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        검색결과 5

        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Most demand forecasting studies for telecommunication services have focused on estimating market size at the introductory stage of new products or services, or on suggesting improvement methods of forecasting models. Although such studies forecast business growth and market sizes through demand forecasting for new technologies and overall demands in markets, they have not suggested more specific information like relative market share, customers’ preferences on technologies or service, and potential sales power. This study focuses on the telecommunication service industry and explores ways to calculate the relative market shares between competitors, considering competitive situations at the introductory stage of a new mobile telecommunication service provider. To reflect the competitive characteristics of the telecommunication markets, suggested is an extended conjoint analysis using service coverage and service switching rates as modification variables. This study is considered to be able to provide strategic implications to businesses offering existing service and ones planning to launch new services. The result of analysis shows that the new service provider has the greatest market share at the competitive situation where the new service covers the whole country, offers about 50% of existing service price, and allows all cellphones except a few while the existing service carrier maintains its price and service and has no response to the new service introduction. This means that the market share of the new service provider soars when it is highly competitive with fast network speed and low price.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Celebrity endorsement is defined as an agreement between a publicly recognized celebrity and an entity to use the celebrity’s fame to promote a brand or product. Generally, a celebrity is defined as a famous singer, actor, or athlete who frequently appears in public. The celebrity uses his/her public recognition to persuade consumers to purchase a specific product by the endorsement, and the celebrity accepts remunerations from the firm. Celebrity endorsement has been prevalent as an advertising strategy and many advertisers invest enormous amount of money for the celebrity endorsement. Prior research has examined the economic benefits or effectiveness of celebrity endorsement and found that celebrity endorsement attracts attention from consumers and polishes a tarnished brand image, and the celebrity may help advertisements stand out, thus improving their communicative ability. Apart from a general celebrity endorsement advantage, previous studies have found the factors that affect the success or failure of celebrity endorsement. An attractive celebrity can positively influence advertising evaluation, and a celebrity with expertise can increase consumers’ purchase intention through product. In addition, consumers prefer a product endorsed by a highly trustworthy celebrity. Specifically, on the economic worth of celebrity endorsement, most studies have indicated a positive effect. An announcement of a celebrity endorsement contract can bring a positive abnormal benefit to a firm’s stock price. Celebrity endorsement also helps increase the intangible value of a firm, which is the source of competitive edge and sustainable growth. However, despite recent interest in the return on advertising investment, it is not known how and which source factor of the celebrity endorsement can be explained with the firm value. By using text mining and sentiment analysis, the results of this study explain that the sustainable firm value is impacted by various sources of celebrity endorsement. First, the number of words regarding celebrity attractiveness, expertise, and trustworthiness has an impact on the sustainable firm value. Among the three sources, trustworthiness has the biggest impact on the sustainable firm value, which is Tobin’s Q. Second, regarding attractiveness and expertise, increasing proportion of positive words has impact on the firm value. On the other hand, regarding trustworthiness, the number of negative words on occupational issues is important. Third, different celebrity expertise has different impact on the sustainable firm value depending on the degree of job uniqueness and replaceability. Fourth, once the celebrity has lost his/her trustworthiness, the negative impact is hardly recovered as the negative interaction effect between positive impact of celebrity expertise on the sustainable firm value and the loss of trustworthiness is over seven times higher than the positive effects from the expertise. This implies that if an advertiser carefully manages other effects except for the loss of trustworthiness, he/she cannot offset the failure.
        2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As broadcasting and telecommunication are vigorously fused in network, terminals, services, business and markets, content industry's value chains (production, distribution, consumption) are changing. Especially, I tried to find out how changes in cultural content industry policies such as sharp increase in content demands according to multi-platforms took place in terms of laws, budgets, organization and support policies, and suggest cultural content industry policies based on experts' evaluation on support policies for the cultural industry. The results of this study are as follows. First, the government's supporting systems should be integrated by considering roles of policies, promotion, and regulations for the industrial development; Second, the cultural industry should be developed based on culture and art; Third, supporting efforts which used to be provided on genre should be selected and focused to stress industrialization based on infrastructure setup for the cultural industry; Fourth, by activating cultural content distribution, foundations for domestic consumption and exports should be built firmly; Fifth, leading projects should be developed which satisfy suppliers and users based on industrial policies; Finally, we should expect problems caused by fusing content policies of broadcasting and communication and make policies to guarantee profit models in the market, and keep providing policies which can boost markets as well as maintain development momentum.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Accident analyses are used to identify common factors contributing to occupational accidents and to give recommendations for accident prevention. This study concerns with the accident characteristics and prevention in the telecommunication service industry. To investigate the accident characteristics, we used workers' compensation reports and employers' accident analysis reports. Three hundred and forty-five injury accidents which results in more than 4 days absence were surveyed. These data were used to investigate the accident characteristics in terms of company size, injured person's age, work experience, accident time, activity at time of accident, accident type, injured body part, and accident agency. We propose the accident prevention policy based on the accident characteristics. These results can be used to develop more effective occupational safety management policies in the telecommunication service industries.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The importance of the telecommunication industry is well recognized. However, few studies provide a systematic approach to measuring the competitiveness of this industry. In this paper, competitiveness and globalization indices are developed within the framework of the generalized double diamond model. These measures are calculated from the survey data of the evaluation of Korea`s telecommunication industry by foreign investors in Korea. Policy makers will find these two indices useful in formulating effective policies to enhance the competitiveness of the telecommunication industry.