This study analyzed the catch data of Chionoecetes japonicus in the offshore trap fishery from 2009 to 2022 to investigate the spatial distribution changes of fishing grounds in the East Sea. The results showed that the center of the fishing grounds consistently shifted offshore and northward from 2009 to 2020, but moved back towards the coastal areas since 2020. When comparing the catch of C. japonicus from the offshore trap fishery between 2009-2015 and 2016-2022, statistically significant differences were found (p<0.01). Analysis of the center of the fishing grounds revealed that they gradually shifted offshore while the fishing grounds were initially concentrated in the coastal areas of the East Sea. This suggests that the center of the fishing grounds moved offshore and northward as the C. japonicus in the coastal fishing grounds decreased. The shift of the fishing grounds back towards the coastal areas since 2020 is attributed to the increased operational costs due to the soaring fuel prices and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to a decline in consumer demand for live seafood consumed in restaurants. Consequently, the offshore trap fishery for C. japonicus shifted their focus from offshore areas, which required higher operational costs due to increased fuel consumption and longer fishing times, to coastal areas, that were relatively less costly. This study is the first scientific results of its kind to investigate the formation of fishing grounds and annual changes in the fishing grounds of C. japonicus caught in offshore trap fishery in the East Sea from 2009 to 2022.
최근까지 우리나라 연근해어업에 있어서 불법어업은 대부분의 업종에서 매 우 다양하게 지속적으로 발생되고 있다. 이러한 불법어업의 유형 중에서도 조업중 수산관계법령상 어업규제 조치를 위반하는 통발어업, 문어단지어업, 자망 어업 등 정치성·부설형어업의 경우 문제가 되는 것이 폐어구를 많이 발생시키 고 있다는 것이다. 특히 통발어업이나 문어단지어업은 거의 대부분 어업규제 조치를 위반한 불법어업으로 유실어구를 많이 발생시키고 있다. 이렇게 발생되 는 폐어구는 연약한 해양생태계 환경을 파괴하고 유령어업을 유발시켜 수산자 원 감소로 이어지고 있기 때문에 수산자원의 보호ㆍ관리 측면에서도 많은 문제 가 있고, 연간 어획량의 10%인 약 3,800억원의 수산업 피해가 발생되고 있다는 점이다. 또한, 어구용 스티로폼, 플라스틱, 나일론 그물망 등으로 제조된 폐어구가 바 다에 장시간 방치될 경우 미세플라스틱이 발생된다. 이를 해양생물들이 섭취하 고 결국 우리의 식탁에 오르게 되면, 인체에 매우 유해한 물질을 최종적으로 인간이 섭취하게 된다. 이런 사유로 세계식량농업기구, 유엔환경계획 등 국제 기구를 비롯한 어업 선진국에서는 해양생태계 환경 오염, 유령어업으로 유발되 어 수산자원 감소로 이어지고 있는 폐어구 발생 저감을 위한 적극적인 관리대 책을 강구하고 있다. 본 연구는 불법어업으로 폐어구를 발생시켜 해양생태계 오염 및 유령어업을 유발함으로써 수산자원을 감소시키고 있는 통발어업과 문어단지어업에 대한 어업규제 위반행위를 근절시킴으로써 폐어구 발생 저감을 위한 방안을 모색하 였다. 따라서 현행 어업규제 관련 법령을 검토, 그 문제점을 고찰하여 폐어구 발생 저감을 위한 법적 개선방안을 제시하고자 한다.
Offshore trap fishery managers have payed in advance to attract excellent fishing crew in the minium grantee lay system. This practice can intensify competition among fishery management bodies and increase the burden of fishery manager about income tax and four social insurance programs. The purpose of this study is to identify the problems of advance payment practice in terms of fishery manager in offshore trap fishery. The main results of this study are as follows. First, under the TYPE 1 model, which is the current wage payment manner, there is a risk that fishery manager will not able to return the prepayment paid in advance when the income of fishery management bodies decrease. Second, the TYPE 2 or the TYPE 3 model which reduces or abolishes advance payment can alleviate the burden of fishery manager relative to the deduction of redemption amount, incentive to induce artificial expenses, income tax and four social insurance programs. In conclusion, advance payment practice in offshore trap fishery is placing a heavy burden on the fishery manager. In order to solve these problems in the future, we need to find solutions through similar case studies.
The species composition and variation in abundance of fishery resources near Oenarodo, Go-heung Peninsula, Korea, were investigated by gill net, trap net, and longline in May, July, and October 2015 and 2016. During the study period, the total catch included 14 species in the gill net, 11 species in the trap net, and 4 species in the longline. The dominant species were Portunus trituberculatus and Raja pulchrain the gill net, Charybdis japonicaand and Octopus vulgarisin in the trap net, and Muraenesox cinereusin in the longline. The Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) per individual and per weight in the gill net were similar in May and July of 2015 and 2016. In October 2015, the CPUE per individual was 2.1 ind./h and the CPUE per weight was 505 g/h higher than the results in 2016, but there was no significant difference in the total CPUE between 2015 and 2016. In the trap net, the CPUE per weight was similar in both 2015 and 2016, but the CPUE per individual was 2.7 ind./h higher in October 2015 than in October 2016 and the total CPUE was not significantly different from 2015 to 2016. The CPUE per individual and weight in the longline were significantly higher in July and October 2015 than in the same months of 2016, but the total CPUE in 2015 and 2016 did not show a significant difference.
Estimating fishing capacity is one of current hot issues in the international fisheries. It is because that increased fishing capacity has caused not only fish stocks to be reduced, but also additional fishing costs to be incurred without additional incomes, which resulted in decrease of economically viability of fisheries. In order to solve this problem, FAO adopted 'the International Plan of Action for the Management of Fishing Capacity' in 1999 and recommended that member countries to measure fishing capacity and to implement the domestic action plan to reduce excess fishing capacity. This study is aimed at assessing fishing capacity of the octopus coastal trap fishery(OCTF) using data envelopment analysis(DEA) which is a method recommended by FAO. The DEA results on 10 individual OCTF vessels showed that the capacity utilization(CU) was a 0.93 on average, indicating some differences in CU among vessels(0.79-1.0). In addition, results of the sensitivity analysis revealed that under the current level of catch, the gross tonnage, horse power, days fished, and traps per trip could be reduced by 35%, 33%, 16%, and 18% on average, respectively.
Fishing power, which means performance of fishing vessel or catchability of fishing gear, can explain using by fishing power index(FPI) to compare fishery efficiency among uniformity types of fishery that work during the fixed period in specific fishing ground. This research analyzed on their fishing power and catchability using comparing each sampled vessels of coastal trap fishery for common octopus. The results showed that they were no difference in amount of used trap and immersed time etc. in CPUE among sampled vessels, and had no correlation of catch production due to vessel's tonnage. Most vessel's FPI estimates but 3 vessels were higher than the averaged, and showed similar fishing power in general. And then, CPUE and FPI showed that 4 to 5 tonnage vessels would be superior to another, 4 tonnage vessels had also good catchability. Therefore, we estimated that 4 tonnage vessels had the most efficiency work for coastal trap fishery for common octopus.