Load carrying capacity(LCC) can be reduced from its design value as a result of film thickness change when a journal is misaligned and some part of bearing is unintentionally translated. In this study, the numerical solution of the incompressible Reynolds equation was obtained by using the finite difference method and mass conservation algorithm (JFO boundary condition) with periodic pressure distribution in circumferential direction to analyze the change of LCC due to journal misalignment and step change of film thickness in axial direction for a journal bearing of vertical pumps. Smallest LCC in each eccentricity ratio is obtained as two angular positions are changed – an angular position where misalignment occurs, and another angular position where the axial step takes place while the degree of misalignment is fixed at 90%. Compared with the reaction force of plain journal bearing, the LCC reduced as much as 26.7% due to geometric effects of journal bearing at the eccentricity ratio of 0.9, while the step height is no higher than 0.1 times of bearing clearance.
본 연구에서는 농가현장에 보급되어 있는 350kW (175kW × 2대)급 수직형 지열히트펌프시스템으로 1,650m2 면적의 육묘온실에 2011년 6월 7일부터 9월 18일까지 냉방실험을 수행하여 냉방성능을 분석하고, 농가현장에서 지열히트펌프를 가동함에 있어 보다 효과적인 운용방법을 고려해보고자 하였다. 증발기측 물 온도차는 증발기 입구 물온도가 26.4℃에서 17.1℃로 변할 때 최대 1.7℃, 최소 0.9℃ 차이(평균 1.3℃)를 보였으며, 증발기 입구 물온도가 16.6℃에서 13.1℃로 변할 때 최대 1.1℃, 최소 0.8℃(0.9℃) 차이를 보였다. 히트펌프를 1대(175kW × 1대) 가동하는 경우, 증발기 입구에 유입되는 물온도 13.0~15.5℃(응축기 입구에 유입되는 물온도 19.4~21.2℃) 범위에서 냉방성능계수는 1.1~1.8, 발생한 냉방열량은 68.2~106.8kW, 소비전력은 61.0kW, 히트펌프를 2대(175kW × 2대) 가동하는 경우, 증발기 입구 물온도 10.0~13.0℃(응축기 입구에 유입되는 물온도 18.5~22.2℃) 범위에서 냉방성능계수는 2.0~2.7, 냉방열량은 203.9~262.0kW, 소비전력은 95~98kW 이었다. 6월의 누적 냉방열량은 14,718.6kWh(12,657,996kcal), 누적소비전력은 6,352.0kWh이었으며, 7월은 각각 26,765.1, 11,600.0kWh, 8월은 각각 28,437.2, 12,508.0kWh, 9월은 10,065.0, 5,125.0kWh로 8월이 가장 큰 냉방열량을 나타내었다.
This study is on the performance characteristics of bubble pump with vertical pipe of different lengths. For the experimental facilities composed of electrical heater used for providing heat source to generate bubble, a vertical tube with Ø4mm diameter, length of 200mm, 300mm, 400mm and 500mm. Storage tank with capacity was of 40 L containing a heat exchanger. The separator and condenser of the air bubble pump were installed separately. The results obtained from this experiment are as follows: there were a few variations of values of temperatures according to vertical pipe lengths of the bubble pump. The mass flow rate was increased by 0.17g/s when it was short as 200㎜ long pipe. But when vertical pipe length was 500㎜, it reached the normal temperature quickly because the slug flow occurred in this case at initial stage. Consequently, it was found that 500㎜ of the vertical pipe length was optimum for best performance of bubble pump.