Index (ESI), and Modified Discomfort Index(MDI)) for the heat wave of June 6 ~August 26, 2016, in Daegu. We calculated the heat stress indices using data from the high density urban climate observation network in Daegu. The observation system was established in February. 2013. We used data from a total of 38 air temperature observation points (23 thermometers and 18 automatic weather stations). The values of the heat stress indices indicated that the danger level was very high from 0900-2000h in downtown Daegu. The daily maximum value of the WBGT was greater than or equal to 35℃ The differences in the heat stress indices from downtown and rural areas were higher in the daytime than at nighttime. The maximum difference was about 4 before and after 1400h, and the time variations of the heat stress indices corresponded well. Thus, we were able to confirm that the ESI and MDI can be substituted with the WBGT index.