Societal concerns associated with aviation industry’s carbon-intensive nature and impending peak oil has become more pronounced over the last decade. With a potential to address both of these issues, the use of biofuels in aviation stands as the most promising pathway towards achieving sustainable air transport system. Significant progress continues to be made in overcoming technological and economic challenges of using 2nd generation biofuels in air transport industry. However, a truly sustainable and effective market deployment of aviation biofuels requires an extensive collaboration between feedstock providers, biofuel producers, governments, airlines, and the public. Thus, we deploy a multi-level perspective (MLP) framework to analyze these interactions on a micro- (niches), meso- (regime), and macro- (landscape) level. In particular, the framework captures the significance of international nature of air transport industry and the inter-industry dependencies of biofuel supply-chain. The results of this study highlight the barriers, drivers, and strategies for advancing social acceptance and establishment of sustainable aviation biofuel market.
Purpose - Usage of E-services is critical for businesses to maximize work efficiency and gain competitive advantage. The aim of the study is to explore how awareness of technology and e-services usage in an emerging economy in Pakistan. The studies aimed to explore as to what extent these factors can potentially motivate transport employees towards e-services; who are generally not aware about technology and hence also not confident in using it also.
Research design, data, and methodology - Employees from the three transport subsidiary units from a large private company in Pakistan were sampled for the study. Through using self-administered technique, the questionnaires were distributed during the month of April, 2016 to 189 employees. A total of 150 responses were taken further for analysis where the study found a positive link between awareness of technology and e-services usage.
Results - This study found positive relationship between intention to use and e-service usage among the employees of three subsidiary units. The paper has reported 30 percent variance explained by the predicting variables in relation with e-services usage.
Conclusions - Employees could be motivated to use e-services and latest technology through enhancing their awareness about their respective importance and viability. Accordingly, organizations can foster employees’ intentions to use to enhance e-service usage.
본 연구는 분석적 모형의 도출과 함께 실증적 자료를 통하여 해운산업의 적정부채비율을 추정 가능하게 하는 한 가지 접근방법을 제시하고 실제로 최적 자본구조를 위한 부채비율지표를 제시하는 데 구체적인 연구목적을 둔다. 그 분석적 모형은 독립변수를 부채비율로 하 는 자기자본순영업이익률 계산식으로부터 출발한다. 관련모수는 매출액영업이익률, 총자산회전율과 순금융비율(금융비용대부채)로 구성되는 데, 매출액영업이익률과 총자산회전률의 경우 부채비율과는 어떠한 상관관계가 존재한다고 보기 어렵지만 금융비용율은 부채비율과 상관관 계 또는 인과관계가 존재한다고 볼 수 있다. 즉 부채비율이 높은 기업은 재무위험에 대한 대가로 무위험이자율보다 높은 대출금리를 부담해 야 할 것이다. 이 경우 금융비용율과 부채비율 간에 1차 선형 관계가 존재할 것이고 이러한 관계를 고려하기 위한 방정식을 분석모형에 추가 할 수 있다. 이러한 분석적 절차에 따라, 적정부채비율의 기준을 자기자본순영업이익률을 극대화하는 부채비율 수준으로 정의한다면, 두 식으 로부터 통해 자기자본순영업이익률은 부채비율을 독립변수로 하는 2차함수로 나타낼 수 있다. 그리고 우리나라 수상운송업의 12년 자료를 기 초로 회귀분석을 통하여 관련모수를 추정하고 최적부채비율을 산출한 바, 약 400%임을 확인하였다. 결론적으로, 우리나라 해운산업 부채비율 의 경우, 매출과 영업이익이 안정적이라면, 과거 재무적 안전성을 담보하는 부채비율로 강제하였던 200%의 2배인 400%까지도 적정부채비율 로 용인될 수 있을 것이다.
An environment of world marine port today is rapidly changing. Importance of a hub port is being maximized along with appearance of a large container ship, and Busan port is also growing with the goal as a hub port of Northeast Asia. Busan port currently has competitive power as the 5th top port in the world, but increase rate of transportation quantity, is low compared to Shanghai port in China and other ports in Northeast Asia. For a port to obtain competitiveness, investment on infrastructures of a port is necessary and also it has close relation with an intraregional port logistics industry. However, a port logistics industry in Busan area has a hard time avoiding a small size due to the government support on major companies. Therefore, this study will analyze difficulties of small port logistics companies and the related companies as to vitalize port logistics industry in Busan area in hopes to help vitalizing regional economy.