PURPOSES: Recently, there are increasing bicycle accidents along with increasing bicycles users. Bicycle accidents occurred frequently by perpendicular collision form at intersection inner. In order to improve safety of bicycle, drivers need to be aware of bicycles on the road and intersection geometric designs need to be designed to reduce risk associated with collisions between bicycles and car. This study aims to review the location of bicycle crossing in the viewpoint of bicycle safety. METHODS: Four types of bicycle crossing by curve radius and driver's check around the behavior are set to simulate the risk of collisions between bicycles and car turning right. Simulation using fortran programming are conducted on total 60 cases. RESULTS : Bicycle crossing located behind of crosswalk is lower the risk of collisions with car in all cases. In addition to the larger curve radius of pavement edge at intersection and the more pay attention to the rear by the turn head to the right is too low the risk of collisions with car. CONCLUSIONS : It is show that the location of bicycle crossing is safer behind than in front of crosswalk in the viewpoint of bicycle safety.
This paper is the product development of environment and safety. In growing society, the bicycle is need to have a common goals for consumers convenience and theft prevention. The bicycle is movable means. But as times passed, that bicycle is strongly recommended to replace other vehicles because that is not produced to air pollution and energy(gas, diesel etc) insufficiency. As workers using a bicycle are increased, road for only bicycle is made by additionary. The bicycles happens to several moving accidents such as car accidents because of signal mismatch between bicycle users. However, using the development products of this paper, many accident problems for bicycle can be solved. As increasing of bicycles numbers, the high cost bicycles are too increased. So, the more theft of bicycle is also happened. The developed products(turn signal system and theft prevention system) through this study kept your bicycles from more convenience and more safe.
최근 우리나라는 행정안전부와 국토해양부의 주도아래 중앙정부와 지방자치단체에서 각종자전거 정책을 추진하면서 자전 거 이용인구의 증가와 함께 안전사고에 대한 대책이 요구되고 있다. 이는 자전거도로의 공간적 특수성 및 상황에 따른 설 계기준이 다르고 세부적인 설계기준도 구체적으로 마련되어있지 않고 자전거도로의 노면설계에 대한 그래픽 요소나 기준 도 지자체나 구간에 따라 제각각인 것이 현실이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 자전거도로에서의 안전성과 더불어 이용자들의 공 간 이용성을 향상시키기 위한 목적으로 서울의 한강 이남구간 중 양평지역을 대상지로 하여 기존 적용되고 있는 진행표시 인 화살표와 자전거 픽토그램의 시각정보 요소들의 배치를 우측으로 이동 변경하여 이용자들의 주행 위치를 비교 실험 해 봄으로서 일부 이용자가 진행표시 쪽으로 따라 주행하는 개선된 결과를 얻을 수 있었으며 이를 통해 향후 자전거도로에서 의 설계 기준에 반영될 수 있도록 기대하는 것이 본 연구의 목적에 있다.