
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2005.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to nut a survey on the seasonal menu and consumer's acceptance test of free meals for the elderly facility in Sungnam Region. The elderly meals of the free lunch meal service were mainly composed of staple food, hot soup, and three kinds of side dishes. Questionare for accentance test was developed based on the seasonal menu including 13 kinds of cooked rices, 43 kinds of soups and 94 kinds of side dishes. The test was run for 104 elderly living and receving the service in the area. Average age of the subjects was 75.9 and 43% was male 57% was female. The 81% and 88% of the subject answered 'yes' on the intake of breakfast and dinner respectively representing high percentages of regular meal habits of the elderly. The cooked rice with black beans had significantly the highest acceptance score among the rice group and soups prepared with chunggukjang and cabbage had higher accentance scores(P<0.05). In the side dish groups, broiled eed, croakers, and various kinds of namuls had relatively higher scores than the others with significant difference at P<0.05.