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        검색결과 4

        2016.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper analyzes the technological competitiveness of biomimetic robot. By analysing papers on biomimetic robots published from 1996 to 2016, We were able to identify the biomimetic robot paper clustering and competitiveness of research institutions. Biomimetic robot's papers searched by SCOPUS database are classified in 6 clusters. According to clustering analysis, the papers have applied in the sequence of underwater robot(31.28%%), robot actuator(20.57%), ground robot{20.51%), humanoid robot(12.72%), robot sensor(9.28%) and micro flying robot(5.65%).
        2018.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper describes a study on posture control of the multi-legged biomimetic underwater robot (CALEB10). Because the underwater environment has a feature that all degrees of freedom are coupled to each other, we designed the posture control algorithm by separating each degree of freedom. Not only should the research on posture control of underwater robots be a precedent study for position control, but it is also necessary to compensate disturbance in each direction. In the research on the yaw directional posture control, we made the drag force generated by the stroke of the left leg and the right leg occur asymmetrically, in order that a rotational moment is generated along the yaw direction. In the composite swimming controller in which the controllers in each direction are combined, we designed the algorithm to determine the control weights in each direction according to the error angle along the yaw direction. The performance of the proposed posture control method is verified by a dynamical simulator and underwater experiments.
        2017.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The CALEB10 is a multi-legged biomimetic underwater robot. In the last research, we developed a swimming pattern named ESPG (Extended Swimming Pattern Generator) by observing diving beetle’s swimming actions and experimented with a positive buoyancy state in which CALEB10 floats on the water. In this paper, however, we have experimented with CALEB10 in a neutral buoyancy state where it is completely immersed in water for pitch motion control experiment. And we found that CALEB10 was unstably swimming in the pitch direction in the neutral buoyancy state and analyzed that the reason was due to the weight proportion of the legs. In this paper, we propose a pitch motion control method to mimic the pitch motion of diving beetles and to solve the problem of CALEB10 unstably swimming in the pitch direction. To control the pitch motion, we use the method of controlling additional joints while swimming with the ESPG. The method of obtaining propulsive force by the motion of the leg has a problem of giving propulsive force in the reverse direction when swimming in the surge direction, but this new control method has an advantage that a propulsive moment generated by a swimming action only on a target pitch value. To demonstrate validity this new control method, we designed a dynamics-based simulator environment. And the control performance to the target pitch value was verified through simulation and underwater experiments.
        2016.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        For articulated swimming robots, there have been no researches about controlling the motion or trajectory following. A control method for articulated swimming robot is suggested by extending a previous algorithm, ESPG (Extended Swimming Pattern Generator). The control method focuses on the situation that continuous pre-determined swimming pattern is applied for long range travelling. In previous studies, there has not been a way to control the propulsive force when a swimming pattern created by ESPG was in progress. Hence, no control could be made unless the swimming pattern was completed even though an error occurred while the swimming pattern was in progress. In order to solve this problem, this study analyzes swimming patterns and suggests a method to control the propulsive force even while the swimming pattern was in progress. The angular velocity of each link is influenced and this eventually modifies the propulsive force. However, The angular velocity is changed, a number of problems can occur. In order to resolve this issue, phase compensation method and synchronization method were suggested. A simple controller was designed to confirm whether the suggested methods are able to control and a simulation has affirmed it. Moreover, it was applied to CALEB 10 (a biomimetic underwater articulated robot) and the result was verified.